For humans, indoor air is the primary exposure. More than half of the world'sAir inhaled in the home is the body's consumption over a lifetime. Therefore, most diseases exposure to the atmosphere results from exposure to indoor air.For more than a hundred years, from the beginning of the hygienic movement around 1850 until outdoor environmental problems entered the scene, and became dominant around 1960, indoor air was considered to be a significant environmental factor. Outdoor air quality, electricity usage, and sustainable structures, although not indoor air quality, are major environmental concerns today (IAQ). But, there is growing evidence that the cause of excessive morbidity and mortality is exposure to IAQ.The indoor burning of biomass for cooking is the cause of at least 2,000,000 deaths each year in developing regions (mainly women and children), and the large cause of allergies, other hypersensitivity reactions, airway infections and cancers in the developed world is IAQ. Lung cancer is linked to exposure to indoor radon and ETS.Allergies, airway infections and sick building syndrome are associated with a low ventilation rate, plasticizers and, for example, “dampness ". More focus on IAQ and health problems must be put in the future.