Journal of the Gujarat Research Society <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="30%"><img style="max-width: 60%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="/images/grs_book_cover.png" width="228" height="283"></td> <td style="text-align: center;" width="70%"> <h2 style="text-align: center; margin: 0px !important;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Journal of the Gujarat Research Society</strong></span></h2> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Publication Language:</strong> English, Gujarati<br> <strong>Publisher :</strong> Gujarat Research Society<br> <strong>ISSN:</strong> 0374-8588<br> <strong>Discipline:</strong> Arts, Management, Social Science, Engineering,Pharmacy<br><strong>UGC-CARE List Group:</strong> Group D<br><strong>Impact Factor: </strong> 4.3<br><strong>Paper Submission:</strong> Online submission or Email to</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="border-style: solid; border-color: black; padding: 10px;">This is to alert all the Authors that a fake website <a></a>, imposing as The Journal of Gujarat Research Society website, have come to our notice. The maximum papers of this website is linked to the papers of <a></a>. All the stakeholders are advised to be careful and avoid falling prey to these potentially predatory websites. We are not publishing anywhere else. We are already in the process of taking legal action against such publishers and journals.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;">Founded in 1939, the Journal of the Gujarat Research Society was the mouthpiece of the Gujarat Research Society. The key objects of the Society were: ‘to promote, organize and co-ordinate research in all branches of knowledge with reference to Gujarat’; ‘to collect and publish accurate information on all subjects relating to Gujarat, Kathiawar and Cutch’; and ‘to publish the results of research and to popularize modern knowledge in English and Gujarati languages through journals, periodicals, books, lectures, photographs, films, etc’. The Journal of the Gujarat Research Society was as an interdisciplinary bilingual journal in the social sciences. Published quarterly in the months of January, April, July and October, the journal was run by an advisory board comprising scholars and eminent personalities such as V.P. Vaidya, P.G. Shah, Jivraj N. Mehta, Ramnarayen Pathak, G.V. Acharya, R.C. Shah, M.S. Commissariat, A.S. Kalapesi, and S.U. Shukla.<br> Jointly edited by C.N. Vakil and J.H. Trivedi, the journal published articles, notes and book reviews. The articles covered aspects of history, archeology, culture, society, religion, philosophy, law, art, and economy. The journal claimed to have adopted ‘a scientific and cultural approach in the discussion of all problems’. The articles were published in English or Gujarati. Published articles included H.D. Sankalia’s ‘In Search of Early Man along the Sabarmati’; P.C. Divanji’s ‘Pre-historic Aryan Settlements on the Soils of Gujarat’; R.G. Gyani’s ‘Archaeological Work in Gujarat’; A.S. Kalapesi’s ‘Stone Implements of the Palaeolithic Age from Kandivli, Bombay’; B. Bhattacharya’s ‘Wealth of Gujarat in Manuscripts’; M.G. Dikshit’s ‘History of Buddhism in Gujarat’; K.V. Rangaswami Aiyangar’s ‘Hindu Law in Gujarat’; P.G. Shah’s ‘Literacy in Gujarat’; K.B. Dave’s ‘Ancient Temples of Gujarat’; and P.M. Trivedi’s ‘Bibliography on Brahmanical Religions and Philosophy in Gujarat’. </span></p> en-US Journal of the Gujarat Research Society 0374-8588 UTILISATION AND CHALLENGES FOR SILICON BASED BIOMEDICAL SENSORS <p><em>The relevant works performed in the area of medical and biomedical sensing using silicon-based technologies is illustrated in the article. Owing to its distinct advantages over other predecessors in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, the use of silicon sensors is among the crucial and prolonged techniques used in a variety of healthcare, industrial and environmental applications. Between them, sensors are one of the most relevant for biomedical applications, which not only help improve the quality of human existence, but also aid in the field of microfabrication by exchanging information on how to create improved models of multifunctional sensing.This study emphasizes the use of silicon to manufacture electrodes and substrates for the sensors to use for biomedical sensing in various ways. Based on its application in prototype production, the electrical conductivity and mechanical stability of silicon differ to a large degree. The article further describes, along with some potential solutions, some of the obstacles that need to be resolved in the present situation. Finally, in order to predict a potential rise in the use of silicon in the production of a number of biomedical prototypes in the coming years, a brief survey is conducted.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. HannahJessi Rani Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 1 7 A REVIEW PAPER ON HYDROGELS <p><em>Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)HEMA was largely ignored until 1960. Ever since life on Earth, hydrogels have been present in nature. In the presence of water and other solvents, the polymerization of HEMA and crosslinking agents has contributed to the new field of biomedical hydrogels. This paper attempts to review the studies focused on classification, implementation and handling on the option of selectivity for hydrogels. Super porous hydrogels (SPHs) and super absorbent polymers (SAPs) are an exciting next generation group that has been highlighted as a perfect mould methodology for the analysis of solution-dependent phenomena.Owing to their potential in hi-tech implementations in the biomedical, medicinal, biotechnology, bioseparation, biosensor, agriculture, oil recovery and cosmetics industries, hydrogels, often referred to as smart and/or hungry networks, are currently subject to substantial scientific study. In reaction to minor shifts in the environment, smart hydrogels demonstrate a major physiochemical transition. Such modifications, however, are reversible; thus, after a reaction, the hydrogels are able to revert to their original state as soon as the catalyst is withdrawn..</em></p> Malathi.H Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 8 13 A REVIEW ON THE SENSORS FOR WATER QUALITY <p><em>Terrestrial life can be carbon-based, but water makes up much of its mass. Every organism for saving life need access to clean water. The pressure on the water supply of our world has risen dramatically, demanding intervention in the control and purification of water, primarily due to human activities. In order to measure the issue and verify the effectiveness of remedial intervention, water quality sensors are necessary. This study summarises the most common criteria of chemical water quality and latest sensor application advances available for tracking. Special focus is put on technology that make reagent-free, low-maintenance, autonomous and continuous monitoring possible.In specific, chemical resistors and other electrical sensors are mentioned here, although there is also discussion of mechanical, optical and electrochemical sensors. The dynamics of chemical signal transduction in sensor components, which are in direct contact with the analyte, is also the subject here. The aim is to demonstrate the success and remaining obstacles for an audience of physicists and materials scientists in the production of sensor materials and designs.</em></p> Dr. Ezhilarasan G Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 14 19 DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION STATUS OF FISHES REPORTED FROM MUNTJIBPUR POND OF ALLAHABAD <p><em>The natural resources are badly exploited by humans due to scientific and technological development. So there arises the need of the conservation of the natural resources. The conservation of environmental resources refers to management of human use of biosphere so that it yields maximum sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the requirements of the future generations.To find out the conservation status of the fishes that naturally exist in it, Muntjibpur pond was studied. From July 2014 to June 2015, the survey was performed. A total of 13 fish species belonging to 12 genera, eight families and five orders were described during the exploration. According to the latest edition of the IUCN Red List, out of 13 fish species listed, 1 species is currently under UV (vulnerable), 1 species is under NT (nearly threatened), 8 species are under LC (least concern) and 3 species are NE (not assessed). No fish species listed here fall under the category of EN (en-dangered).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Nupoor.N Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 20 24 NEED OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCE FOR THE WIDESPREAD BIODIVERSITY <p><em>The ecological equilibrium is a stable state between all plants and animals in an ecosystem and destabilization of this stable state is ecological imbalance that in turn exerts serious threats to widespread existence of biodiversity. An ecosystem constitutes a system of abiotic and biotic components together. An ecosystem requires three forms of diversity in order to sustain this system: biological, genetic and functional.The ecological equilibrium is maintained by the cyclic transfer of resources to the biosphere from the abiotic ecosystem and then back to the abiotic environment and preserving the balance of interaction within food webs. In the ecosystem, all these mechanisms must be maintained and any interaction with these cycles disrupts the ecological equilibrium and affects it.In order to preserve the rich and varied diversity of animals, plants and microbial life, which is necessary for the mutual survival and existence of all living beings, including humans, ecological equilibrium is currently a requirement.</em></p> Arjun Singh.M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 25 29 STATUS OF CATFISH DISTRIBUTION AND PROTECTION IN ALWARA LAKE, KAUSHAMBI DISTRICT (U.P.) <p><em>The natural resources are badly exploited by humans due to scientific and technological development. So there arises the need of the conservation of the natural resources. The conservation of environmental resources refers to management of human use of biosphere so that it yields maximum sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the requirements of the future generations. A good index of stable, rising, dynamic and economically productive water bodies is the diversity of fish. An attempt was made to research the fish fauna that naturally occurred during all 12 months of 2014 in Alwara lake in Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh. A total of 89 fish species belonging to 45 genera, 21 families and 9 orders were described during the exploration. Of these, 18 species of catfish belonging to 6 families of the Siluriformes order have been reported. According to the latest edition of the IUCN Red List, 3 out of 18 species of catfish known are protected by the NTT (near threatened), 12 are NE (not evaluated) under LC (least concern) and 3 species so far..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Nupoor.N Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 30 34 A SHORT REVIEW ON THE TOXICITY OF THE NANOMATERIALS <p><em>In the last decade, nanoscience has greatly evolved as it has moved from bench-top research to applied technology. In a wide range of consumer products, such as computer components, athletic equipment, sun creams and biomedical applications, nanomaterials are currently used. It is imperative that both staff and end-users be shielded from inhalation of potentially harmful NPs because nanomaterials are increasing a portion of daily consumer goods, manufacturing processes, and medical products. It also implies that NPs may need to be sequestered into goods so that during the life of the product or during recycling, the NPs are not released into the atmosphere.Furthermore, in order to clarify potential toxic effects, non-inhalation routes of NP absorption, including dermal and medical injectables must be researched. To date, fewer studies have examined whether the body can potentially remove nanomaterials to avoid the build-up of particles in tissues or organs.</em></p> Manjula.M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 35 40 A REVIEW ON THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE NANOMATERIALS WITH THE EFFECT OF THE ENVIRONMENT <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><em>The field of nanotechnology continues to expand rapidly and the increasing use in commercial products of engineered nanomaterials (NMs) translates into a growing presence in the biosphere.Increasing the use of engineered nanomaterials with novel properties has created a need to identify their environmental behaviors and impacts relative to their bulk counterparts.Engineered NMs are processed materials that have at least one nanoscale dimension (approx. 1-100 nm) on the scale.In environmental media, the high surface area to volume ratio of nanoparticles results in extremely reactive and physio-chemically dynamic materials. Multiple transformations, such as responses to responses with in both environmental and biological systems, bio-macro-molecules, redox reactions, aggregation, and dissolution can arise. The fate, transportation, and toxicity of nanomaterials will change these transformations and others.Before substantial progress can be made in understanding the environmental threats posed by these products, the existence and scale of these transformations must be known.</em></p> Manjula.M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 41 42 A REVIEW ON THE HISTORY OF THE AIR POLLUTION <p><em>For humans, indoor air is the primary exposure. More than half of the world'sAir inhaled in the home is the body's consumption over a lifetime. Therefore, most diseases exposure to the atmosphere results from exposure to indoor air.For more than a hundred years, from the beginning of the hygienic movement around 1850 until outdoor environmental problems entered the scene, and became dominant around 1960, indoor air was considered to be a significant environmental factor. Outdoor air quality, electricity usage, and sustainable structures, although not indoor air quality, are major environmental concerns today (IAQ). But, there is growing evidence that the cause of excessive morbidity and mortality is exposure to IAQ.The indoor burning of biomass for cooking is the cause of at least 2,000,000 deaths each year in developing regions (mainly women and children), and the large cause of allergies, other hypersensitivity reactions, airway infections and cancers in the developed world is IAQ. Lung cancer is linked to exposure to indoor radon and ETS.Allergies, airway infections and sick building syndrome are associated with a low ventilation rate, plasticizers and, for example, “dampness ". More focus on IAQ and health problems must be put in the future.</em></p> Akhilesh Kallumpurat Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 43 47 A REVIEWPAPER ON NANOTECHNOLOGY BASED METHODS FOR IMPROVING ORAL BIOAVAILABILITY <p><em>Oral administration, since it provides high patient enforcement, is the most convenient path between different drug distribution paths. However, in effective oral drug delivery, low aqueous solubility and poor enzymatic/metabolic stability of drugs are major constraints. There are many approaches to improving the hydrophobic drug issue. Among the different methods, the drug delivery method focused on nanotechnology has the potential to solve the problems associated with the oral route of administration.In many areas of medicine, there are innovative drug delivery systems available. In the management of hypertension, the use of these devices continues to broaden. In order to enhance the solubility profile, dissolution, and consequently the bioavailability of hydrophobic antihypertensive drugs, the present review focuses on the different nano carriers available in oral drug administration. The most popular, simple, and widely used route of administration is oral drug delivery as it offers benefits such as painless administration, no aid, and patient compliance compared to other routes such as intramuscular, intravenous, and pulmonary.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Renuka Jyothi. S Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 48 52 SUSTAINABLE HOUSE BUILDING: GREEN HOUSE <p><em>Thanks to a multitude of environmental stressors and poor adaptation ability the African continent is most vulnerable to climate change. Climate change stresses agriculture through rising temperatures and shifting patterns of precipitation, as well as increased soil instability, climate variability, pests and crop disease, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. Numerous strategies are being taken to increase these underserved famers ' potential for adaptation. Education on farming practices, food storage and preparation can be important steps in improving food safety. Educational programs are a method for educating farmers about the stressors of climate change and how they impact farming practices and food safety. Small, compact greenhouse solutions work to alleviate some of the effects of climate change and provide strategies for smallholder farmers to adjust to climate change.Greenhouses could not reverse climate change but are well suited to enhancing agricultural sector adaptive ability in developing nations. This article looks at sustainable greenhouses and their role in mitigating the effect of climate change on small holder farmers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Manashree Mane Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 53 57 APPLICATIONS OFNANO-BIOTECHNOLOGY: A STATE OF THE ART REVIEW <p><em>In biological fields, nano-biotechnology is the application of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary area that currently recruits techniques, technologies and facilities available in engineering, physics, chemistry and biology in both traditional and advanced avenues. A systematic literature review was conducted on the concepts, drawbacks, challenges, advances and applications of nanotechnology in the field of medical science. There are several possibilities for nano-biotechnology to advance medical research, thereby enhancing health care practises around the world. It is anticipated that several novel nanoparticles and nano devices will be used, with an immense positive effect on human health.Although nanotechnology's true clinical applications are still virtually non-existent, a large number of promising medical ventures are at an advanced experimental level. In medicine and physiology, the application of nanotechnology means that processes and devices are so technically developed that they can communicate with a high degree of precision with sub-cellular (i.e. molecular) levels of the body.Thus, with minimal side effects, therapeutic effectiveness can be achieved to the fullest by means of direct clinical intervention unique to the cell or tissue. In order to incorporate various components of nano-biotechnology in random clinical applications with success, more thorough research and careful clinical trials are still needed. In addition to the latest technologies, legal and moral issues still need to be discussed.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Upendra Sharma.U.S Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 58 62 A REVIEW PAPER ON GREEN NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY <p><em>Due to its ability to modulate metals into their nano scale, which effectively changes their chemical, physical, and optical properties, nanobiotechnology is gaining tremendous impetus in this period. Therefore, significant attention is given to the creation of novel strategies using biological sources for the synthesis of different types of nanoparticles of unique composition and scale. Most of the methods currently available, however, are costly, environmentally damaging and inefficient in terms of materials and energy usage.The quality and quantity of the synthesised nanoparticles and their characterization and applications are greatly influenced by several factors, such as the method used for synthesis, pH, temperature, strain, time, particle size, pore size, environment, and proximity. In addition, for their potential use in various drug delivery and biomedical applications, characterization of synthesised nanoparticles is important. The present review highlights the different parameters that influence the synthesis of nanoparticles by means of green nanobiotechnology and the various techniques used to classify nanoparticles for their potential use in biomedical and environmental applications.</em></p> Padmapriya.G Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 63 67 A REVIEW PAPER ON BIOGENIC SYNTHESIS OF NANOPARTICLES <p><em>The rebellion in materials science has been planned for many decades. In the field of using particulate systems to achieve different methods, there has been a strong research interest. Nanotechnology is the conception or synthesis of material with nanometer-scale precision (nanoparticles), by material science. Nanoparticles are classified in the range of 1-100 nm as particulate dispersal or solid particles.This study aims to present the biosynthesis and application of minutiae to nanoparticles. We have addressed various methods of synthesis here, i.e. chemical, physical and biogenic nanoparticle synthesis. The ability that nanotechnology and biological science have in common is immense. Realistic biologics are based on units with nanoscale dimensions (proteins, viruses, molecular motors, extra cellular matrix). Our key dictum is to concentrate on the different aspects of nanoparticle synthesis, characterization, and its imperative implementation by emphasizing nanoparticle biogenic synthesis</em></p> Suhas Ballal Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 73 76 A REVIEW PAPER ON NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS <p><em>Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary discipline covering a broad and complex spectrum of engineering, physics, chemistry, and biological devices. Rapid developments in science and technology have opened up nanotechnology, providing new prospects for advances in the fields of medicine, electronics, food and the environment. In many biological applications (bio sensing, biological separation, molecular imaging, anti-cancer therapy), nanoscale structures and materials (nanoparticles, nanowires, nano fibers, and nano tubes) have been investigated because their novel properties and functions differ drastically from their bulk counterparts.Many new possibilities are opened up by their high volume/surface ratio, increased solubility and multi-functionality. The goal of this review is to identify in various areas the potential benefits and impacts of nanobiotechnology. Nanotechnology can be defined as the science and engineering involved in designing, synthesizing, characterizing and applying materials and devices on a nanometer scale with the smallest functional organizations in at least one dimension. This technology provides new therapeutic possibilities for many agents that cannot be used effectively as traditional formulations because their weak functionality should be addressed by the author to whom correspondence should be addressed</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Swarupa.V Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 77 81 A STUDY ON THE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING COLLAPSE AND FAILURES <p><em>Building weakness also results throughout collapse although not detected and handled. In the past, several scholars have addressed numerous causes that lead to constant building failure including collapse. Many of the results are focused on personal results and, as being such, any consensus mostly on reasons of building failures but also collapses has not been achieved. Failure to create or fall exists both with developed with developing countries, however the rate of incidence in developing nations is very concerning and hence of worry. The danger of building collapse was somewhat disturbing and appalling. Housing collapse is becoming the conventions that can be quickly swept interior the carpet if it happens.In the light of this study, it was observed that construction materials such as steel reinforcement, asphalt, sand, granites, and sand Crete stones including concrete perform a significant role within either the collapse as well as stabilization with buildings. The functions of these components are so important that they make an enormous contribution to the collapsing of buildings. These were estimated that 10-25% of the collapsing buildings were due to the use of low quality construction materials. The study dealt thoroughly with the collapsing of buildings in relation to the function with building materials throughout construction</em></p> Dushyanth V Babu R Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 82 87 A STATE OF THE ART REVIEW ON PULSE SEEDS <p><em>Nutritious and sustainable matrices with a high degree of intrinsic microstructural complexity are pulse seeds. They produce high quality protein dependent on plants and large quantities of starch and dietary fiber that are slowly digestible. Within cotyledon cells, starch and protein in pulses are located that survive cooking and subsequent mechanical disintegration, thereby maintaining the bio encapsulation of natural nutrients. In this context, a range of techniques to separate individual cotyledon cells from these seeds have been explored by several scientists, aiming to expose their digestive and physicochemical properties.Isolated pulse cotyledon cells have also been highlighted in recent years as potential novel ingredients that could enhance the nutritional properties of food products traditionally consumed. Moreover, in populations where these seeds have not historically been eaten, they could allow the implementation of a strategy for increasing pulse intake.The main focus of this analysis is on the recorded digestive, physicochemical and techno-functional properties of pulse cotyledon cells isolated by various techniques, followed by a detailed description of the nutritional properties, the structural organisations and the typical pulse seed process chain. It also provides an outlook for research directions to be taken, based on the research gaps found..