In biological fields, nano-biotechnology is the application of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary area that currently recruits techniques, technologies and facilities available in engineering, physics, chemistry and biology in both traditional and advanced avenues. A systematic literature review was conducted on the concepts, drawbacks, challenges, advances and applications of nanotechnology in the field of medical science. There are several possibilities for nano-biotechnology to advance medical research, thereby enhancing health care practises around the world. It is anticipated that several novel nanoparticles and nano devices will be used, with an immense positive effect on human health.Although nanotechnology's true clinical applications are still virtually non-existent, a large number of promising medical ventures are at an advanced experimental level. In medicine and physiology, the application of nanotechnology means that processes and devices are so technically developed that they can communicate with a high degree of precision with sub-cellular (i.e. molecular) levels of the body.Thus, with minimal side effects, therapeutic effectiveness can be achieved to the fullest by means of direct clinical intervention unique to the cell or tissue. In order to incorporate various components of nano-biotechnology in random clinical applications with success, more thorough research and careful clinical trials are still needed. In addition to the latest technologies, legal and moral issues still need to be discussed.