</em></p> Shashidhar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 88 92 A STUDY ON THE DEFORESTATION AND FOREST DEGRADATION ON THE POPULATION <p><em>Deforestation as well as forest degradation (D&amp;D) in the tropics therefore remained relevant and pose serious threats to the forests with livelihoods of all those who rely on forests also with forest resources. Rural households are also interested as essential representatives of D&amp;D in science literature including policy papers. There is little detail, however, as to why small farmers abuse forests and also what main drivers they are. We used behavioral research methods to capture environmental influences, attitudinal factors, and repetitive behaviors that form small - scale farmers' decisions. Deforestation has arisen as being one of main issues of the international population as it is due to substantial environmental impacts. Rural population development is not consistent with forest degradation, reflecting the significance of urban and foreign demands among agricultural products as causes of deforestation. The trend in the migration of individuals to cities in the tropics seems probably, counter-intuitively, over to be correlated with greater demand to clear rainforests. We thus indicate that strategies aimed at mitigating deforestation by local rural communities would not solve the key reason of deforestation throughout the future. Instead, attempts need to be made to minimize deforestation for commercial, export-oriented crop output, alongside efforts to raise yields throughout non-forested lands to meet the requirement of agricultural goods.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rashmi Kadu Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 93 97 A REVIEW PAPER ON FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY <p><em>This analysis provides an overview of the effect on food safety, efficiency, and the climate of novel non-thermal food technologies. It confirms that the key goal of research in this area is to examine the microbial and/or chemical aspects of food safety. Recent study, however, indicates that certain negative (quality-oriented) characteristics exist in spite of different food safety benefits. Finally, this paper highlights the need for an environmental study of the use of these technologies.In interdisciplinary sciences, in biotechnology and in many other fields of study and application, non-thermal technologies are used. They are used mostly for preservation in the handling of food and waste water in food production. In addition to the negative impact of heat on the nutritional properties of food, consumer demand for minimally processed foods is making non-thermal processing common in the food industry. Ensuring food safety is the key challenge of non-thermal manufacturing, and research efforts are focused on microbial inactivation, food safety, and preservation while preserving the quality of the products collected..</em></p> Gloria Christal Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 98 102 A REVIEW ON THE COMPOSTING OF THE SOLID WASTE IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES <p><em>The growth of populations, high urbanization and improved living standards have caused rapid changes in solid waste generation quantities and material compositions worldwide. Until recently, solid waste disposal has been considered more economical in landfills and open dump sites, and is the most commonly used technique in developed countries. The potential of other alternative approaches, such as the recovery and recycling of resources and their incorporation into waste management, has therefore been scarcely evaluated. Nevertheless, the ever rising challenges presented by the rapidly growing quantity and composition of solid waste in developing countries have led to the search for alternative methods of waste disposal. The paper provided an evaluation of the resource capacity of municipal solid waste materials from cities in developed countries as a strategy for municipal solid waste. Sustainable administration of solid waste. The paper established that high composting potential exists in the solid waste stream from cities in developed countries, using published data on solid waste composition.In conclusion, the rehabilitation recommended. Food waste products and composting and recycling papers for plastic, metals, textiles and others to discover their potential for resource recovery. This would minimize the final quantity of solid waste for disposal to a significant degree and lower maintenance costs. Sustainable waste management in developed nations can be accomplished through this policy. The paper is intended to provide a valuable guide for decision-making on waste management policies in developing countries.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Malatesh.S.Akkur Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 103 107 A LITERATURE STUDY ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION PROBLEM <p><em>This paper would address the problems regarding environmental pollution including waste management. Anything that involves us all is explicitly or implicitly related to the environment. Not just the man, but many other human beings, and others. Nature (volcanoes erupting, earthquakes) has an influences on environmental pollutions. Environmental pollution has been there from the absolute beginning Existence, yet today it's a major challenge that challenges the future of humanity. During the planning of scientific studies, we found a problem: "What's wrong? Is the environmental effect of waste management? ” "Today, every citizen living upon earth is concerned with environmental degradation because of the effects that every day, by the air that we consume, food with water we drink, pollution including radiation we are susceptible to. The implications of environmental issues are also shown by the scarcity of renewable energy, the loss of living organisms, and even the issues of global habitats and biological pathways. On the basis of the research issue, we may hypothesize: indeed, waste management does have a significant effect on environment</em></p> Sujay. S Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 108 113 A LITERATURE STUDY ON ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING FOR ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT <p><em>Creating a much more environmentally secure life obviously needs some vision as well as, as a fundamental component of almost any national plan, it ought to be sustainable as well as sound. Environmental issues are not new phenomena, and that in the background, we have come up with solutions towards them. Using the current science and economic system which has been made available. Even so, in recent years, it is becoming clear that these challenges are much more than research and economics, with that a modern innovative paradigm is required to replace conventional decision-making approaches.The paper indicates that environmental planning with management of peri-urban region could not be based purely on the analysis of planning methods and resources used in developed and developing countries. It must instead be focused on the development of a strategy that refers to the unique cultural, social, economic and structural facets of the peri-urban environments. The paper further discusses strategies to environmental design and management throughout the peri-urban area, exploring its specificity within terms of both problems and potential approaches to execution..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Suman O Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 114 120 ORGANIC CARBON SEQUESTRATION EXAMINATION THROUGH SOIL ADVANCEMENT <p><em>Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is, according to the Kyoto Protocol, a low-cost alternative to reducing increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. It is understood that the planet's trees and their soils have a high potential for atmospheric carbon sequestration. For the last two decades, scientists have been increasingly involved in terrestrial soil carbon storage processes. The goal of this study was to summarize the significant chronological progress of soil organic carbon sequestration (SOC) research and also to underpin the issues that have yet to be addressed globally by this research.The investigator recently published on the temperature sensitivity of organic carbon and its stabilization function in various types of soil. The researchers were interested in the contribution of microbial derived carbon to the recalcitrant SOC pool and the sequestration period of microbial derived carbon in different ecosystem types. Investment in SOC sequestration is certainly insufficient to fix the fate of sequestered carbon in different soil types and their stabilization mechanisms. India is a nation that spreads across regions with diverse types of fragile ecosystems and vulnerability to global climate change, from temperate to dry desert areas.</em></p> Yashaswini G M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 121 125 AN ANALYTICAL PAPER SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES <p><em>This paper adds to the discussion on the position of informal economy throughout solid waste management through analyzing the efficacy of informal industry's solid waste management activities in turning waste through non-waste throughout the region. Study on solid waste management throughout the informal economy has shown that major volumes of waste are created, signaling improper material efficiency in industries, particularly within food market region where larger amounts of biodegradable resources and vegetable waste remain produced and discarded of carelessly. The key purpose of the research was to explore the causes and effects with solid waste management activities on environment with human health.The key finding of the comprehensive literature study is that proof of detrimental health effects for the wider populace located close landfills, power plants, recycling sites including nuclear plants is largely inadequate and unclear. In order to increase the consistency and utility of epidemiological trials applicable to communities living in regions where waste treatment facilities are situated or expected, priority should be provided to controlled trials with adequate predictive capacity, with accessibility to human intervention exposure assessments and accompanied by evidence on biomarkers for health effects and biomarkers for susceptibility..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Suhas Ballal Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 126 131 A LITERATURE STUDY ON THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT STRATEGIES <p><em>Many river basins near or close to serious water shortages, exacerbated by the combined effects with agricultural expansion, industrialization and urbanization. The efficiency of government wastewater treatment plants with treatment of urban wastewater including waste water treatment plants for the treatment with waste water by small scale factories often fails to comply with the prescribed requirements. As a result, wastewater treatment through treatment facilities, which are mostly not appropriate for household uses, and the re-use with wastewater is largely confined to agricultural including industrial purposes. The creation of advanced wastewater treatment systems from diverse sectors is a subject of troubling worry to us.Only a number of research articles about wastewater were published pollution prevention experiments, but very little research work is being conducted on the handling of wastewater in the steel industry, in particular with regard to the nature of the industrial wastewater treatment (ETP) system. Another useful feature of this study work will become the recycle, reuse of waste water including sludge via the steel industry All methods for the treatment of industrial wastewater could be categorized into 4 categories:-Chemical, Physical, Biological including Mathematical Approaches..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rekha M.M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 132 136 A REVIEW ON THE BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES OF GANGA <p><em>As its water is used for human and cattle consumption, power generation, fish processing and irrigation and for pilgrimage, the Ganga River in northern India is of great importance. The upper Ganga River has known a total of 40 zooplankton species, four crustaceans, 15 molluscs, 51 insects, 83 fish, 12 freshwater turtles, two crocodiles, 48 aquatic birds and two species of mammals. The river has been under constant threat of sewage and industrial waste contamination, dead body disposal, deforestation, excessive fertilizer usage and pesticides, programs for bathing, pilgrimage and water production.The river's contamination has become a matter of concern for everyone. Any alteration in the aquatic ecosystem can alter the structure of the biotic population and its composition. The government of India has implemented an Action Plan for the biological conservation of the Ganga River. For example, several departments, the Central Ganga Authority, several research institutions, government and non-governmental organizations have done significant work on different projects. Local involvement in different programmes has significantly contributed to the ecological conservation of the Ganga River. This paper provides lists of species and addresses significant resource management concerns in the upper Ganga River.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Sujay.S Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 137 142 A REVIEW ON THE GANGA ACTION PLAN <p><em>The Ganga is not only a holy river, but also a lifeline for India's vast population, as it occupies over 26% of the country's area in its northern basin and drains 25% of the annual run-off. Rapid urbanization, industrialization and high demand for water have resulted in significant water quality depletion problems. Monitoring of water quality suggested that in some of the segments, the river is contaminated, the worst affected being between Kannauj and Allahabad, approximately 350 km long. Approximately 12,222 million litres of domestic wastewater per day (mld) and 2500 mld of industrial wastewater are produced in the basin, of which about 2573 mld of wastewater is generated along its shore.Many of its tributaries are highly polluted and chemical contamination indicated by BOD and pathogens indicated by coliform count are the major water quality issues. There is a fluctuating water quality pattern due to the flow conditions in the river that rely on rainfall and abstraction of water. It is very necessary that no waste water is discharged into the river, considering the shortage of water in the basin. In different segments of the river impacted by water abstraction, there is an immediate need to increase water availability in the basin through rainwater capture, water management and environmental flow determination</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Deepali Wankhade Deepali Wankhade Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 143 147 A STUDY ON THE ILLEGAL WASTE DUMPING INFLUENCES ON THE ENVIRONMENT <p><em>Illegal dumping seems to be the dumping of any waste, such as gasoline, equipment, machinery, rubbish, litter or landscape design, on any territory of the province, area, village other private property without the permission of the landlord. Illegal dumping has a significant negative and lethal effect on our environment and on all living species, both fauna including flora. This also brings attention to a range of environmental threats (fluid with dust) as well as poses a significant threat to both subterranean and shallow water supplies. Illegal dumps often trap organisms of all sorts, such as rats and beetles. For instance, illegal dumps including waste tires offer an almost ideal location where mosquitoes grow.In sticky, untreated water with waste tires, mosquitoes will reproduce 100 times quicker than anticipated. Exemplary for illegal landfill, the key aim of this study is to provide the possibility of remediation of polluted areas. : Unregulated waste sites do have huge effect on the region in which they are situated. Studies have demonstrated that the addition of waste sites could greatly improve the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Even so, the pathogen should be native to the area in which the waste project is situated. The development of a pathogenic bacteria as a result of waste sites in the region of concern cannot be shown.</em></p> Manashree Mane Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 148 153 A LITERATURE STUDY OF THE MARINE POLLUTION INFLUENCES ON OCEANS <p><em>Widespread usage of plastics through inadequate waste disposal methods have culminated in plastic wastes either being washed up on landfill sites or making its way further into high marines leading to global problems of underwater plastic pollution. Marine litter is of significant concern both towards marine biota including humans, since marine animal habitats is turned into a plastic broth, although humans face danger of severe health effects following the ingestion of plastic consumed marine products. There's also certain economic damages, such as destroyed ships, depleted fish stocks, decreased trade, depreciated value of coastal land, etc. Throughout India, plastic waste is known to have inflicted significant harm to biodiversity.There are several instances of entanglement with ingestion of plastic particles contributing to the death of marine organism in the region. This thesis offers a descriptive image about marine plastic waste in India as well as the subsequent future unless no or minimal measures are taken. Consultations by analysts and estimates from data were used to conclude at the studies.</em></p> Rashmi Kadu Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 154 158 A STUDY ON THE OIL SPILLAGE INFLUENCES ON THE OCEAN <p><em>As oil transporting continues to grow globally, many people are at danger of oil spillages and need to predict and brace for these. Factors that affect the effects of oil spillages are numerous and vary from biophysical to societal. We include a summary research paper and an outline context to help societies systematically understand the causes and interconnections that may affect the effects of a possible oil spillage. The emphasis is on leaks caused by oil tanker collisions. Drawing mainly on empiric analyses of recent oil spillage incidents, they concentrated on a range of core areas of interest: oil spillages themselves, emergency response, the physical aquatic environment, marine science, human health, economics and politics. Main variables that affect the magnitude of the effects are identified including major interactions among variables are established. The system will be used to explain the scope of the effects of oil spillages, to recognize lessons that could be translatable from many other oil spillage incidents, to establish contingency scenarios, and to advise risk reduction and policy research. Local discussions that aim to clarify and decreasing their exposure to future spillage-over disasters.</em></p> Jamuna. K .V Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 159 163 A REVIEW ON THE STUDY OF THE POLLUTION IN THE GANGA AND CONSERVATION OF GANGA IN MODERN INDIA <p><em>Pollution levels in the Ganga contribute 9-12 percent of the overall disease burden in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), according to a World Bank Funded Study (State of Environment Report-U.P.). The amount of coliform bacteria exceeds 2 lakh MPN compared to the national water quality standard of 5000. The overall health damage due to water contamination was estimated in the study to be about 6.4 million daily (Disability Adjusted Life Year). The total municipal sewage produced in the defined 25 towns in 1985 was 1340 million liters per day, according to the CPCB survey report (mld). In addition to this sewage, 260 ml of industrial waste water, 6 million tons of fertilizers and 9,000 tons of pesticides used within the basin in agriculture, significant amounts of solid waste, including thousands of animal carcasses and human carcasses, have been released into the river on a regular basis. Out of this, under the first step of GAP, works corresponding to just 873 mld (65%) were taken up. Under the 2nd stage of GAP, which is already in progress, the remaining sewage was to be taken up. The GAP and NRCP programmes have been optimistic, according to the Water Resources Planning Commission's report (May 2009). Monitoring of water quality by renowned independent institutions shows some change in water quality over the pre-GAP era. The study of water quality of samples collected at 16 stations on the Ganga River between 1986 and 2008 shows improvement in the levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) at 4 sites, namely up and down Allahabad and Varanasi streams. The decrease in biological oxygen demand (BOD) values is shown by all 16 stations except Patna downstream and Rajmahal. The level of BOD shows a substantial decrease in Allahabad and Varanasi, indicating an increase in the quality of water over the pre-GAP period. However, the BOD amount does not meet the requirement for bathing water at 7 of those 16 places. The situation for DO, for which the bathing standard is not reached at only one place, is much better. On the other hand, only the bathing norm is met in terms of total coliform count at one venue. The count exceeds the bathing level by several times. The Action Plan was mainly concerned with the interception and diversion of 873 mln of targeted urban sewage for treatment.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Shashidhar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 164 167 A STUDY OF THE GAS FLARING INFLUENCES ON THE ENVIRONMENT <p><em>his thesis deals via multi-faceted effect of gas flaring onto a global scale as well as the various method used by scientists to calculate flared gas as well as its subsequent emissions. It includes an introduction of the techniques used by these scientists throughout the oil with gas industry, academics and policymakers in their attempts to find ways of assessing and decreasing gas flaring as well as its emissions. To date, this method involves theoretical experiments, numerical studies, modelling, and computer simulations, respectively. The purpose of each analysis is to minimize the influences of gas flaring. The result shows that there appears to be no single global process, emission factors and estimation technique used within the oil sector as well as gas industry worldwide to assess the amount of flared gas, therefore its emissions through either complete or partial combustion, aromatic with Sulphur current hydrocarbons but this presents a continuous obstacle in deciding the real effect of flaring gas as well as its emissions towards humans and its function in environmental destruction at both regional and global stages. An effort has also been needed to fit up-to-date patterns throughout gas flaring including recent activities at one of the certain flared nations.</em></p> Gloria Christal Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 168 172 A LITERATURE STUDY ON THE INFLUENCES OF HEAVY RAINFALL ON ENVIRONMENT <p><em>The frequency of extremely heavy rainfall occurrence and subsequent flash flooding in several areas within recent years has inspired us to research long-term shifts in severe rainfall across India. An overview of the occurrence of rainy days, heavy rains and severe flooding days, and also everyday intense rainfall including return times was undertaken throughout this research to evaluate the effect of climate change with heavy rainfall occurrence and the likelihood of floods within India. The intensity with heavy rainfall occurrence is declining in most regions of central with northern India, although it is rising in the south, east including north east coastal India. The research attempts to demonstrate a few of the important observations that are very valuable for meteorological preparation including disaster management. Severe rainfall including flood danger are rising dramatically in the world, with the exception of some areas of central India. The stabilization analyses revealed a substantial decline in the protection factors from 2003 to 2050 because of a rise in rainfall rate, indicating that environment change could have occurred after 2009 with potential adverse influences on slope stability..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Akhilesh Kallumpurat Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 173 178 A REVIEW OF THE SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CLEANLINESS OF THE GANGA <p><em>Among all rivers in India, the River Ganga is considered to be the holiest and its water is believed to have properties to cure diseases untreatable by traditional medicines. It is considered so sacred that this water is preserved by individuals in India to perform their loved ones' last rites. The Ganga River flows through India and Bangladesh and is a trans-boundary river. It runs from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar for more than 2,500 km, passing through 29 major cities, 23 small towns and 48 towns. However, Ganga has become one of the most polluted rivers in the world as a result of the industrial revolution and our cultural practices on its shore, and more than 400 million people are affected by its waterborne diseases. In 1986, the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi launched the complicated "Ganga Action Plan (GAP)" to clean the river without any success. Now, under the "Namami Gange Programme," Mr. Narendra Modi has taken a task to clean the Ganga with a budget of Rs 20,000 crores over the next five years. This study will examine why GAP was ineffective, whether or not Ganga will be cleaned in this century? And what is the influence of the dream project plan of Modi Govt and the present situation of Ganga in Varanasi.</em></p> Ashwathi Vijayan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 179 183 A LITERATURE STUDY ON THE CLIMATE VARIABILITY INFLUENCES ON ENVIRONMENT <p><em>The emphasis of the vast majority among climate change influences research remains on climate change. These adjustments are more stable in terms with climate model performance than changes within climate variability. Through reflecting towards climate change, the complete effects of climate change across biological including human processes are likely to be significantly underestimated. There we briefly discuss the future impacts from changes within climate patterns and the occurrence of extreme incidents over biological including food systems, via an emphasis mostly on developing globe. They are proposing a new study that tentatively connects rising climate variability towards growing food insecurity throughout the future. The requirement to reframe science problems in just such a manner how they can offer actionable responses towards decision-makers around the food sector and the requirement for improvement in climate with environmental monitoring. Improving awareness of full spectrum of influence of climate change across biological including food systems is indeed a crucial step towards being adequate to address consequences of climate variability as well as catastrophic weather for human vulnerability including food security, especially in agriculturally dependent developing nations facing challenge of needing to feed constantly increasing populations throughout the coming years.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Monica Simon Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 184 189 A REVIEW ON THE CLEANLINESS DRIVE OF THE GANGA <p><em>To provide life-giving and life-sustaining support for the ecosystem and ecology, Ganga is considered sacred by individuals. 'Ganga snan' is treated with reverence as a sacred dip in the river to rid one of his committed sins. That is the Its banks were places of worship for Gods for soul searching and cleansing, believed to be the entrance to the heavenly dwelling for the pious souls. The Ganga River, is now sadly depleted and completely polluted by the building of dams and dams, the discharge of untreated municipal and industrial waste, floral offerings, and the cremation of dead bodies on its banks. The most polluted part of the river is known as Kanpur to Trighat. The paper revealed this vital condition of the river based on a review of the published accounts and study findings by different institutes and studies.The people. It also sheds light on the policies and plans of action to rejuvenate the Ganga to its pristine quality.</em></p> Suman O Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 190 194 REVIEW ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH <p><em>In this paper, the principal environmental and health impacts of energy are discussed according to the scale at which they occur. About half of the world’s households use solid fuels (biomass and coal) for cooking and heating in simple devices that produce large amounts of air pollution—pollution that is probably responsible for 4–5 percent of the global burden of disease. At the workplace scale, solid-fuel fuel cycles create significant risks for workers and have the largest impacts on populations among energy systems. In communities, fuel use is the main cause of urban air pollution, though there is substantial variation among cities in the relative contributions of vehicles and stationary sources. The chief ecosystem impacts relate to charcoal production and fuelwood harvesting. There are important opportunities for ‘no regrets’ strategies that achieve benefits at more than one scale. For example, if greenhouse gas controls are targeted to reduce solid fuel use in households and other energy systems with large health impacts (such as vehicle fleets), significant improvements can occur at the local, community, regional, and global scales.</em></p> Yashaswini G M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 195 200 REVIEW ON NOISE POLLUTION <p><em>The study examines the problem of noise pollution in the wake of its ill effect on the life of the people. A cross section survey of the population in Delhi State points out that main sources of noise pollution are loudspeakers and automobiles. However, the population is affected by religious noise a little more than male population. Major effects of noise pollution include interference with communication, sleeplessness, and reduced efficiency. The extreme effects e.g. deafness and mental breakdown neither is ruled out. Generally, a request to reduce or stop the noise is made out by the aggrieved party. However, complaints to the administration and police have also been accepted as a way of solving this menace. Public education appears to be the best method as suggested by the respondents.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ramachandra. N.U Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 201 205 NOISE POLLUTION AND HUMAN HEALTH <p><em>Noise pollution is a major problem in cities around the world. Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Environmental noise consists of all the unwanted sounds in our communities except that which originates in the workplace. Environmental noise pollution, a form of air pollution, is a threat to health and well-being. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, urbanization, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. It will also continue to grow because of sustained growth in highway, rail, and air traffic, which remain major sources of environmental noise. In factory workplace workers are exposed to high noise due to machinery in routine. The potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive, persistent, medically and socially significant. Noise produces direct and cumulative adverse effects that impair health and that degrade residential, social and working environments with corresponding real (economic) and intangible (well-being) losses.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> M. Sudhakar Reddy Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 206 209 REVIEW ON NOISE POLLUTION AND ITS SOURCES <p><em>Noise is a type of pollution and impacts on our health and wellness. The prevalence of noise is increasing in magnitude and severity because of urban lifestyle and no or bad governance of noise in the region as the rules are flouted routinely. Noise pollution leads to many chronic and socially significant impacts. The present study investigates the level of awareness about noise pollution in all over the country, its causes, its health impacts and solutions among the youth in the country. The study concludes that the majority of educated youth is aware about noise pollution, its causes and probable health effects but the vast majority of educated youth did not perceive noise pollution as an environmental challenge and ranked it as least important threat to the health and environment.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Chethan. M Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 210 214 IMPACT OF NOISE POLLUTION ON HUMANS AND ANIMAL’S LIFE <p><em>Human actions generate acoustic noise, emanate artificial light and emit chemical substances. All of these pollutants are known to affect animals. Most studies on anthropogenic pollution address the impact of pollutants in unimodal sensory domains. High levels of anthropogenic noise, for example, have been shown to interfere with acoustic signals and cues. However, animals rely on multiple senses, and pollutants often co-occur. Thus, a full ecological assessment of the impact of anthropogenic activities requires a multimodal approach. We describe how sensory pollutants can co-occur and how covariance among pollutants may differ from natural situations. We review how animals combine information that arrives at their sensory systems through different modalities and outline how sensory conditions can interfere with multimodal perception. We realize that such an approach is often time and energy consuming, but we think this is the only way to fully understand the multimodal impact of sensory pollution on animal performance and perception.</em></p> Manashree Mane Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 215 221 A REVIEW ON THE YAMUNA ACTION PLAN <p><em>For several human activities, water is a primary resource, and rivers are a significant source of water in different parts of India. Problems with the water environment are progressively becoming serious across Asia, which is witnessing rapid progress. This is due to the increasing human population, urbanization, and Activities in economic terms. In particular, riverine water supplies are increasingly becoming vulnerable. River water management is an essential field of natural resource management that spans several disciplines and needs public involvement through appropriate institutions in order to be successful. First of all, this paper addresses the critical situation of the water supplies of the Yamuna river and the need for public action. The Yamuna River originates at Yamunotri in Himalayas and crosses through Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal, drawing water from many big streams in the upper stretch of 200 km The implementation of the Yamuna Action Plan will then be addressed and a broad management structure will demonstrate the institutional approach to river water management, using suitable policy instruments to achieve the objectives.</em></p> Rashmi Kadu Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 222 227 RESEARCH ISSUES IN THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES <p><em>This paper features the vital job that exploration in the humanities and sociologies can and should play in policymaking, business, development, and so on The paper likewise recognizes the difficulties looked by specialists in the humanities and sociologies and these incorporate the proceeded with minimization of such examination contrasted and research in the orders of the regular sciences; the assignment of humanities and sociologies hypothesis and approach; the absence of subsidizing of research; the absence of time for analysts because of expanded showing burdens and organization. Openings have been distinguished that can be seized to make research obvious by guaranteeing that it answers the necessities of society and policymakers also, that there are more cooperation, association, and interdisciplinary examination. The paper likewise draws upon the experience at the University of Botswana.</em></p> Vinodh Kumar GC Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 228 231 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HUMANITIES <p><em>Taking into consideration the global shift towards innovation and technological development, the rapid changes in the global economy, and the United States Department of Education’s attempts to find a one-size-fits-all solution for America's education woes, our national focus has shifted towards the STEM subject’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This move to STEM-centered instruction has tested the part of the Humanities in American instruction, presenting worries that the mind-boggling accentuation on STEM disciplines has pushed human expressions, Humanities, and human sciences out of the way or even totally good and gone in American study halls. In our ever-changing innovation centered world, the Humanities are required in our study halls now like never before to give equilibrium and point of view. The Humanities fortify our worldwide view, expand our scholarly establishment, instruct us to convey unmistakably, help us to create innovative and basic reasoning abilities, instruct us to be issue solvers, make connected with residents also, masterminds, strengthen social and moral duties and qualities, assist us with understanding the way that science, innovation, and medication have had on society, and make balanced scholastics, understudies, and scholars. It is the ideal opportunity for our country to understand that the Humanities are not simply a stylish extravagance to be filled in as a side dish in the corridors of advanced education, however a fundamental piece of balanced training that should start in the primary school years and proceed all through an individual's life.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rekha Sinha Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 232 237 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AT WORKPLACE <p><em>The study of affect in the workplace began and peaked whereas job satisfaction generally continues to be loosely but not carefully thought of and measured as an affective state, critical work in the 1990s has raised serious questions about the affective status of job satisfaction in terms of its causes as well as its definition and measurement. Recent research has focused on the production of moods and emotions at work, with an emphasis, at least conceptually, on stressful events, leaders, work groups, physical settings, and rewards/punishment. Other recent research has addressed the consequences of workers’ feelings, in particular, a variety of performance outcomes (e.g., helping behaviors and creativity). Even though recent interest in affect in the workplace has been intense, many theoretical and methodological opportunities and challenges remain.</em></p> Xavier V K Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 238 242 A PAPER ON DEPRESSION AT A WORKPLACE <p><em>There has been considerable interest recently in the relationship between depression and the workplace. This interest is driven by the growing recognition that depressive disorders are highly prevalent in the workplace and have an enormously negative impact on performance, productivity, absenteeism, and disability costs. A variety of clinical research with occupational related samples has helped to define those at risk for depression and has led to a better understanding of the overlap of the construct of clinical depression with more longstanding occupational health and organizational psychology models such as stress, burnout, and job satisfaction. From an employer perspective, depression’s impact remains largely unmitigated due to stigma, uncertainty about treatment’s cost effectiveness, and lack of effective interventions delivered in a workplace setting. Progress in these areas is reviewed with suggestions for future directions.</em></p> Ms.Harshitha RaJ Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 243 248 DEPRESSION AND ITS RELIGIOUS INVOLVEMENT <p><em>We observe numerous capacity mechanisms linking non-secular involvement to depressive symptoms, main melancholy, and tension. Logistic and OLS regression estimations test five units of ability psychosocial faith mediators: perceived attitudes in the direction of and motivations for attendance; effective and negative spiritual coping; spiritual attitudes, beliefs, and spirituality; congregational aid and grievance; and interpersonal and self-forgiveness. compared to attending offerings less than as soon as a month or by no means, attending offerings as soon as a week but no greater is related to fewer depressive symptoms and tension signs and symptoms. Hypothesized mediators, including which means, interpersonal and self-forgiveness, congregational complaint, social attendance ideals, and negative coping are independently associated with one or greater intellectual health consequences.</em></p> Suyog G Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 249 254 CORRELATION OF RELIGIOUSNESS AND DEPRESSION <p><em>We reviewed data from approximately 80 published and unpublished studies that examined the association of religious affiliation or involvement with depressive symptoms or depressive disorder. In these studies, religion was measured as religious affiliation; general religious involvement; organizational religious involvement; prayer or private religious involvement; religious salience and motivation; or religious beliefs. People from some religious affiliations appear to have an elevated risk for depressive symptoms and depressive disorder, and people with no religious affiliation are at an elevated risk in comparison with people who are religiously affiliated. People with high levels of extrinsic religious motivation are at increased risk for depressive symptoms. Although these associations tend to be consistent, they are modest and are substantially reduced in multivariate research. Longitudinal research is sparse, but suggests that some forms of religious involvement might exert a protective effect against the incidence and persistence of depressive symptoms or disorders. The existing research is sufficient to encourage further investigation of the associations of religion with depressive symptoms and disorder.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Neetu Raina Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 255 259 PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND THE SUICIDAL BEHAVIOUR <p><em>The causes of suicidal behaviour are not fully understood; however, this behaviour clearly results from the complex interaction of many factors. Although many risk factors have been identified, they mostly do not account for why people try to end their lives. In this Review, we describe key recent developments in theoretical, clinical, and empirical psychological science about the emergence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours, and emphasize the central importance of psychological factors. Personality and individual differences, cognitive factors, social aspects, and negative life events are key contributors to suicidal behaviour. Most people struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviours do not receive treatment. Some evidence suggests that different forms of cognitive and behavioural therapies can reduce the risk of suicide reattempt, but hardly any evidence about factors that protect against suicide is available. The development of innovative psychological and psychosocial treatments needs urgent attention.</em></p> Supraja TJ Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 260 265 A SURVEY ON SUICIDE AND RELIGIOUS MYTH <p><em>Few studies have investigated the association between religion and suicide either in terms of Durkheim’s social integration hypothesis or the hypothesis of the regulative benefits of religion. The relationship between religion and suicide attempts has received even less attention. Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. No differences in the level of subjective and objective depression, hopelessness, or stressful life events were found.</em></p> Ankita Sajjan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 266 271 SUICIDE: A CAUSE OF DEATH <p><em>The wide variety of deaths in a large series of suicide attempters followed up after their tries became 3.5 times extra than predicted. Suicide or likely suicide befell in 2.9% through the end of the eighth years of comply with-up, the price of suicidal deaths being 27.1 times the anticipated charge. the highest chance of suicide was during the first three years, in particular in the first 6 months, following a try. elements identified at the time of the tries which were associated with suicide hazard covered: being male, advancing age (women best), psychiatric ailment (particularly schizophrenia), lengthy-term use of hypnotics, bad physical fitness, and repeat attempts. a recent disruption of a date with a companion and essential rows rarely preceded the tries of folks that later killed themselves. elements predicting lengthy-time period chance of suicide also expected quick-time period danger. There have been greater than double the expected variety of deaths from natural reasons, the excess being best in girls. Markedly excessive death charges have been found for endocrine, circulatory and respiratory illnesses, and accidents.</em></p> Ruby John Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 272 276 DEATH WITH DANGER: RISK ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUICIDAL ATTEMPTS <p><em>The current study examined whether common indicators of suicide risk differ between adolescents engaging in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) who have and have not attempted suicide in an effort to enhance clinicians’ ability to evaluate risk for suicide within this group. The prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt was 3.1% and 0.7%, respectively. We found female gender, being unemployed, low and middle household income than high household income, and having a family history of suicide were associated with higher odds of having suicidal ideation. Results suggest that adolescents engaging in NSSI who also attempt suicide can be differentiated from adolescents who only engage in NSSI on measures of suicidal ideation, reasons for living, and depression. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.</em></p> Mekhala Venkatesh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 277 283 THE REASONS BEHIND SUICIDAL ATTEMPTS <p><em>Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide; however, the prevalence and risk factors for the immediate precursors to suicide – suicidal ideation, plans and attempts – are not well-known, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Suicide, taking your own life, is a tragic reaction to stressful life situations and all the more tragic because suicide can be prevented. Whether you're considering suicide or know someone who feels suicidal, learn suicide warning signs and how to reach out for immediate help and professional treatment. You may save a life your own or someone else's. It may seem like there's no way to solve your problems and that suicide is the only way to end the pain. But you can take steps to stay safe and start enjoying your life again. The prevention of suicide has not been adequately addressed due to a lack of awareness of suicide as a major public health problem and the taboo in many societies to openly discuss it.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Xavier V K Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 284 288 YOUNGSTERS AND THEIR INCLINATION SUICIDE ATTEMPTS <p><em>To determine reasons for suicide attempts in adolescents and to examine the relationship between these reasons and psychological functioning. More manipulative reasons for overdose (such as making people sorry) were endorsed less frequently. Adolescents who cited death as a reason for their suicide attempt reported more hopelessness, socially prescribed perfectionism, depression, and anger expression. Discriminant function analyses indicated that high levels of depression and anger expression predicted a self-reported wish to die, and high levels of depression and socially prescribed perfectionism predicted death as the primary reason reported for the suicide attempt. Systematic assessment of the reasons for a suicide attempt is a useful tool for clinicians in determining recommendations for follow-up treatment.</em></p> Rekha Sinha Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 289 294 ANCIENT INDIAN PAINTING SECRETS AND MURAL ART METHODOLOGY AT AJANTA <p><em>Innovative examinations on Ajanta painted mortars (third – fourth Century A.D) have been endeavored for appropriate conservation methodology and planning of paint ground, distinguishing proof of materials and their rot cycle. Microstructures of layers alongside material design, organization and added substances utilized in the mortar were explored through colorimetry, XRF, FTIR, SEM-EDX, and so forth Molecule size of the dirt mortar investigated by laser dispersing indicated the utilization of high sediment (70 – 75%) and low earth soil, most likely sourced from the gorge of Waghura waterway and utilized for the planning of the mud mortar. Side-effects of endured basaltic stone, for example, celandonite and white zeolites, limited by natural proteic glue were found as filler in mud mortar also. FTIR spectra of paint ground and color layer showed the expansion of natural fastener that has now changed into Calcium oxalate. Likewise, the presence of vegetal issue saw with the FTIR examination, may be because of expansion of parts of cereals, (for example, the rice husk) developed in geological territory. SEM – EDX affirmed the presence of four unique layers. The procedure of painting remained practically indistinguishable in all the caverns with extremely minor variety as for the old Indian composition craftsmanship depicted in Indian old writings. An endeavor to plan mud mortar according to old formula has been featured for the comprehensive reclamation and safeguarding of Ajanta wall paintings (World Heritage Site – WHS).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Madhulika Srivatsa Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 295 299 NATURAL STONE MATERIALS IN ARCHITECTURE <p><em>The proposed audit article gives itemized knowledge into characteristic stone materials in engineering discernment. This paper gives progress on different parts of the five distinct kinds of stone materials, for example, marble, sandstone, stone, slatestone, and limestone utilized for development in the previous 3500 years for legacy construction and present day structures. Besides, the article additionally examined research facility tests and synthetic structure in characteristic stones with trend setting innovation. Future cycle and suggestion additionally examined to build up an exploration region on characteristic stones.</em></p> Deepthi Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 300 305 DELHI URBAN ART COMMISSION- A REVIEW <p><em>This investigation of the Delhi Urban Art Commission – a plan survey body in the post-pilgrim city of Delhi – clarifies its job and obligations, its viability, and its effect on the assembled climate of Delhi. The examination addresses the adequacy of the Commission. It declares that the Commission is important for Delhi as it is the lone organization that has the information and comprehension of metropolitan plan, advancement, furthermore, the complexities of the post-pilgrim city just as the legal ability to have an effect to Delhi's fabricated climate. An examination of the Commission's significant late choices proposes three key reasons for its insufficiency: both public and private offices routinely disregard the Commission's proposals; it endorses projects without adequate examination; and it neglects to successfully utilize its suo motu contemplates. The examination proposes measures to make it more responsible and straightforward, and to liberate it from political impedance to tackle its maximum capacity and reestablish its picture and force as imagined at its initiation.</em></p> Nagashree Narayan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 306 310 A STUDY ON ADIVASIS <p><em>As adivasis become progressively obvious as subjects indebates around transformation, personality, indigeneity, and development, the field of "Adivasi Studies, “Centered on the subject of the Adivasi, turns out to be progressively applicable. As anewly arising field, it draws in with archaeology, anthropology, agrarian history, ecological history, subaltern examines, native examinations, native studies, and formative financial matters yet adds to these debates that are explicit to the Indian setting. This exposition discusses some of the goals that cause a return to the field of Adivasi Studies convincing. It draws in with the ongoing dialogue among the individuals who compose the adivasis into the larger task of history</em><em>‐writing, and sets out the markers of the field of Adivasi Studies from an antiquarian's perspective. It reflects as much a portion of the quandaries that one faces while connecting with the field of Adivasi Studies.</em></p> Arun Sreenivasan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 311 315 LONG-RUN EFFECTS OF WORLD WAR-2 <p><em>This paper looks at the drawn out impact of contention on trust by utilizing changes in spots what's more, timing of battles during World War II. We center around the pre-school time frame, a significant life stage for the development of trust and an age where war openness may endure all through life. We find hearty proof that people presented to battles in the first six years of life show lower trust and social commitment well into adulthood. Considering the notable connection among trust and aggregate activity, our outcomes loan confidence to the hypothesis that brutal clash restrains well-working government in since quite a while ago run.</em></p> Richa Gupta Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 316 321 GOVERNMENT SPENDING ON STRUCTURAL CHANGE FOR THE DESTRUCTION IN SECOND WORLD WAR <p><em>This paper examines the since quite a while ago run impacts of the biggest government spending program in U.S. history–Second World War safeguard spending – on underlying change in neighborhood economies. We connect a dataset of war supply contracts with monetary information at the region level crossing from 1930 to 2000. Utilizing regions that got no protection spending as an examination gathering and controlling for prewar attributes, we find that wartime safeguard spending prompted supported redistribution of work to fabricating and other non-agrarian areas in war creation focuses, adding to the long haul populace development in those areas..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Jennifer Fernandes Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 322 326 DEFICIENCY OF VITAMINS DURING WORLD WAR-1 <p><em>Natural chemists examining the issue of the nutrients in the early long periods of the 20th century were working without an article. Despite the fact that they had built up a genuinely detailed thought of the character of the 'vitamin' and its part in digestion, nutrients were not yet biochemical items, but instead 'practical credits' and 'logical gadgets'. It has been propose that an early occurrence of the changing status of the object of the 'nutrients' can be found in their adjustment, through the course of World War I, as bio-political objects for the British and Allied war exertion. Nutrients arose as players, dynamic specialists, in Britain's wartime bio-political issues of food dissemination and populace wellbeing and due to this they turned out to be progressively genuine as bio-political articles, even preceding their confinement as bio-substance atoms. It has been propose that the materiality of our science has organization in the improvement of political systems and plans.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr.Greema Michael Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 327 331 REVIEW PAPER ON FARMER SUICIDES <p><em>This paper looks at the explanations behind farmer suicides in India. Powerlessness to get the correct value, crop disappointments, and unrealistic obligation are the elements that may drive the farmers to make this outrageous stride. A vital factor for farmers being not able to get market costs is wasteful horticulture production network the board. We locate that the purposes behind wasteful inventory network the executives remember absence of changes for the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act, low haggling power because of little ranch size, and absence of warehousing offices. Yield disappointments happen in light of helpless water system offices. Thinking about rural yield and precipitation information from four distinct states in India we discover proof for relationship between the recurrent segment of farming yield and precipitation information. Understanding this linkage is significant from the viewpoint of detailing request the executives’ arrangements</em></p> Dr. Ravikumar P Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 332 336 ABILITY GROUPING IS ON THE RISE, BUT SHOULD IT BE? <p><em>Ability grouping is on the rise in American schools. Teachers engage in this classroom organizational strategy with the purpose of meeting individual learners’ needs, improving student learning, and increasing test scores. Nonetheless, there is resistance to capacity gathering. Educators who don't rehearse capacity gathering regularly question its importance, trust it has a negative result on understudy accomplishment and self-idea, or like showing entire gathering guidance. This audit of the exploration writing looked to decide the adequacy of capacity gathering on kindergarten through 6th grade understudies. In particular, this survey analyzed what capacity gathering includes and the differing strategies for executing capacity gathering at the rudimentary level. Likewise, we explored the impact of capacity gathering on the scholastic accomplishment of cutting edge, on the level, and underneath level rudimentary understudies. At last, we investigated what capacity gathering means for the mental and social government assistance of youthful understudies.</em></p> Dr. Mahammad Habeeb Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 337 342 COLLAPSE OF DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM BY FAKE NEWS: A REMEDIAL STUDY <p><em>Fake news is nothing new there. In order to maximize materiality, history is full of endless examples of the fabrication of facts, called disinformation, commonly called lying, or bending the truth for political gain. Fake news is commonly considered to be as old as journalism itself, and "Gatekeeper" suggests that in respectable media outlets, trustworthy data has scarcely ever played a part. This position was questioned in the fast-moving era of the Internet, when rumors and false information became viral, often leading to disastrous consequences. With the rise of mass media and the development of the internet, the fourth pillar of capitalism's obligation has multiplied. With respect to fake news and the creative face of politics, the purpose of the research in front of us is to highlight the role of digital media across social media campaigns. This study paper also addresses a few incidents that have led to dissension in the country due to misinformation being disseminated by social media. In essence, the investigator has gathered several examples of the enormous problem that prevails in this research, the country. This article also addresses the steps taken by social networks in general..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Ravikumar P Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 343 347 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE CONSULTING <p><em>The purpose of this review was to analyze English language articles that addressed collaborative consulting in adapted physical education (APE). An orderly cycle was utilized to look through the writing in six unique information bases. To start with, article quality was investigated. In this way, topical arrangement of information was performed. Eleven articles distributed between 1995 what's more, 2015 that fulfilled the models for incorporation in the investigation were chosen. The outcomes were coordinated into seven topical classifications: the idea and meaning of interview, the part of the APE specialist, the arranging and documentation of APE counseling, the phases of APE counseling, general actual schooling and APE educators' discernments with respect to counseling, significant difficulties of APE counseling, and synergistic work preparing for actual schooling educators. All in all, in spite of the fact that research stays scant, the entirety of the chose articles strengthen the significance of community counseling for including understudies with inabilities as a rule actual instruction settings. Further examination, especially through exact investigations, should be supported.</em></p> Mrs. Nirmala MM Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 348 352 BILINGUAL EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE OF LEARNING? <p><em>In this paper the influence of bilingual education on the acquisition of the key learning to learn competence is examined. To do as such, bilingual (n = 1,966) and non-bilingual understudies (n= 14,713) of Castillo-La Mancha tried out the second year of Compulsory Secondary Education stepped through a progression of exams intended to survey two elements of the fitness of figuring out how to learn: "metacognitive procedures", comprised of two learning principles identified with metacognitive cycles, and "learning methodologies", a measurement comprising of five principles associated with psychological cycles. Results demonstrated bilingualism significantly affected the securing of the critical ability of figuring out how to learn.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Mekhala Venkatesh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 353 356 FEMALE PARTICIPATION RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL WRITING PUBLISHING <p><em>Historically, patriarchy and linguistic barriers have limited women's access to university careers. It is important to define the issue and take remedial action with appropriate data on gender difference with indiscipline. India is listed as the fifth research producer, but it has a consistently low gender bias index, and is a significant example of this. This study evaluates gender differences in 186 fields of research in an article published in the Indian Journal in 2017. Compared to the US, India continues to have a much lower number of first female writers, but there are smaller gender gaps in wide areas. In India, dental care, banking and mathematics are all more feminine, but veterinarians are much less feminine than in the USA. In order to promote them, men are on a trend to research object-oriented subjects and to study individuals and some life science themes for women.</em></p> Dr. Mekhala Venkatesh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 357 361 WRITING A REVIEW ARTICLE <p><em>The term research is notable to the legitimate world which assumes a significant part in finding the new issues and solutions, thoughts, methods, techniques, drugs, and so forth Great utilization of exploration information particularly in writing is imperative to make it beneficial for bigger local area. In writing of information, legitimate survey of writing is very essential to assemble research-issue related information. Author ought to follow the means all through collection of information during writing of survey article. Review of writing builds clearness, dependability, consistency and critical evaluation of proof. This paper attempts to clarify the rules and steps of review original copy writing</em></p> Dr.Neetu Raina Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 362 366 A PAPER ON COMFORT FOOD OF INDIA <p><em>Everybody has known about comfort food, however what precisely are they, and what impact, assuming any, do they really have over our disposition? In this audit, I sum up the writing on this significant point, featuring the job that comfort nourishments play in easing depression by preparing positive contemplations of past social cooperations, in any event among the individuals who are safely joined. The proof concerning singular contrasts in the sorts of food that are probably going to establish comfort nourishment for various segments of the populace is additionally featured. Intriguingly, while the vast majority accept that comfort food sources raise their disposition, hearty experimental discoveries on the side of such claims are to some degree harder to stop by. Such outcomes have prompted some compelling features recommending that the very idea of comfort food is just a legend. While this might be exaggerating matters fairly, it is clear that numerous vulnerabilities actually encompass if, when, and for whom, the utilization of comfort food truly gives a type of mental advantage. This speaks to something of a test for each one of those advertisers out there holding on to connect their items with the engaging thought of comfort food.</em></p> Dr. Richa Gupta Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 367 371 FROM FOOD SCARCITY TO FOOD SECURITY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE BALANCED NUTRITIONAL DIET <p><em>Industrial growth is upside-down, but per capita revenue does not have to adjust in relation to economic growth. In order to fill the nutritional level with a properly balanced diet, one needs the availability of the food along with the power to buy it, so it is necessary to take some steps that enable individuals to fully fill their need for a diet with proper nutritional value. This paper discussed both the aspect of food security and the nutritious diet importance. Even after passing so many yes after independence, the question of food security to provide a healthy nutritious diet to the people has been sustained in India. As India is placed second in the population worldwide, the rising population is also an addition to this problem. In view of the nutritional level and protein intake, the dilemma has turned into a major one when the question is the solution.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Jennifer Fernandes Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 372 376 BARRIERS IN EDUCATE THE GIRLS IN DEVELOPING AND UNDER DEVELOPED NATIONS <p><em>Education today has become a competitive arena where oppressed aspirations reside. These disputes involve caste, but more importantly, gender, class aspects; girls make up a higher proportion of India's deprived child population. The paper seeks to clarify the method of intersection to exclude the various girls from the school system. The methods the state adopted to solve these problems appeared to be disconnected and scattered. The mere presence of girls in schools is an insufficient indication of the challenges they face in schools or the gendered world outside, due to gender inequality. A systematic, multi-sectoral development needs to fix their particular vulnerabilities. Investing in girls' education affects communities, nations and the world at large. Girls' education boosts economies and breaks down inequalities. It contributes to more stable, inclusive societies that provide all people, including boys and men, with opportunities to realize their potential. Yet, education for girls is about more than access to school..</em></p> Dr. Suyog G Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 377 382 ROLE OF SELF HELP GROUPS IN REPRESENTING WOMEN IN SOCIETY <p><em>In the rural Indian region, this paper deals with both women's empowerment and their financial security. Since the Indian economy is based on agriculture and agriculture does not guarantee a fixed income, there is no fixed and continuous source of income for a marginal number of people with a rural background to support their family's daily needs. In rural areas, people's jobs are disguised as kind and many people depend on a single source of income or a piece of land. In order to support these people, the government has introduced a micro finance scheme, and the establishment of a self-help group (SHG) is part of the micro finance system. SHGs have proven to be a milestone in empowering women in villages, especially where a group of women (usually between 10 and 20) come together to achieve a financial goal to help each other.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Suyog G Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 383 387 REVIEW ON BLENDED LEARNING: IDENTIFYING THE KEY THEMES AND CATEGORIES <p><em>Blended learning is getting popular nowadays. Even though many studies have been conducted on online learning, studies specifically on blended learning are still scarce. This paper investigates a deliberate writing audit about mixed learning of 103 diary research articles. The reason of the audit is to investigate the status of mixed learning investigate and distinguish their topics and classifications as indicated by their substance. Twelve subjects are distinguished in the articles inspected in this paper. Discoveries demonstrated that these investigates predominantly have a place with six classifications: plan, system, factors, assessment, strategy, and audit. Investigates in each class are examined in this paper. Future headings for research are talked about.</em></p> Ms. Nirmala MM Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 388 392 BOARDING SCHOOL, ACADEMIC MOTIVATION AND ENGAGEMENT <p><em>Boarding school has been a feature of education systems for centuries. Little large-scale quantitative data have been collected to examine its association with important educational and other outcomes. The present study represents one of the largest studies into boarding school conducted to date. It examines all-inclusive school and understudies' inspiration, commitment, and mental prosperity (e.g., life fulfillment, relational connections) controlling for socio-segment, accomplishment, character, what's more, school covariates. The principle test involved 5,276 secondary school understudies (28% boarding understudies; 72% day understudies) from 12 secondary schools in Australia. A sub-example of 2,002 understudies (30% boarding understudies; 70% day understudies) had pre-test information, empowering investigations of gains or decreases in results across the school year. Results demonstrated transcendent equality among boarding and day understudies on most result factors, some humble positive outcomes preferring boarding understudies, and no eminent contrasts in gains or decays on results among guests and day understudies throughout one scholastic year. Suggestions for analysts, the boarding area, guardians and understudies are talked about.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Major (Dr.) Rekha Sinha Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 393 397 CORPORATE BODY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY <p><em>Ethical policy activities are of great significance for the advancement of every corporation or even at an individual level. One of the most important steps towards the development of the nation and organization itself is the harmonization of ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the course of the same ideology. In the past, there has been a lack of published literature on business ethics and corporate social responsibility working together in harmonization. In addition to observing the impact of the CSR on the brand development of an organization, the current paper has reviewed the activity of the CSR according to business ethics and also assessed the customer's attitude towards the organization's initiative. 500 respondents were chosen for the study from the various levels of the sectors as well as from different parts of society. The paper concluded that the CSR initiative is important, but a client first gives importance to the organization's corporate ethics and that value acts as a key input to the organizations branding</em></p> Dr. Mekhala Venkatesh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 398 401 PRACTICE AND RESEARCH IN CAREER COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT-2008 <p><em>Career guidance and student counseling is an extremely broad and a comprehensive concept, in order to implement this task effectively there are number of factors that need to be taken under consideration. The direction in regards to one's vocation and the advising of understudies includes a discussion between a lifelong advisor; who ought to be a specialist in his field, he ought to have all the abilities, capacities, information, and data in regards to the employment opportunities, possibilities, openings that are accessible and have the capacity to adequately speak with the individual who is looking for advising and direction. Then again, the understudies or occupation searchers or an individual who is now occupied with business and is happy to make a change is needed to have powerful relational abilities, a charming character, and agreeable nature, a pleasant demeanor, ought to be capable and have the necessary abilities and capacities to work and get drawn in into a work setting. In this examination paper, the specialist has led research to perceive the meaning of professional direction and understudy advising; the principle regions that have been underscored in this exploration paper are understanding the meaning of vocation direction and understudy directing, the outcome of professional direction, and understudy advising, motivations behind directing and direction, qualities of vocation advising, suppositions hidden the act of vocation guiding, and compelling components in vocation direction and understudy advising. Profession direction has acquired significance in every single instructive organization, in higher instructive establishments, there is a different advising focus where individuals who are in an uneasy state or stressed or worried about their vocation possibilities and future life, provide to gain help and with some timely help, so their interests can be reduced, they can obtain a business opportunity or get occupied with a decent profession which may bring them happiness.</em></p> Ms. Supraja TJ Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 402 407 A STUDY ON BUS SCHEDULING MODEL <p><em>Buses are the most widely used in transit technology today because bus networks</em></p> <p><em>are easily accessible and cheaper than other kinds of public transportation. They are worked in practically all urban areas with travel administration and in a larger part of them are the lone travel modes. The interest of travelers for utilizing transport network is higher because of less expensive and more territory cover. There are three essential specialists in the transport booking model: traveler, transport authority, and traffic. Conduct of travelers is including installment toll, request examples and holding up time in transport. Transport authority is including armada size, charge assortment framework, and recurrence. At last, the cooperation among traffic and transport network is including traffic signal, width roads and cover of transport lines. This audit covers a few transport booking models for various positions, for example, top hour traffic, non-top hour traffic, and focal business region.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Habeeb Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 408 412 SUICIDE ATTEMPTS BY ADOLESCENTS <p><em>Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for adolescents 15 to 19 years old. Pediatricians can take steps to help reduce the incidence of adolescent suicide by screening for depression and suicidal ideation and behavior. This report updates the previous statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is intended to assist the pediatrician in the identification and management of the adolescent at risk of suicide. The extent to which pediatricians provide appropriate care for suicidal adolescents depends on their knowledge, skill, comfort with the topic, and ready access to appropriate community resources. All teenagers with suicidal thoughts or behaviors should know that their pleas for assistance are heard and that pediatricians are willing to serve as advocates to help resolve the crisis.</em></p> Major (Dr.) Rekha Sinha Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 413 419 POOR MENTAL HEALTH AND ITS POOR EFFECTS <p><em>Poor mental health is a leading cause of disability worldwide with considerable negative impacts, particularly in low-income countries. Nevertheless, empirical evidence on its national prevalence in low-income countries, particularly in Africa, is limited. Additionally, researchers and policy makers are now calling for empirical investigations of the association between empowerment and poor mental health among women. We therefore sought to estimate the national prevalence of poor mental health in world, explore its correlates on a national level, and examine associations between empowerment and poor mental health among women. The prevalence of psychological distress was higher among women than men. Overall, the prevalence of psychological distress differed by gender, marital status, education, wealth, region, health and religion, but not by age or urban/ rural location. Women who reported having experienced physical abuse, increased partner control, and who were more accepting of women’s disempowerment had greater likelihoods of psychological distress. Women who are disempowered in the context of intimate relationships may be particularly vulnerable to psychological distress. Results identify populations to be targeted by interventions aiming to improve mental health.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Dr. Ruby John Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 420 424 A REVIEW ON DENGUE AND ITS INHIBITORS <p><em>The worldwide occurrence of infectious virus diseases represents a huge danger to public health. One of the most remarkable of these infections is the Dengue virus (DENV) infection. Around 400 million persons are infected yearly, as per a WHO survey; symptoms escalate in about one-quarter of cases. Both academic and industrial researchers have performed various basic and clinical studies on virus epidemiology, structure and function analysis, cause and path of infection, therapeutic targets, vaccines, and therapeutic drugs. Currently, the only licensed vaccine is CYD-TDV or Dengvaxia, but potent inhibitors are currently under production. This analysis provides a summary of the virus life cycle and the history of DENVs, and reflects on and summarises the most recently identified antiviral candidates and newly found promising targets. We agree that these advances and shortcomings have provided for progress in the discovery of anti-DENV drugs and hope that our analysis can encourage more research in this field.</em></p> Anish Prabhakar Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-25 2020-01-25 22 1 425 430 DENGUE FEVER: A REVIEW <p><em>May 16th is recognized as the National Day of Dengue in India. The Swahili term dinga, representing fastidious or careful, originates from the Spanish word dengue. An effort by the National Dengue Day Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is intended to increase awareness of dengue and its prevention measures. Dengue fever (DF) is a widespread dengue virus-induced mosquito-borne illness. It is caused by the dengue virus serotype 4 and is spread to humans by the female Aedes mosquito. Dengue virus transmission is highly affected by Aedes aegypti's primary mosquito vector, rainfall, temperature utilization, and distribution.</em> <em>In preparing effective control measures against dengue fever, information on the burden of dengue disease, its occurrence rate, and regional spread is important. To monitor and deter the transmission of pathogens and to minimize influenza flare-ups, global warming plays a major role in calculating disease dissemination.</em></p> Akshay Jain Copyright (c) 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 22 1 431 435 CHILD LABOUR; THE EFFECT ON CHILD, CAUSES AND REMEDIES TO THE REVOLVING MENACE <p><em>One of the major issue and challenge for many developing countries is Child Labour. The problem of Child Labour has existed over the centuries not only in the impoverished areas of developing countries but also in developed countries until the beginning of the 20th century. Many countries have taken some serious initiatives and enacted various laws to eradicate child labour, yet still the problem is very widespread throughout the world. There are various factors and reasons involved in the problem of child labour. The causes of the incidents of child labour in India are very Complex and deeply rooted into the society and poverty seems to be the main cause of this problem. Child labour can be seem in both urban and rural areas. However the vast majority of child labour occurs in rural areas since poverty is more rampant. Although many poor rural families in order increase the family income and ensure survival and for better life in urban areas, force their children to work. This article analyses the various responsible factors for child labour and attempts to find out those areas where there is discrimination in child labour, in addition it also make&nbsp; a critical analysis of child labour in India.</em></p> Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava Copyright (c) 2021-09-14 2021-09-14 22 1 436 440 MINDFULNESS MEDITATION IMPROVES COGNITION: EVIDENCE OF BRIEF MENTAL TRAINING <p><em>While research has shown that long-term meditation practice of mindfulness improves executive functioning and the ability to maintain concentration, the effects of brief meditation training in mindfulness have not been thoroughly investigated. When compared to an active control group, we investigated whether brief meditation preparation affects cognition and mood. Participants with no previous meditation experience were tested with assessments of mood, verbal fluency, visual coding, and working memory after four sessions of either meditation training or listening to a recorded book. Both strategies were successful at improving mood, but exhaustion, anxiety, and increased consciousness were decreased only by brief meditation instruction. In addition, brief mindfulness training enhanced visuo-spatial awareness, working memory, and executive functioning dramatically. Our results indicate that 4 days of training in meditation will boost the </em></p> Shivani Kaul Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 441 445 A STUDY OF HOW FILMS USED TO PROMOTE TOURISM <p><em>The current tourist market seems to be the host of intense competition between countries including, in general, among those whose economy becomes assisted, to a very critical degree, by tourism businesses. Both countries are seeking to sell their tourism goods using different marketing strategies. International experience has proven that film is indeed a significant&nbsp;marketing medium that can successfully serve the policy of promoting tourist destinations. Landscapes, important heritage sites, markets, attractions including historical monuments were also used as film sets. Many countries are seeking to sell their tourism goods using different marketing strategies. International experience has proven that films are an important marketing medium that can successfully support the policy. Promoting tourist destinations. Landscapes, important historic sites, festivals, events and historic landmarks have also been chosen as sites for film filming. Evidence suggests that such films may, under some conditions, give rise to 'film tourism,' a phenomena in which local economies will ultimately experience a growth in the amount&nbsp;of tourists and associated benefits just after appropriate film has been circulated.</em></p> Poonji Gupta Copyright (c) 2021-09-15 2021-09-15 22 1 446 451 EFFECTS OF CARICA PAPAYA ON DENGUE: A REVIEW <p><em>Carica papaya (CP) extract is becoming popular as an unlicensed herbal treatment intended to hasten dengue infection recovery, largely based on results that could raise the number of platelets. Inclusion requirements were fulfilled in nine studies (India-6, Pakistan-1, Indonesia-1, Malaysia-1). Seven tests found an improvement in platelet count in patients receiving CP extract, although no substantial difference between the two groups was found in one study and no clear relation was possible in the rest of the sample. There have not been records of significant adverse events. The period of hospital stay can be shortened by CP extract (mean gap of 1.98 days, 95% confidence interval of 1.83 to 2.12, 3 trials, 580 subjects, poor quality evidence) and contribute to increase in mean platelet counts between the first and fifth days of treatment (mean difference 35.45, 95 percent confidence interval 23.74 to 47.15, 3 studies, 129 participants, low quality evidence). There was no information present concerning such health results. This systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to objectively examine the proof of the effectiveness and safety of CP extract in the treatment of dengue infection in controlled clinical trials.</em> <em>In the lack of more rigorous markers of favourable clinical outcome, the clinical benefit of increase in platelet count or early discharge remains unknown. Present evidence to report on the position of CP extract in dengue is inadequate. There is a need for more well-designed clinical trials with well-defined success measures investigating the impact of CP on platelet counts, plasma leakage, other severe dengue symptoms, and mortality.</em></p> Vinod K. Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-08 2020-01-08 22 1 452 457 ART AND MYTH OF THE ANCIENT MAYA <p><em>This nuanced account investigates Maya folklore through the viewpoint of workmanship, text, and culture. It offers a significant reconsideration of the mid-sixteenth century Popol Vuh, since quite a while ago thought about a legitimate book, which is better perceived as one among numerous critical hotspots for the translation of antiquated Maya workmanship and fantasy. Utilizing materials assembled across Mesoamerica, Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos overcomes any issues between composed writings and imaginative portrayals, distinguishing key legendary subjects and revealing their varieties in accounts and visual portrayals. Focal characters including a detached youthful goddess, a malignant grandma, a dead dad, furthermore, the youthful divine beings who turned into the sun and the moon are distinguished in stoneware, design, painting, and hieroglyphic engravings. Featuring such recently ignored themes as sexuality and generational battles, this perfectly delineated book prepares for another comprehension of Maya legends and their rich articulation in old workmanship.</em></p> Ravindra Dev Copyright (c) 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 22 1 458 463 EFFECT OF PRACTICING INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE FORMS ON BODY POSTURE <p><em>Arising pandemic of stoutness has prompted center around the activity preparing and on regular practicing of moderate-to-fiery force actual work. Bharatanatyam and Kathak are two most popular conventional Indian old style Dance structures which have been polished for an extensive stretch of time mainly for sporting reason. They include reception of various body stances, developments and subsequently may influence body organization. Present examination has been attempted in this setting to evaluate the effect of regularly rehearsing these two dance structures on body synthesis of youthful grown-up Bengali females. It has been found that people rehearsing both the two moving structures have good body composition parameters decreed anthropometrically, contrasted with their age and sex coordinated benchmark group individuals of comparative financial status. The great effect on body piece is more articulated in individuals practicingBharatanatyam type of dance.</em></p> Ankur Dev Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 464 467 REVIEW ON MENTAL STRENGTH IN SPORTS <p><em>Mental toughness refers to a collection of psychological characteristics which are central to optimal performance. Athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists have consistently implicated mental toughness as one of the most important psychological characteristics related to success in sports. Over the last few decades, numerous studies have been conducted to examine the role of mental toughness in sporting success. However, its conceptualization and measurement are without consensus. The purpose of this study is to systematically review some of the emerging definitions and conceptualizations, and examine how mental toughness could be nurtured. This review considers both qualitative and quantitative approaches to the study of mental toughness with the specific focus on the models and the development of the measurement of this construct. Although these discussions center on the general aspects of mental toughness, we believe many of the issues have relevance to scholars and practitioners who are interested in the measurement of psychological variables as they pertain to sport, exercise, and other performance or achievement contexts.</em></p> Shivani Kaul Copyright (c) 2020-01-13 2020-01-13 22 1 468 473 A PAPER ON CORONARY ANGIOSCOPY <p><em>Angioscopy empowers naturally visible neurotic finding of cardiovascular infections from within. This imaging methodology has been seriously coordinated to portraying weak coronary plaques. Scoring of plaque tone was created, and dependent on imminent considers; dull yellow or flickering yellow plaques were proposed as weak ones. Colorimetry mechanical assembly was created to survey the yellow shade of the plaques quantitatively. The impacts of lipid-bringing down treatments on coronary plaques were affirmed by Angioscopy. Be that as it may, since perception is restricted to surface tone and morphology, traps of this imaging innovation got apparent. Color staining Angioscopy and close infrared fluorescence Angioscopy were produced for atomic imaging, and the last strategy was effectively applied to patients. Shading fluorescence Angioscopy was likewise settled for atomic and substance premise portrayal of weak coronary plaques in both in vitro and in vivo. Medication eluting stents (DES) decrease coronary restenosis fundamentally, nonetheless, late stent apoplexy (LST) happens, which requires long haul antiplatelet treatment. Angioscopic evaluating of neointimal inclusion of coronary stent swaggers was set up, and it was uncovered that neointimal arrangement is fragmented what's more, commonness of LST is higher in DES when contrasted with uncovered metal stent. Numerous new stents were contrived and they are presently under trial or clinical examinations to defeat the deficiencies of the stents that have been utilized clinically. Endothelial cells are exceptionally antithrombotic. Neoendothelial cell harm is viewed as brought about by erosion between the cells what's more, stent swaggers due to the flimsy neointima between them that may go about as a pad. Subsequently, advancement of a DES that causes a fitting thickness (around 100 m) of the neointima is an expected choice with which to forestall neoendothelial cell harm and subsequent LST while forestalling restenosis.</em></p> Vishvanayak Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 474 479 A REVIEW PAPER ON COATING NANOPARTICLES FOR DRUG DELIVERY <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>Targeted delivery makes it possible to absorb drug molecules preferentially at the sites of action and thus holds great promise to enhance the therapeutic index. Nanoparticle-based delivery systems, among different drug-targeting methods, give some specific strengths and have achieved exciting preclinical and clinical outcomes. This is a summary of the recent development of the cell membrane-coated nanoparticle method, a new class of biomimetic nanoparticles that incorporates both cell membrane functionality and the engineering versatility of synthetic nano materials for efficient drug delivery and innovative therapeutics. This review focuses in particular on novel cell membrane-coated nanoparticles designs, as well as their underlying principles that promote drug targeting purposes. Three particular areas are highlighted, including: I coating of the cell membrane to prolong nanoparticle circulation, (ii) coating of the cell membrane to achieve cell-specific targeting, and (iii) coating of the cell membrane for targeting the immune system. Overall, nanoparticles coated with cell membrane have emerged as a new class of targeted nano therapeutics with high potential for enhancing drug delivery and therapeutic efficacy for the treatment of different diseases.</em></p> Alok Singhal Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 480 485 A REVIEW PAPER ON NANOPARTICLES FOR DRUG DELIVERY <p><em>The study of nanostructured drug delivery systems enables the development of novel platforms for the efficient transport and controlled release of drug molecules in the harsh microenvironment of diseased tissues of living systems, providing a broad range of functional nano-platforms for smart biotechnology and nano-medicine applications. Recent developments in smart nano carriers consisting of organic materials (including polymer micelles and vesicles, liposomes, dendrimers and hydrogels) and inorganic materials (including quantum dots, gold and mesoporous silica nanoparticles) are highlighted in this article.</em> <em>Despite the remarkable advances in recent synthetic methodologies, the behaviour of most nano carriers is linked to a range of undesirable side effects that decrease their efficient use in applications of biotechnology and nanomedicine. This highlights some important problems arising from the complex environment and multiform interactions within the specific biological media in the design and engineering of nano carrier systems for biotechnology applications.</em></p> Jigar Manilal Haria Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 486 491 A REVIEW PAPER ON NANOTECHNOLOGY-BASED APPROACHES FOR DEVELOPING NOVEL ANTICANCER THERAPIES <p><em>A limitless landscape of solutions responding to critical issues in several fields has been made possible by the flowering of nanotechnology and a broad variety of nanotechnology-based techniques can now be implemented to circumvent the limitations of traditional cancer therapies. In this context, the current stage of nano-technological cancer treatment applications is outlined by the core nano materials as well as the chemical-physical approaches available for their surface functionalization and drug ligands as potential therapeutic agents.</em> <em>The use of nano materials as vehicles for the delivery of different therapeutic substances is recorded to highlight benefits such as high drug loading, pay-load half-life enhancement, and bioavailability. The importance of intrinsic nanomaterial characteristics was especially emphasized. The ability to combine the properties of the transported drug with those of the nano-sized carrier can, in reality, lead to multifunctional theranosis tools.</em></p> Ajay Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 492 497 APPLICATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING IN MODERN PRACTICE <p><em>Draftsmen and Engineers from Ancient India has inferred standards of development and design dependent on experience, perception of common marvels and thinking about social and social part of India. These standards are pointed toward creating assembled climate which is viable for the occupants and removing most extreme advantages from nature. Different legends are winning with respect to certain standards which prompts offbeat conduct among individuals. These standards can be all around clarified utilizing the advanced logical rationale and information. Logical investigation of these standards ought to be done and they ought to be applied in contemporary practice. This examination endeavors to investigate essential standards of Indian design and designing dependent on Vastu Shastra (the old Indian structure science) messages, for example, Mayamattam, Samarangana Sutradhar, and so forth an endeavor is made to give logical explanation of certain rules that can be embraced in present day practice of planning and development effectively for solace and joy of occupant.</em></p> Manoj Jain Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 498 503 IMPORTANCE OF ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE IN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF ARCHITECTURAL SPACE DESIGN <p><em>The presence of archeological locales of old Greek province towns and archaic fortifications gives a genuine knowledge into the collaboration of all circles of human movement in old occasions. Old Greek Emporium is a distinctive illustration of the design, craftsmanship, antiquarianism and metropolitan arranging union. Archeological unearthing give a chance to contemplate the antiques of the antiquated world having a place with a few fields, for example, mold, enlivening expressions, style plan and family unit. Examining history of antiquarianism directly on the spot of exhuming of an antiquated city experts can envision the size of structures, roads design and area of business, managerial and private structures. It permits understudies to shape proficient perspective in a brief period to accumulate the material and work on the expert proposition.</em></p> Manoj Jain Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 504 509 HIDDEN DETAILS IN ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS AND PAINTINGS <p><strong><em>In this work, a basic audit of the current nondestructive examining and picture examination approaches is introduced, to uncovering in any case undetectable or scarcely recognizable subtleties in compositions and canvases pertinent to social legacy and archaic exploration. Multispectral imaging, X-beam fluorescence, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Thermography are thought of, as procedures for getting pictures and ghastly picture sets; measurable techniques for the investigation of these pictures are at that point talked about, including blind detachment and bogus shading methods. A few contextual investigations are introduced, with specific consideration committed to the methodologies that show up generally encouraging for future applications. A portion of the strategies portrayed thus are probably going to supplant, sooner rather than later, traditional computerized photography in the investigation of antiquated compositions and canvases.</em></strong></p> Farah Deeba Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 510 514 THE NEUROSCIENCE OF MINDFULNESS MEDITATION <p><strong><em>Research over the past two decades broadly supports the claim that mindfulness meditation practiced widely for the reduction of stress and promotion of health — exerts&nbsp;beneficial effects on physical and mental health, and cognitive performance. Recent neuro imaging studies have begun to uncover the brain areas and networks that mediate these positive effects. However, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear, and it is apparent that more methodologically rigorous studies are required if we are to gain a full understanding of the neuronal and molecular bases of the changes in the brain that accompany mindfulness meditation.</em></strong></p> Shivani Kaul Copyright (c) 2021-01-12 2021-01-12 22 1 515 519 Study on the Effect of Class Room Color on Learning <p><strong><em>Primary School is considered the starting point of the learning process of a child and<br>should be designed with a conducive learning environment aligned with the intended learning outcomes.</em></strong> <strong><em>Shading is a significant visual component of the plan is perceived to directly affect a youngster's psychophysiological and conduct angles. This study explores the effect of long haul openness to a monochromatic homeroom on essential training. Members were 213 evaluation 2 understudies (age-7, sexual orientation male) of a young men's essential school in Colombo concentrating in indistinguishable study halls (n=6) having a monochromatic inside (orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) for two continuous years (grade1 and grade 2). Understudies and class instructors were given two particular polls on understudy's inclination, execution, learning and conduct. Subject inclination of understudy members uncovered that specific tones uphold explicit abilities of essential evaluation kids. Blue and orange exhibited generally good impacts on their learning and conduct. Blue was found to improve the innovative masterful abilities of youngsters while orange and yellow were distinguished to help legitimate reasoning related with science. Green and purple were found to balanced affect improving both intelligent and inventive reasoning. Orange and green classes were with a greater part of understudies fundamentally gifted in learning. A positive effect of blue tone on school participation was distinguished. As needs be, the capability of tones in making helpful learning spaces adjusted with the learning targets of essential schooling, was uncovered.</em></strong></p> Ravindra Dev Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 520 524 MINDFULNESS MEDITATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE <p><strong><em>In modern clinical psychology, the practice of mindfulness is gradually being introduced. In the sense of psychotherapy and stress management, mindfulness meditation is emerging as a systemic therapeutic technique, based on Buddhist theory and subsequently incorporated into Western health care. As originally conceived and developed by Kabat-Zinn and colleagues, this article discusses stress-reduction applications of mindfulness meditation primarily in medical environments. &nbsp;The process factors associated with the time-limited, group-based format preferred by this model are identified and the results of early and more recent outcome studies are presented in tabular form.</em></strong></p> Shivani Kaul Copyright (c) 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 525 530 PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF DENGUE FEVER BY HOMOEOPATHIC RESEARCH: REVIEW <p><strong><em>Dengue is ranked as the world's most severe mosquito-borne infectious disease, with a 30-fold rise in its prevalence over the past 50 years. The dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) outbreak is a global public health crisis that poses substantial health and economic burden. The shortage of vaccines and antiviral medications to prevent and control this epidemic further complicates the dengue crisis. This systematic analysis discusses and compares numerous trials in homoeopathic medicine for dengue fever prevention and treatment. As a double-blind placebo-controlled experiment, a comparative research study, a case study and two community-based trials, a literary search through multiple databases helped find a few important studies. Good findings for the role of homoeopathic drugs as a prophylactic medication were identified in community-based trials. There was no difference in results between the two groups in the double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment. A retrospective clinical analysis found that, as opposed to conventional maintenance care, the homoeopathic mixture proved to be a more potent treatment against dengue fever. The case analysis indicates positive outcomes, but there are only 10 cases in the sample size.</em></strong> <strong><em>Conclusion To confirm the success of homoeopathic therapeutics, high-quality randomised controlled trial (RCT), vitro and animal model trials are needed in the future.</em></strong></p> Bajrang Lal Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 531 538 APPLICATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES IN DISINFECTION: A REVIEW <p><strong><em>The use of multiple disinfectants has been used to counteract numerous methods to decrease infections. The paradigm advances in metallic crystals have resulted in excellent and impressive properties from bulky to micro-size to nano-scale; which have been the outstanding interests in a broader variety of applications. In particular, because of their distinctive optical, chemical, electrical and catalytic properties which can be adjusted with surface design, scale, shapes, etc., AgNPs have much interest and therefore these crystals have been used in various fields such as catalysis, sensors, electronic components, health industry antimicrobial agents, etc.</em></strong> <strong><em>Among them, because of the realistic applications in our everyday life, AgNPs-based disinfectants have paid attention. The AgNPs have therefore been used in various industries, such as air/water filters dependent on platinum, textiles, animal husbandry, biomedical and food packaging, etc. AgNPs as a disinfectant in multiple industries has been used in depth in this study.</em></strong></p> Prashant Dubey Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 539 543 SILVER BASED NANOPARTICLES AS ANTI-MICROBIAL AGENT <p><strong><em>Nanotechnology, using atomic-scale substance tailoring, is expected to open up several new facets of the fight against and prevention of diseases. Analysis leading to advancements in genetics, biotechnology, medicine, and healthcare enhances the opportunity to discover the structure and role of nanoscale biosystems. The size of nanomaterials is close to that of most biological molecules and structures, so for both in vivo and in vitro biomedical studies and applications, nanomaterials can be useful. The creation of medical instruments, contrast agents, testing methods, physical therapy systems, and drug delivery vehicles has resulted from the incorporation of nanomaterials with biology. Metallic nanoparticles are the finest among all nanomaterials with antibacterial properties. Nanoparticles, with their large surface-to-volume ratio, improve chemical activity due to crystallographic surface composition. The relevance of the analysis of bactericidal nanomaterials is attributed to the growth of new resistant bacterial strains against the most potent antibiotics. The study into the well-known action of silver ions and silver-based materials, like silver nanoparticles, has been urged. This effect was size and dosage-based and was more pronounced than gram-positive species against gram-negative bacteria.</em></strong> <strong><em>The biosynthesis of nanoparticles is also being investigated due to the strong interest in nanotechnology in biomedical applications and science. In comparison to other chemical and physical strategies, the biological approach to the production of nanomaterials is viewed as more eco-friendly and cost-effective. A comprehensive view of the antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles is provided in this study. In our research community, we have also explored the revolutionary view of study on this dimension, which is the topic of continuing examination.</em></strong></p> Hare Krishna Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 544 548 A REVIEW ON SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES <p><strong><em>Silver is widely known as a noble metal used in the treatment of burn wound diseases, open wounds, and cuts. However, by transforming metallic silver into silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) for better applications, new nanotechnology has had a remarkable impact. Technological developments have increased the synthesis of NPs using biological approaches rather than physical and chemical methods. Nonetheless, it is environmentally safe and cost-efficient to synthesize AgNPs using biological sources. To date, AgNPs are commonly used as antibacterial agents, but the effective use of AgNPs as therapeutic agents for uncertain diseases and infections takes a novel concept.</em></strong> <strong><em>Due to their physical and chemical flexibility, AgNPs have major advantages in biomedicine. The need for non-toxic and eco-friendly approaches to the processing of AgNPs has also been generated by the toxicity issues surrounding AgNPs. Implementations of AgNPs in nanogels, nano-solutions, silver-based dressings, and medical equipment coatings are ongoing. Even, the need for the hour is an improvised version of AgNPs for extended implementations in an eco-friendly way. The present analysis, therefore, stresses in depth the mechanisms of production, mechanisms of activity under dissipative conditions, and the numerous biomedical applications of AgNPs.</em></strong></p> Amit Mishra Copyright (c) 2020-01-07 2020-01-07 22 1 549 553 A REVIEW ON ALTERNATIVES TO REDUCE TESTING ON ANIMAL <p><strong><em>An approach of 3 Rs (i.e. reduction, refinement and replacement) is being implemented for laboratory use of animals. Various methods and alternative organisms are implemented to adopt strategies. These strategies include alternate means, up to certain stages, for drug and chemical research. A short account of these alternatives and associated benefits is explored with examples in this study. In research studies, an integrated implementation of these methods will provide insight into the least use of animals.</em></strong> <strong><em>The amount of animals used in research has increased with the rise of science and the advent in medical technology. Every year, millions of laboratory animals are used around the world. The pain, distress and death suffered by animals has long been a source of controversy during laboratory experiments. In addition to the key ethical problem, animal research has few other limitations, such as skilled labour standards, time-consuming processes and high costs. Different alternatives to animal testing have been proposed in order to address the drawbacks involved with animal experiments and to discourage unethical procedures.</em></strong></p> Saad Mohammad Shakir Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 554 558 CHITOSAN BASED BIO-FILMS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY: A REVIEW <p><strong><em>Chitosan, which may be regarded the most prevalent polymer after cellulose, is derived from chitin. Because of these properties, in terms of applications from scientists and businessmen from divergent fields, chitosan alone or chitosan-based composite film development is attracting great interest. A large medley of plant extracts and supportive polymers has been incorporated into chitosan films to boost the biological (mainly antimicrobial and antioxidant) and physiological (mainly mechanical, thermal and barrier) properties of the chitosan-based films. Considering the up-to-date published studies focused on the development and implementation of chitosan film, it can be mentioned that the study ratio in this region is still poor. Only for particular applications in food technologies can chitosan blend/composite films with specific properties (super-hydrophobicity, excellent mechanical strength, appropriate barrier properties) be made. We tried to summarise the development made in the last 5-7 years in the field of chitosan film technology for its use in the food industry in the current study.</em></strong></p> Piyush Khajuria Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 559 564 A REVIEW PAPER ON NANOMEDICINE RESEARCH <p><strong><em>The use of nanotechnology in medicine is already contributing to global health, and its impact on the pharmaceutical industry is widely expected to increase significantly as potential opportunities for clinics advance. The potential benefits are often overstated in many academic and industrial research activities or proposed innovations are inferred to be very close to implementation while there are still strong obstacles in their translation to the market. This chapter has been written to summarise, with a particular clinical focus, the principles of nanotechnology applications in medicine and briefly review the history behind today's advances. Different nanomaterial strategies have been developed and will be classified and defined, while exploring the medical advantages of such systems and addressing the promises and risks of nanomedicine. Along with a critique of possible potential advances in the area, several of the latest clinically accessible nano medicines will be discussed.</em></strong></p> Vipin Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 565 570 APPLICATION OF 3D SCANNING IN MEDICAL: REVIEW <p><strong><em>Various scans, such as X-rays, CT, MRI, and ultrasound, are commonly used in the medical industry. For supplying information on the internal organs, these methods are very useful. There is, however, a void in collecting data on the areas of the outer body that can now be taken care of through 3D scanning technology. To identify the effect of them and the subsequent studies, a large number of research papers on various scanning techniques and 3D scanning were studied. In various sub-medical areas, doctors and technologists use accessible scanning technology. This paper will support clinicians with high expertise, minimum complications, and maximization of benefits with the optimal care for the patient. The bibliometric study indicates that the scientific work carried out in the 3D scanning application in the medical sector is rapidly trending, which also explains future opportunities and contributions. In addition to component research &amp; prototypes, the company is pursuing 3D scanning for industrial medical applications before actual development. It helps to quickly and rapidly construct successful implants. We have summarised 3D scanning applications for medical uses in this article. This technology helps to manufacture medical implants according to the requirements. It is used to precisely determine the body form, scale, and surface area of the skin of a patient or an individual portion of the body.</em></strong> <strong><em>In medicine, data vary from patient to patient, so 3D scanning tools that include digital 3D models are used to create a 3D digital image. By combining computer representations of Augmented Reality and Holographic methods, we will achieve enhanced patient care. This technology's major drawback is that it can only scan the exterior surface of the body or part/model.</em></strong></p> Roop Krishan Kaul Copyright (c) 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 571 576 A REVIEW ON IMPORTANCE OF NS1 OF DENGUE VIRUS <p><strong><em>The non-structural 1 (NS1) dengue virus (DENV) protein plays an important role in the replication of viral RNA and has a key location in the pathogenesis of DENV. DENV NS1 is a glycoprotein expressed as soluble monomers in compromised mammalian cells that dimerize in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum; NS1 is then transferred as a hexameric complex to the cell surface where it persists aligned with the membrane or is secreted into the extracellular environment.</em></strong> <strong><em>The DENV NS1 protein has also been intensively studied as a possible candidate for vaccines and antiviral drugs over the last three decades. Moreover, the main diagnostic marker for dengue infection is NS1. This analysis highlights several critical topics relating to the role of NS1 in the pathogenesis of DENV and its biotechnological applications, both as a target for the production of effective and safe vaccinations and antiviral medicines and as an instrument for the production of precise diagnostic methods.</em></strong></p> Ashok Kumar Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 577 581 WIRELESS SENSORS IN MEDICAL FIELD: REVIEW <p><strong><em>As a groundbreaking solution to healthcare, continuous health surveillance using cellular body field networks of implantable and portable medical devices is imagined. This vision has been taken to the brink of life by exponential developments in biomedical sensors, low-power electronics, and wireless communications. The purpose of these applications is to ensure that the critical parameters of patients are tracked constantly, thus allowing them freedom of movement. In doing so, WBANs result in increased healthcare efficiency. Primary issues do need to be tackled, however. In the field of wireless sensors for medical uses, this paper reviews the latest state-of-the-art.</em></strong> <strong><em>It aims to present both wearable and implantable devices with recent developments. In healthcare, meeting the promise of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) needs to overcome a range of technological challenges. Also, this paper discusses the problems that arise in the different layers of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and highlights potential areas of study about the use of wireless sensors in healthcare applications.</em></strong></p> Pawan Kumar Saini Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 582 586 A CRITICAL REVIEW ON THERAPEUTIC METHODS OF CANCER TREATMENT <p><strong><em>In cancer cells, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are developed as a consequence of increased metabolic rate, mitochondrial dysfunction, elevated cell signaling, oncogene expression and increased peroxisome activity. Cancer cells need a certain level of ROS, above or below, leading to cytotoxicity in cancer cells. It is possible to leverage this biochemical aspect to develop novel therapeutic agents to kill cancer cells preferentially and selectively.</em></strong> <strong><em>We searched for peer-reviewed English-language publications in different electronic databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Selected articles were reviewed, ranging from research papers, clinical studies and review articles on the production of ROS in living systems, its role in the development and treatment of cancer, and the role of microbiota in the treatment of ROS-dependent cancer.</em></strong> <strong><em>This review highlights tumour oxidative stress, the underlying mechanisms of various ROS and cancer cell relationships, various therapeutic strategies mediated by ROS, and the evolving role of microbiota in cancer therapy.</em></strong></p> Nitin Kumar Rastogi Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 587 591 EFFECT OF NANOTECHNOLOGY ON HERBAL DRUGS: A STATE OF THE ART REVIEW <p><strong><em>Since ancient times, herbal medicines have been commonly used in the world and have been accepted by doctors and patients for their better medicinal value because they have less adverse effects compared to modern medicines. In order to improve patient compliance and prevent repeated administration, phytotherapeutics need a scientific method to deliver the components in a continuous manner. By developing novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) for herbal constituents, this can be done.</em></strong> <strong><em>In order to resolve non-compliance, NDDSs not only decrease repetitive administration, but also help increase the therapeutic value by reducing toxicity and increasing bioavailability. Nanotechnology is one such innovative approach. There is a possible future for nano-sized drug delivery systems of herbal drugs to boost operation and solve problems associated with plant medicines. In order to combat more chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, cancer, and others, the inclusion of nanocarriers as an NDDS in the traditional medicine system is therefore necessary.</em></strong></p> Abhishek Singh Rathore Copyright (c) 2020-01-08 2020-01-08 22 1 592 597 REVIEW ON BREAST CANCER <p><strong><em>Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women, comprising 25% of all female cancers around the globe, with an estimated 1.15 million cases diagnosed in 2005. Of the 421,000 breast cancer deaths around the world, 223,000 (56%) occurred in low- and middle-income countries (LMCs). However, in most low- and middle-income countries (LMCs), incidence rates are increasing at a more rapid rate than in areas where incidence rates are already high. Breast cancer incidence and prevalence in western part of the world in 1992 was 25% in 1992 and 0.5% respectively. Distribution of breast cancer incidence in the 2000s changed in different regions of world due to geographic, economic, social, cultural factors. Breast cancer incidence in western part of world 56% is more than two times in eastern part of world 24% due to “Westernizing life” (early menarche, late menopause, first birth &gt;30 years, less breast feeding, etc.), and other related factor.</em></strong></p> Naveen Kumar Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 598 604 REVIEW ON BREAST CANCER TREATMENT <p><strong><em>Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women worldwide. However, increased survival is due to the dramatic advances in the screening methods, early diagnosis, and breakthroughs in treatments. Over the course of the last decade, many acquisitions have taken place in this critical field of research in the pharmaceutical industry. Advances in molecular biology and pharmacology aided in better understanding of breast cancer, enabling the design of smarter therapeutics able to target cancer and respond to its microenvironment efficiently. Patents and research papers investigating diagnosis and treatment strategies for breast cancer using novel technologies have been surveyed for the past 15 years. Various Nano carriers have been introduced to improve the therapeutic efficacy of anticancer drugs, including liposomes, polymeric micelles, quantum dots, nanoparticles, and dendrimers. This review provides an overview of breast cancer, conventional therapy, novel technologies in the management of breast cancer, and rational approaches for targeting breast cancer.</em></strong></p> Umar Farooq Copyright (c) 2020-01-06 2020-01-06 22 1 605 611 VARIOUS TYPES OF BREAST CANCER <p><strong><em>Nowadays, breast </em></strong><strong><em>cancer is the most frequently recognized existence-threatening most cancers in ladies and the main reason of cancer demise amongst women. Considering the fact that ultimate two a long time, research associated with the breast most cancers has caused tremendous progress in our expertise of the ailment, ensuring greater efficiency and much less poisonous treatments. elevated public cognizance and improved screening have led to earlier prognosis at degrees amenable to complete surgical resection and curative healing procedures. Therefore, survival fees for breast cancer have stepped forward extensively, especially in more youthful ladies. This newsletter addresses the types, causes, clinical signs and symptoms and various techniques each non- drug (including surgery and radiation) and drug treatment (together with chemotherapy, gene remedy etc.) of breast cancer.</em></strong></p> Sudhir Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 612 617 AN OVERVIEW ON DEPRESSION <h1><strong><em>Depression as a disorder has always been a focus of interest of researchers in India. during the last 50-60 years, a large number of studies have been posted from India addressing various aspects of this typically regular disease. The numerous factors studied blanketed epidemiology, demographic and psychosocial risk aspect, neurobiology, symptomatology, comorbidity, assessment and prognosis, impact of depression, remedy related problems and prevention of despair further to the efficacy and tolerability of various antidepressants. right here, we assessment information on diverse aspects of despair, originating from India. Depression is a disorder of major public health importance, in terms of its prevalence and the suffering, dysfunction, morbidity, and economic burden. Depression is more common in women than men.</em></strong></h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> Prerna Gupta Copyright (c) 2020-01-08 2020-01-08 22 1 618 624 A STUDY ON THE INFLUENCES OF DOCTOR-PATIENT COMMUNICATION <p><strong><em>Good doctor-patients&nbsp;communication&nbsp;is a core medicinal role in the creation of a healthy doctor-patient engagement, the heart as well as the practice of medication. This is vital for the deliveries&nbsp;of higher&nbsp;quality health care. A lot of disappointment with the patients&nbsp;and a lot of concerns are attributable to a deterioration throughout the doctor-patient arrangement. Even so, many physicians appear to overstate their listening abilities. Much is being written in the research on this significant subject from over time. We're reviewing the research about doctor-patient contact.</em></strong> <strong><em>The findings of the analysis found that perhaps the categories were similar across demographic factors, and that compared to patients throughout the photograph communication community, patients throughout the prototype communication groups&nbsp;had slightly higher overall satisfaction degrees&nbsp;and higher scores from discomfort relief, communication ease, reporting and enforcement intent. These findings suggest that the modeling approach is much more efficient than the images throughout enhancing doctor-patient coordination as well as patient results. The use of the working prototype through doctor-patient communication is beneficial and useful and thus deserves widespread clinical popularization.</em></strong></p> Vasundhara Copyright (c) 2020-01-06 2020-01-06 22 1 625 629 THE FUTURE OF THE ANIME INDUSTRY IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT <p><strong><em>In recent years, there have been many changes in the Anime Industry. Not only within Japan, but also within the International market that the Animation Industry, has become around the world. Since the fierce decline of the market in 2009, the Association of Japanese Animations (AJA) has been publishing an annual report, examining industry trends from the previous years.</em></strong> <strong><em>Over the most recent couple of years, we can see the impact of other nations, for example, China, large affecting the market. This makes us reexamine numerously potential outcomes of how the Industry's future will move and advance from now into the foreseeable future. It has now been around a long time since Miyazaki Hayao declared his retirement from the component filmmaking industry. Now, and after the low box income for Ghibli's next film after Miyazaki's declaration: "Omoide no Marnie"; many stressed over the business' future and the progressions it would bring upon. Because of components, for example, bringing down creation expenses and workforce decrease, we have been seeing an ever-increasing number of changes in the strategies used to deliver movement. The since quite a while ago opposed and dismissed 3D PC liveliness style is being seen increasingly more in ongoing tasks, taking, as an illustration, the as of late circulated anime "Handshakes", a unique activity anime by Go Hands and Frontier Works, that is fully finished in 3D liveliness as it were. Albeit the fan base's response towards these changes are as yet not entirely great, numerous options are being investigated to create the business considerably further. For instance, perhaps the greatest instances of all-around applied new strategies would be the situation of Studio Colorado</em></strong></p> Ankur Dev Copyright (c) 2020-01-23 2020-01-23 22 1 630 634 GENDER ROLES AND HERO MYTHS: CAN GENDER INEQUALITY EVER BE JUSTIFIED <p><strong><em>This paper investigates the reason behind the distinct gender differences found in classical literature and concludes that prominent gender inequality prevalent in such works is justifiable.</em></strong> <strong><em>The paper tends to the likenesses and contrasts among male and female jobs in well-known writing, explicitly on their individual encounters along the "Legend's Journey", and their ensuing impact on future portrayals of sex. Western writing centers basically around men generally going about as the hero, and managing the implications and obligations that encompass resulting jobs. This exploration, in any case, exhibits the significance of their female partners, who, however, their parts may have little impact on crafted by writing themselves, are depicted in a way that incredibly impacts their place and portrayal in the public eye. This paper explains how sexual orientation contrasts in the public eye impact the manner in which people are depicted in writing, and proposes the inverse also: the depiction of people in writing influence sexual orientation contrasts in the public arena. By first dissecting characters of both genders from two of the most notable works of art—the Odyssey and Paradise Lost—we reach inferences regarding the normal generalizations of sexual orientations in writing. </em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 22 1 635 638 AN OVERVIEW OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS <p><strong><em>Medicinal plants continue to play a dominant role in the healthcare system for a large proportion of the world's population, and this is especially true in developing countries, where herbal medicine has a long history of continuous use. In both industrialized and developing nations, the development and recognition of medical and financial aid for these plants is on the rise. Medicinal plants have played a crucial role in the growth of human culture. Medicinal plants have always been at the forefront virtually of all civilized cultures as a source of medicine. Medicinal plants are considered to be the rich resources of traditional medicines, and many modern medicines are produced from these plants. Medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years to treat health disorders, to add flavor, to preserve food and to prevent disease epidemics. Generally speaking, the secondary metabolites produced by plants are responsible for the biological characteristics of plant species used worldwide. In diverse situations, microbial growth is controlled by products derived from plants. We provided a general overview of the medicinal plants in this assessment.</em></strong></p> Shweta R. Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-13 2020-01-13 22 1 639 643 CUSTODIAL DEATH IN INDIA <p><strong><em>One of the worst crimes in a civilized society governed by the Rule of Law is custodial death. It raises the question that, does a citizen, when a policeman arrests him, lose his fundamental right to life? Can a citizen's right to life be put in abeyance upon his arrest? Indeed, the answer has to be an emphatic' No.' In India, where the rule of law is implicit in any action and the right to life and liberty is regarded as the fundamental right that adorns the highest position among all essential fundamental rights, torture instances and the use of third-degree tactics on suspects during unlawful detention and police detention throws a slur on the administration system itself. Custodial torture is widely recognized as one of the most barbaric types of violations of human rights. It is banned by the Constitution of India, the Supreme Court, the National Commission of Human Rights (NHRC) and the United Nations. But these institutions are being defied by the police across the country. Therefore, using a pragmatic approach, there is a need to strike a balance between individual human rights and public interests in fighting crime.</em></strong></p> Kamesh Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 644 648 Online Teaching Platforms: Examining Dimensions Of Electronic Service Quality <p><em>Nowadays, it is being assumed that e-learning is the future of education and questions are being asked if it can replace the traditional class-based teaching practices. The importance of measuring the E-service quality is gaining momentum in the current scenario because it was discovered by the researchers that dropout rates from online platforms are nearly 10–20% higher than in conventional learning methods. The measurement of e-service quality of online education is very complex as the service delivery is continuous and evaluative over a long period of time. Hence present need is to build up a suitable structure for assessing the quality of&nbsp; E-Learning.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In this study an attempt is made to identify the dimensions of electronic service quality in&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; E-learning environment and the factors that users (teachers &amp; students) undertake to evaluate the quality of the virtual learning environment. The study through a primary data based analysis&nbsp; identified five dimensions of E-SQ to assess the quality of virtual learning platforms as: Interesting &amp; Easy Learning,&nbsp; Innovative Usage &amp; Privacy Features, Self Paced Quality Learning, Portal Functionality and Customer Support. </em></p> Dr. Ramandeep S. Deol, Dr. Navjit Singh, Simran Arora Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 649 662 The Importance of Humanities in Engineering Curriculum <p><strong><em>Engineers are thought to be experts in their field of interest and that is often where their expertiseends. Engineers on one hand are good critical thinkers but on the other often lack incommunication and interpersonal skills.This absence of relational and relational abilities may be ascribed to the absence of significance given to these orders during their designing instruction. In this paper, we break down the significance of humanities in the designing educational plan. Accentuation on aesthetic sciences and humanities can get ready specialists to satisfy their social and metro duties. For a designing instructor, it is crucial to teach in the designing understudies, the significance of examining humanities that can open up their psyches to the utilization of imaginative thoughts from incredible personalities outside of science. Humanists guarantee that the cutting edge logical information strategies that designers learn in their school educational program have a restricted timeframe of realistic usability. On the off chance that they ace the humanities, it can give apparatuses to broadening that time span of usability. Quite possibly the most significant parts of designing is powerful correspondence, both verbal and composed. Humanities study can fortify the capacity of architects to work and speak with others.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Raghuvir Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 663 666 Hr. Practice and Organisational Culture <p><strong><em>Individuals make up each organization and form the organisational culture. With a focus on people management in Human Resource Management (HRM), there is no question that there are very strong relationships between employees’ attitudes, organizational culture, HRM practices and company performance. In any case, culture might be seen from an assortment of points of view, each with various ramifications for HR rehearses. The three points of view of authoritative culture might be guitarist, pluralist, or revolutionary. Having explored a cross-segment of HR writing, including course readings, diaries, and different sources, it appears to be that most of them take the guitarist point of view. Notwithstanding, this viewpoint has gone under analysis in various regions, for example, misrepresentation, accepting top-down correspondence, and bringing about a pressing factor inside the association for people to adjust to a solitary culture. The pluralist viewpoint is presented as an elective viewpoint with the view that associations exist with various subcultures just as a predominant organization culture. The typology of subcultures in associations is introduced and afterward, the suggestions for HR rehearses considered</em></strong>.</p> Aditya Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 667 671 How Blogs and Social Media are Changing Public Relations <p><strong><em>This article reports on a three-year-long international survey of public relations</em></strong><strong><em><br></em></strong><strong><em>practitioners examining the impact blogs and other social media are having on public</em></strong><strong><em><br></em></strong><strong><em>relations practice.Discoveries show these new media are significantly changing public relations. Results show websites and web-based media have improved what occurs inadvertising and that web-based media and conventionally established press supplement one another. The examination likewise finds the rise of online journals and web-based media have changed the manner in which their associations convey, particularly to outside crowds. Discoveries propose web-based media supplement conventional news media, and that online journals and web-based media impact inclusion in customary news media. The investigation reports online journals and web-based media have made interchanges more prompt by empowering associations to react all the more rapidly to analysis.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Aditya Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 673 676 A Review Paper on Pharmaceutical Analysis <p><strong><em>A change in human health was brought about by the invention of pharmaceuticals. These pharmaceuticals can fulfil their function only if they are free of impurities and are given in a sufficient quantity. Various chemical and instrumental methods that are involved in drug estimation have been developed at regular intervals to make drugs fulfil their purpose. These pharmaceuticals can develop impurities that make the pharmaceutical risky to be administered at different stages of their growth, transportation and storage, so they must be identified and quantitated. Instruments and methods play an important role in this analytical instrumentation. The role of analytical instrumentation and analytical methods in evaluating the quality of drugs is highlighted by this study. The examination highlights the different analytical techniques used in the study of pharmaceuticals, such as titrimetric, chromatographic, spectroscopic, electrophoretic, and electrochemical, and their corresponding processes.</em></strong></p> Ashish Kumar Verma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 677 681 A Review Paper on Polymeric Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery <p><strong><em>The difficulty of some diseases and the inherent toxicity of certain medications have led to a growing interest in designing and optimizing drug delivery systems. As a key tool to improve drug bioavailability or specific delivery at the site of action, polymeric nanoparticles stand out. Polymer flexibility makes them theoretically suitable for meeting the specifications of each complex method of drug delivery. An overview of the state-of-the-art panorama of polymeric nanoparticles as drug delivery systems was conducted in this study, focusing specifically on those applications in which the corresponding disease entails significant morbidity, a significant decrease in patient quality of life or even a high mortality rate. A revision of the use of polymeric nanoparticles for the delivery of ophthalmic drugs, for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and for the delivery of nutraceutical has been carried out, including a brief debate on the future prospects of these systems.</em></strong></p> Bhupinder Bhyan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 682 686 A Review Paper on Drug Delivery Approaches <p><strong><em>Various approaches to drug delivery can be used to optimise therapeutic effectiveness and reduce side effects by influencing a drug compound's absorption, dissemination, metabolism, and removal (ADME). Techniques such as amorphous solid dispersion, liposomes, and complexion have been used to enhance their oral bioavailability for certain medications with poor water solubility or low permeability. Modified release (MR) formulations have been widely used to improve patient compliance and to minimise side effects, especially for short half-lives or small therapeutic windows of medicines. More than ten medications have been successfully marketed using sterile long-acting release (LAR) formulations with strong clinical benefit. In addition, drug delivery devices have been used in slowing procedures for drug approval. In addition, the modification of the distribution of in vivo drugs using selective delivery systems has greatly enhanced oncology therapies. Many of the methods to drug distribution have their benefits and drawbacks. Achieving consistent consistency and clinical performance using drug delivery systems can also pose significant challenges for both branded and generic drugs in creating a drug for the market, requiring close cooperation between industry, academia and regulatory agencies. With the introduction of personalized drugs, the use of drug delivery technologies to provide improved goods and services for patients would present great opportunities and challenges.</em></strong></p> Sarita Jangra Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 687 691 A Review Paper on Pharmaceutical Applications of 3D Printing Technology <p><strong><em>In a layer-bylayer process, three-dimensional printing (3DP) technology enables the manufacture of 3D objects with different geometrics. The customization of medicines with individually tailored doses, the ability to produce sophisticated and complex solid dosage types, on-demand production, and cost-effectiveness are some of the advantages of 3DP methods over traditional manufacturing processes. In addition, interest in the application of 3DP technology to the pharmaceutical manufacture of drug products and the production of different drug delivery systems has been growing in recent years. However, while 3DP technology has many potential medical and economic benefits, the broad applications of 3DP technology to pharmaceutical products are still limited by certain technological and regulatory challenges. In order to overcome the current limitations and promote patient-specific health care with on-demand personalized drugs in the future, continuous innovation and refinement in 3DP techniques are therefore required. This analysis presents some of the 3DP techniques appropriate for pharmaceutical production, as well as their applications for the development of drug dosage forms, suggesting the viability of this technology in standard commercial manufacturing.</em></strong></p> Anuradha Pawar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 692 696 Growth of Nanostructures for Drug Delivery Applications: A Review Article <p><strong><em>The integration of nanostructures and drug delivery, with the rapid growth of nanotechnology, has become a research hotspot in recent years. Due to their specific and superior properties, different nanostructures are able to significantly increase the solubility of poorly soluble drugs, decrease cytotoxicity to normal tissues, and enhance therapeutic efficacy, in particular those developed from self-assembly. In the delivery of diverse drugs, such as small molecules, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids, nanostructures have been successfully applied. The driving forces for the self-assembly of nanostructures are introduced in this article. The approaches of drug delivery by nanostructures are discussed briefly. In addition, a number of nanostructures developed from different building materials, primarily liposomes, polymers, ceramics, metals, peptides, nucleic acids, and even drugs themselves, are emphasized. Due to their special and superior properties compared to traditional bulk materials, nanostructures have attracted intensive research attention in the past few decades. In a broad range of areas, such as materials, electronics, sensing, catalysis, climate, and drug delivery, they have been applied.</em></strong></p> Neelanchanal Trivedi Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 697 701 A Research Paper on Smart tourism <p><strong><em>Smart &nbsp;travel industry is another trendy expression applied to de-recorder the expanding dependence of the travel industry objections, their industries and their sightseers on arising types of ICT that allow for enormous measures of information to be changed into value recommendations. In any case, it stays poorly characterized as a concept, which prevents its hypothetical turn of events. The paper defines shrewd the travel industry, reveals insight into current Smart tourism trends, and afterward spreads out its innovative and business foundations. This is trailed by a concise conversation on the prospects and disadvantages of brilliant the travel industry. The paper further draws attention to the extraordinary requirement for exploration to educate Smart tourism development and the executives</em></strong></p> Raghuvir Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 702 706 A Review on India’s Demographic Dividend and Future of the Indian Population <p><strong><em>In the demography of their country, each economy has a shifting pattern, as and when life cycles change. The nation's youth are the nation's future, as they shape the economy's diverse human capital. An aging population would drain the country's economic wealth, since they are not economically productive workers. The country's youth and working-age population actively contribute to work and contribute to the nation's economic development. India has a higher birth rate than a death rate with an asynchronous transition; it has a younger population and lower dependents than most nations, enabling it to reap the benefits of demographic dividend. This demographic dividend, combined with higher investment in the nation's human resources through improved quality of education, a hygienic and efficient work climate, and improved health facilities, would propel the nation towards greater economic growth and development. The better prepared the nation's human capital is, the better they gain, and therefore their capacity to consume and induce the economic growth of the nation is increased. The country would face economic depression and high rates of unemployment if this potential is not used favourably and then squandered by underutilization and lack of government initiative.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 707 710 A Study on the Child Labor and Its Influences on the Children <p><strong><em>Children throughout Indian society were always less talked about or addressed. The reasons for this can be directly traced towards&nbsp;the socio-cultural history of the region. Throughout the world, children's&nbsp;are seen as the best&nbsp;contribution to mankind. Childhood is a&nbsp;significant&nbsp;stage of human development, because it retains the potential for the future from any society. Children's&nbsp;who remained&nbsp;brought up within&nbsp;an environment that contributes to their academic, educational and emotional development will continue to be a confident and competent part of community. Every society, therefore, links its prospect to the actual situation of its child’s.Child labor emerges since it is the perfect reply that people are finding in unbearable situations. Poverty with child labor are continually increasing: since their family is poor, children's&nbsp;must labor and also&nbsp;not attending&nbsp;school, and instead reach adulthood poor. Child labor has two significant unique characteristics. First, since capital markets are flawed, the time-limited distinction between imminent gains and lengthy costs of putting children's&nbsp;to labor contributes to that much child labor. Second, the risks and benefits through child labor are shared by various individuals.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 711 715 A Study on the Challenges and Prospects of Small and Medium Enterprises <p><strong><em>This report, The challenges faced via&nbsp;Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), has been conducted to illustrate the challenges experienced&nbsp;by SMEs&nbsp;within&nbsp;their search to obtain bank loans through&nbsp;financial institutions (banks with&nbsp;non-banks) in able to obtain out a range of activities; whether it be overall market operations or growth ventures, all in the interest of achieving the goals of becoming job creators with&nbsp;helping to redeem them. The purpose of this analysis is already on the situation before beginning a business or perhaps an enterprise as well as on financial institutions that promote the growth with&nbsp;development of SMEs. It has proven to be a very competitive sector within&nbsp;the Indian economy, which somewhat perform&nbsp;an essential&nbsp;role in providing job opportunities for people, and moreover promotes growth with&nbsp;development throughout rural regions, which provides several facilities for people living within&nbsp;or near the industry. This tends to be cost-effective for businessmen in the emerging economy, because it needs fewer resources compared to major factories. It also perform&nbsp;a prominent roles&nbsp;in improving demand in the country and provides a crucial basis for consciousness through domestic production. Numerous reports and explanations have taken into account the main challenges posed by SMEs.</em></strong></p> Swati Yadav Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 716 720 A Study on Post-Truth in social media <p><strong><em>Due to the developments in information technologies in the last 20 years, social media is frequently usedespecially for mobile devices for news announcement and follow-up. This has led to a large increase in thenumber of information produced, too.Thinking about data/news sharing pages via web-based media around the world and sharing/posting an excess of data or news, there are numerous news sources that should be checked after gotten to. There is no exactness separating measure in the spread of data on social media and along these lines, strange news can influence the majority in a brief timeframe. These days, it is significant that clients check the truth of such data in online media. In this examination, it is attempted to explore how the post-truth idea which the Oxford Dictionary has picked as the expression of the year in 2016 in web-based media. By utilizing watchwords, for example, "post-truth", "counterfeit/bogus news", "admittance to exact data" and "the dispersion of web-based media use" in the writing of "Data and Records Management", "The executive's Information Frameworks" and "Media and Communication" in global information bases and diaries; the content examination was performed. Toward the finish of the examination, the ramifications of the foundations that created different systems to maintain a strategic distance from such news and data were incorporated.</em></strong></p> Aditya Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 721 725 Fan (Fiction) Acting on Media and the Politics of Appropriation <p><strong><em>Fan fiction is the creative appropriation and transformation of existing popular media texts by fans who take stories, worlds and/or characters as starting points and create their own stories based on them.As a social field of training, fan fiction questions pervasive ideas of individual creation and restrictive social products. Simultaneously, fan fiction itself is tested. Through cycles of medicalization, fanfiction developed and turned out to be progressively obvious. Outsiders, running from the media business (e.g., film studios) and copyright holders to reporting and the scholarly world, are keen on fan fiction what's more, are following its turn of events. We respect fanfiction networks and fan going about as fields for experimentation and as digressive fields that can help comprehend what appropriating, composing, and distributing in advanced culture and the fate of composing may resemble. In this paper, we layout significant discussions on </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>the authenticity and nature of fan fiction and present primer aftereffects of flow research inside Germany.</em></strong></p> Raghuvir Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 726 729 Study on Journalism Ethics in a Digital Environment <p><strong><em>Journalism is facing new ethical issues because of the emergence of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).In this article, we inspect how editorial codes of morals have been refreshed to address this new reality. Three examination questions are investigated through a deliberate examination of 99 codes from around the globe. Results show that of the 99 codes broke down, just 9 incorporate references to the Internet and ICTs. We close with recommendations for changes in the codes that would help writers settle these new good issues.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 730 733 Impression of Bhagat Singh in Indian freedom Movement: A Historical Overview <p><strong><em>Born into a Sikh family that had previously participated in revolutionary activities against the British Raj, Bhagat Singh studied revolutionary European movements as a teenager and was drawn to anarchist and Marxist philosophies. He became active in various revolutionary organizations and soon rose to become one of its key figures through the ranks of the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA), eventually changing its name in 1928 to the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). Singh was involved in the murder of British police officer John Saunders, taking vengeance for the death of LalaLajpatRai at the hands of the police. He evaded police attempts to apprehend him. Soon after, he made a successful attempt along with BatukeshwarDutt to throw two bombs and leaflets inside the Central Legislative Assembly while shouting the revolutionary slogan.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 734 737 A Study of the Labor Management in the Organization <p><strong><em>Strengthening production efficiency has been one of the greatest problems facing the building sector. The competitiveness of every project depends primarily on labor force, as labor plays an inherent component in the progress of the task. Proper labor force management improves efficiency together with this plan being finished on schedule at optimal cost. The key focus of this review is on numerous labor management or criteria that have a direct effect on project efficiency. Labor productivity continues a fascinating and dominant topic in the building industry, offering cost savings through productive utilization of capital. Any of the key considerations influencing labor productivity are also the nature of the location. Management, supply shortages, prompt payment of salaries, labor experience, incomprehension between labor and supervisor, etc. There, the issues faced by labors&nbsp;at job&nbsp;sites&nbsp;are dealt with in depth. Problems such as non-availability with proper housing, basic facilities, low salaries, safety-related concerns, defense, etc. occur in every&nbsp;Indian organization. This labor focuses on laborer efficiency ratios that reduce with each day&nbsp;that, in essence, damage the viability of the organization.</em></strong></p> Raghuvir Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 738 742 Importance of Freedom in Humanities Developing <p><strong><em>One of human basic needs is freedom that play central role in social process. Human development means to expand human choices, which it required to freedom concept</em></strong>.<strong><em>Human advancement is the main factor of government assistance improvement where opportunity is a fundamental instrument to accomplish it. The motivation behind this paper is to research the opportunity idea in various thoughts what's more, underline the part of an opportunity to get to human improvement pointers. An opportunity has distinctive estimation pointers that occasionally majority rules system is utilized as an opportunity pointer. The connections of required ideas have been concentrated by engaging measurements. The Findings show that opportunity can secure people against catastrophic events, (for example, flood, tremor, dry spell, and so forth), social issues, (for example, mortality, miscreant anticipation, and lack of education), and monetary issues (like uncalled for money dispersion, low pay per capita, etc.) by extending human decisions and giving majority rule relations in the public eye. Additionally, opportunity is caused to augment social government assistance by giving decently pay dispersion and political and social opportunity.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Amardeep Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 743 746 Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between Family Structure and Children’s Education <p><strong><em>While an extensive literature has shown that children raised by both biological parents fare better academically than children raised in any other family structure, there has been little research to explain an important finding: living apart from a biological parent is less negatively consequential for racial/ethnic minority children than white children.To address this hole, I test two clarifications that have been placed to represent racial/ethnic contrasts in the affiliation between family construction and kids' instructive achievement: financial pressure and more distant family embeddedness. I evaluate whether racial/ethnic variety in these two systems clarify bunch contrasts in the relationship between family structure and on-time secondary school finish and school enlistment for white, dark, and Hispanic kids. Results demonstrate that both financial pressure and more distant family embeddedness weaken the impact of family structure on these two proportions of instructive fulfillment, however the previous to a lot more prominent degree. Contrasts in financial assets represented up to almost half of the hole in these results, and more distant family embeddedness clarified around 15-20%. These discoveries loan uphold for the financial pressure theory, which sets that the negative impact of familial disturbance might be less freely effective for racial/ethnic gatherings confronting numerous financial disservices regardless. Results are less reliable with the theory that racial/ethnic minority kids' more profound embeddedness in their more distant family network ensures against the negative impacts of familial disturbance.</em></strong></p> Rashmi Mehrotra Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 747 750 Constitution of India <p><strong><em>The constitution of India is only FUNDAMENTAL LAW/DOCUMENT of India. It is additionally preeminent deed of Independent India. It is clearing the teaching, Powers of Separation, which clarifying practical arrangement of rules, designs and standards of our country. It gives the resident and others, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and so forth. Constitution of India is particular with its highlights to the next constitution of the world. This examination paper is manages SOVEREIGNTY and FEDERALISM of the Constitution of India and furthermore manages the impacts of constitution alterations versus financial equity. The Research paper additionally manages the PREAMBLE of Constitution of India, which frees the significance from prelude and recorded foundation of introduction in the Constitution of India. This exploration paper is additionally incorporates authentic/milestone decisions of Indian high court which decisions assume his job in Amendment in Constitutional arrangements. It is additionally rotates round the Indian and International issues associated with it.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Vipin Jain Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 751 754 Importance of Work-Life Balance to Employee and Employer <p><strong><em>Work Life Balance (WLB) is a central topic that needs to be tackled in the rapidly changing world. The goal of this paper is to define the working life balance (WLB) relationship with organizational productivity. Organizational efficiency is directly related to the productivity of the employee, and the productivity of the employee also depends on the work satisfaction quotient. Some of the essential considerations are taken into account as work autonomy as well as supervisor and management support when investigating the factors relevant to the WLB. In order to analyze the factors related to the WLB and employee motivation, a questionnaire survey was carried out to collect the data and a pharmaceutical company based in Chandigarh, India, was selected for the survey and some 500 responses were collected. The data analysis showed that the WLB's relationship and the organization's competitiveness are connected to pride and job satisfaction at work in addition to the organization's effort towards WLB. This paper notifies the void in WLB-related literature and efficiency in the sense of work satisfaction and pride.</em></strong></p> Aditya Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 755 758 A Critical Review on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Sciences <p><strong><em>The entire pharmaceutical industry desperately needs both creative technical solutions and fundamental research work to allow highly engineered drug products to be manufactured. The development of complex drug delivery systems (DDSs) on a commercial scale using existing technologies is difficult. This analysis covers essential elements of manufacturing sciences, starting with methods for risk management and experiment design (DoE) techniques. Where appropriate, experimental methods should be accompanied by analytical approaches. In this respect, state-of-the-art methods of mechanistic process modelling are listed in detail.</em></strong> <strong><em>The implementation of material science instruments paves the way for the processing of future DDSs on a molecular basis. A snapshot is presented of some of the existing tools. In addition, general engineering concepts that include process measurement and process control solutions are discussed. The last part of the review addresses future production solutions, covering continuous processing and, specifically, technology based on hot-melt processing and printing. Finally, issues are addressed relating to the application of these innovations as part of future health care systems.</em></strong></p> Bhuvnesh Kumar Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 759 763 A Critical Review on Herbal Drug Loaded into Pharmaceutical Carrier Techniques <p><strong><em>The herbal drug is molded in nano carriers to boost growing interest in a pharmaceutical era for various fields in sort to amplify therapeutic worth. Nowadays, a promising interest has been developed in nanotechnology using herbal medicines as core material to provoke its activity on the target site. By administering herbal medicine in the nano-size form, there are chances for improving the bioavailability, binding receptor selectivity due to higher active surface energy thereby enhancing the effectiveness and safety of the active entity. In the last few decades, formulations with nano-sized herbal active ingredients have emerged as nano-phyto medicines owing to its wide range of interest and effectiveness because of its unique nature. Nanonized drug delivery structure of herbal drug has an approaching outlook for getting bigger the doings and overcome problems associated with plant medicine. The current review will focus on nanoparticles, herbal drug-loading techniques, herbal nano formulations, and applications in various fields. We conclude that by formulating herbal drug in nano carriers would be a promising guide for the progress of core remedy and will act as a promising proposal for many pathological conditions.</em></strong></p> Rahul Arora Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 764 767 Rethinking Gender and Agency in the Satyagraha Movement Of 1913 <p><strong><em>Through the biographical accounts of three Indian women, the paper is an evaluation of the women's agency in the Satyagraha movement of 1913 in Natal, South Africa. The fight was fought against oppressive measures that questioned the role of Indian women in South Africa and levied a £ 3 poll tax on ex-indentured workers. Well over 20,000 men and women took part in this war. Via profiling the lives of Mrs. Bai Fatima Sheikh Mehtab, Miss Valliamma Munuswami Mudliar and Mrs. Kasturba Gandhi, my goal here is not only to shed light on the various personal and physical challenges women have faced in the struggle, but also to represent the contribution of some Indian women to decision-making and public participation.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 768 771 A Critical Review on Drug Delivery Systems <p><strong><em>Excipients are currently used in novel dosage formulations to perform unique roles because of developments in drug delivery technology and, in some cases, they directly or indirectly affect the degree and/or rate of drug release and drug absorption. Recent developments in the use of plant-based and natural goods require that synthetic additives be substituted by natural ones. The whole world today is profoundly interested in natural medicines and excipients.</em></strong> <strong><em>These natural materials have many advantages over synthetic materials as they are chemically inert, non-toxic, less costly, biodegradable, and readily available, increasing the shelf life of the product. This paper offers an overview of natural excipients used in traditional forms of dosage as well as innovative systems of drug delivery.</em></strong> <strong><em>As non-active ingredients that are mixed with therapeutically active compound(s) to form drugs, pharmaceutical excipients can be identified. The portion which is not an active compound is considered to be an excipient. Excipients have a more and more practical and important impact on the action and efficacy of the drug product. The variability of active compounds, excipients and processes are obvious elements of the variability of the product.</em></strong></p> Deepak Singh Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 772 775 A Critical Review on Applications of New Drug Delivery System <p><strong><em>Great strides have been made in the development of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) for plant actives and extracts over the past few years. Bioactive and plant extracts have been used to record the range of novel herbal formulations such as polymeric nanoparticles, nano capsules, liposomes, phytosomes, nano emulsions, microsphere, transferosomes, and ethosomes.</em></strong> <strong><em>The novel formulations are reported to have remarkable advantages over traditional formulations of plant actives and extracts, including solubility enhancement, bioavailability, toxicity safety, pharmacological activity enhancement, and stability enhancement, improved distribution of tissue macrophages, sustained delivery, and physical and chemical degradation protection. The present review highlights the current status of the development of novel herbal formulations and summarizes their method of preparation, type of active ingredients, size, and entrapment efficiency, route of administration, biological activity and applications of novel formulations.</em></strong></p> Ashish Kumar Verma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 776 780 A Comprehensive Survey on Novel Methods in Herbal Drug Delivery Systems <p><strong><em>Phytomedicines have been used by humans worldwide since ancient times. However, such medicines suffer from some drawbacks, such as toxicity, problems of stability, low bioavailability and compliance with patients. Different novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) such as phytosomes, ethosomes, transfersomes, herbal transdermal patches, nanoparticles and biphasic emulsions are used today to reduce these problems. Using these advanced techniques, it is possible to protect against toxicity, improve safety, improve the bioavailability of herbal formulations, and protect against physical and chemical degradation.</em></strong> <strong><em>Increased patient compliance, continuous release and selective action of plant actives and extracts are provided by these techniques. This review offers details on different novel approaches used to enhance the safety and efficacy of phytomedicines, the type of active ingredients, the biological activity and the application of novel formulations. The oldest form of health care known to mankind is herbal drugs. Herbal medicines have been described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as finished, labelled medicinal products containing active ingredients, aerial or underground sections of a plant or other material or combination of plants. The WHO estimates that 80% of the world's population uses herbal medicine for primary health care at present.</em></strong></p> Bhupinder Bhyan Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 781 784 A Comprehensive Survey on Significance of New Drug Delivery Systems in the Herbal Medicines <p><strong><em>Plant-based medicines have been used for various diseases by the human race since time immemorial. However, these phytomedicines suffer from restrictions, which are primarily due to problems with stability and low lipid solubility. In order to overcome these problems, new phytomedicines drug delivery systems are being developed. Vesicular delivery systems such as liposomes, phytosomes, ethosomes, transferosomes, and particulate delivery systems such as microspheres, micro pellets, nanoparticles, and micro and nano emulsions are used in these novel herbal drug delivery systems.</em></strong> <strong><em>For the enhancement of stability, bioavailability and toxicity reduction, several herbal medicines have been introduced into these systems. This analysis highlights the current status of the production of novel herbal formulations and their therapy applications. Before chemists undertook to synthesise synthetic silver bullets for all those diseases, and before pharmaceutical firms hitched our collective wellbeing to what became a multibillion dollar wagon for them, the future of medicine is rooted in the past. Almost all the drugs came from the plants in the past; for centuries, the herb was man's only chemist. Herbs are staging a revival, herbal 'renaissance' is happening all over the world, and more and more people are taking notice of herbal remedies instead of conventional medicine to treat different kinds of ailments.</em></strong></p> Sarita Jangra Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 785 789 Review on Bird Divorce Rate <p><strong><em>Pair bonds can end in two different ways: either death of the partner or divorce, where the frequency of divorce varies enormously among bird species, from 0% to 100%. To better understand this variation, we created and analyzed the largest dataset so far, consisting of 158 species and 20 variables that quantify the species’ body size, life history, diet, and other characteristics. Our results suggest that species with a high divorce rate have a high mortality rate, tend to be ornamented and sexually dichromatic, live colonially, and form part-time rather than continuous partnerships. Traits quantifying body size or life history are often nonlinearly related with divorce rate. We also found taxonomic differences in divorce rates. Specifically, Passeriformes have an exceptionally low divorce rate, which, however, can be explained by the generally important determinants of divorce rate: They also have a lower mortality rate, lower degree of ornamentation and coloniality, and more continuous partnerships than members of other orders.</em></strong></p> Shyam Sundar Bhatia Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 790 795 The Dialogue between Religion and Science <p><strong><em>Science and religion are two distinct but not two hostile paths: two ever valuable efforts of human spirit! Science and religion would have less intellectual disputes and social conflicts if only both of them would explicate their principles, and then in even dialogue, espy and evaluate possibilities and frontiers of their principles and sorts of enabled questions and answers. Religion may be intriguing for science as it opens new and obscure fields of human experience. Wildernesses of science and religion is truly inconsistent, which doesn't imply that they can escape. Religion is definitely not such a less evolved science, yet an autonomous perspective, convictions, and activities offering to adherent an answer of certain issues in any case unsolvable, even with the help of science furthermore, its strategies.</em></strong></p> Amardeep Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 796 799 Research “Values” in the Humanities: Funding Policies <p><strong><em>In her capacity as guest editor, the author introduces a set of essays examining</em></strong> <strong><em>the trends, risks, needs, pressures, and prospects of the humanities after recent reforms to</em></strong> <strong><em>tertiary education throughout Europe.</em></strong> <strong><em>By zeroing in on the instructive, social, and social estimation of examination in the humanities, which additionally give financial and majority rule benefits, this exceptional issue centers around three key themes: "financing strategies", "assessment", and "social assets". This article gives the foundation to the topic (Section 1); a reflection on the dubious issues of value control, proportions of examination efficiency, and subsidizing choices as key drivers changing the humanities (Section 2); an diagram of the current challenges and prospects for "modernizing" the humanities (Segment 3); the reasoning for this exceptional issue (Section 4); the unique situation and an outline of the commitments, indicating how and why these position papers by individuals from the humanities a group of the Academia Europaea can furnish this discussion with new apparatuses of investigation and finding (Section 5). At long last, the closing comments feature the Academia Europaea's activities for the humanities (Section 6).</em></strong></p> Aditya Kumar Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 800 804 A Global Survey on Pharmacy Workforce <p><strong><em>Little work has been carried out to clarify the global status of advanced and/or specialized pharmacy practice scopes and the models under which they operate, considering the increasingly complex treatment and challenging health challenges shaping pharmacy. The present global status of initiatives relating to the advancement of pharmacy practice is defined in this report. Between January and May 2015, a global survey was conducted to collect country-level data from the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) member organization and national contacts from regulatory, technical and government agencies or universities, sending data requests to 109 countries.</em></strong> <strong><em>Data collected were triangulated (comparing different single-country sources, for example), cleaned and analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistics. Full data sets were collected from 48 countries and territories. The results show different structures of advanced pharmacy practice and specialization that are often related to the level of income. The research found that there are differences in terms and meanings, specialization and advanced practice systems, structures of professional recognition, and benefits across countries.</em></strong></p> Anuradha Pawar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 805 809 History of the Rainbow <p><strong><em>The historical backdrop of the rainbow is as old as that of science. The old Greek rationalists attempted to describe the rainbow, and Aristotle was the first to completely incorporate it among the wonders concentrated by physicists. Sunlight reflected in the mists, the occurrence of light beams, the reason for the rainbow's roundabout shape, the optical impact of an infinite profundity are perspectives that have for quite a long time intrigued researchers, who contemplated the rainbow with a mixture science and speculative chemistry, instinct and reason. In the 17thcentury the rainbow turned into a carefully physical phenomenon, the object of thorough examinations concurring to the law of reflection and refraction. Here we overview this often failed to remember history, from old Greeks to modern scientists, the rainbow's tones having a place with the world of physics yet additionally—as Thomas Young wrote in 1803—to the world of theory and creative mind.</em></strong></p> Anuradha Pawar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 810 813 Intermittent Fasting Vs Calorie Restriction on Daily Basis <p><strong><em>Intermittent fasting (IF) regimens have acquired extensive ubiquity in long time, as certain individuals discover these eating regimens simpler to follow than conventional calorie restriction (CR) approaches. In the event that includes confining energy admission on 1–3 d/wk, and eating uninhibitedly on the no restriction days. Substitute day fasting (ADF) is a subclass of IF, which comprises of a ''quick day'' (75% energy limitation) substituting with a ''feed day''. Late discoveries recommend that IF and ADF are similarly as successful as CR for weight reduction and cardio protection. What stays hazy, in any case, is whether IF/ADF inspires tantamount enhancements in diabetes hazard markers, when contrasted and CR. Likewise, the objective of this survey was to look at the impacts of ADF with every day CR on body weight, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and insulin affectability in overweight and fat grown-ups. Results uncover predominant reductions in body weight by CR versus IF/ADF regimens, yet tantamount decreases in instinctive fat mass, fasting insulin, and insulin opposition. None of the mediations delivered clinically significant decreases in glucose focuses. Taken together, these starter discoveries show guarantee for the utilization of IF and ADF as options in contrast to CR for weight reduction what's more, type 2 diabetes hazard decrease in overweight and fat populaces, however more research is needed before strong ends can be reached.</em></strong></p> Vijendra Singh Rawat Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 814 817 Eating Good as You Age <p><strong><em>In this investigation, 210 volunteers were incorporated (137 male and 73 female) matured between 25-60 years. The examination was directed with the poll being filled at PCSIR labs, Karachi. The examination period included from March to May 2012. After one year similar gathering of volunteers were reconsidered from March to June 2013, who figured out how to change the eating regimen and way of life for one year. The survey was filled by a specialist knowledgeable in gathering the information from the patients who went to the OPD at PCSIR labs. The outcomes demonstrate that many individuals in our populace have a stationary existence style and don't participate in active work which prompts medical conditions because of relatively less energy/calories consumption. &nbsp;Efforts ought to be made all around the world to make a public mindfulness and give sound climate to the individuals about seeking after solid ways of life. A few way of life practices may impact to keep up energy balance over long haul. The essential methodology for accomplishing weight reduction is way of life changes which remembers decreased admission of calories and increment for actual work. Standard, moderate power active work improves long haul weight upkeep and harmony between energy.</em></strong></p> Abha Tiwari, Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 818 821 Strategies to Enhance the Drug Distribution: A Comprehensive Review <p><strong><em>A heterogeneous mixture of cells with varying amounts of nutrients and oxygen composes the microenvironment inside tumors. Oxygen content variations result in survival or compensatory processes within tumors that may benefit a phenotype that is more malignant or lethal. Rapidly proliferating cells are richly nourished and positioned near blood vessels preferentially.</em></strong> <strong><em>Chemotherapy may target and destroy cells adjacent to the vasculature, while cells residing farther away are often not exposed to sufficient quantities of medication and may survive and repopulate after treatment. In order to devise more effective therapies, the dynamics of the tumor microenvironment can be manipulated. In this report, we identify important features of the microenvironment of the tumor and address techniques that can enhance the delivery and action of drugs.</em></strong> <strong><em>Within an extracellular matrix (ECM) protected by an irregular vascular network, solid tumors comprise a heterogeneous mix of tumor cells and non-malignant cells. Tumor blood vessels are often further apart than normal tissues and differ in blood flow, resulting in inadequate nutrient distribution and impaired clearance of tumor metabolic breakdown products.</em></strong></p> Rahul Arora Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 822 826 Cyber Crime in Relation to Pornography <p><strong><em>Developments of innovation have consistently roused humanity. The blessings of the machine and the web have inside and out formed the existences of everybody. In pretty much every human action, data innovation is utilized today. In any case, as digital maltreatments, such specialized improvement has accompanied its own expenses. Pornographic material on the web is one such viciousness. There has been a majority of perspectives on the lawfulness of pornography between countries. Social, good and lawful contrasts don't permit the line among profanity and profound quality to be drawn, and recognizing pornography is along these lines a troublesome test. In the feeling of such contrasts, observing such online pornography turns out to be more troublesome. Pornography is supposed to involve protection and, along these lines, not to be directed. It doesn't, nonetheless, represent the offenses that assault the actual center of the respectability of society, and one of these offenses is digital pornography. Similarly that bigoted writing fills in as an induction to racial disdain, it goes about as an impelling to sexual scorn and savagery against women. The impact of digital pornography on women's lives can't be altogether disregarded and appropriately represented with respect to why the threat of digital pornography should be checked. </em></strong></p> SYED REHAN ALI, Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 827 831 Cyber Pornography in Indian Legal Scenario in Context of Cyber Crime <p><strong><em>Inventions of technology have always inspired mankind. The gifts of the machine and the internet have in every way shaped the lives of everyone. In almost every human activity, information technology is used today. However, in the form of cyber abuses, such technical development has come with its own costs. Pornographic material on the internet is one such violence. There has been a plurality of views on the legality of pornography between nations. Cultural, moral and legal differences do not allow the line between obscenity and morality to be drawn, and identifying pornography is therefore a difficult challenge. In the sense of such differences, monitoring such online pornography becomes more difficult. Pornography is said to be a matter of privacy and, thus, not to be regulated. It does not, however, account for the offenses that attack the very core of the integrity of society, and one of these offenses is cyber pornography. In the same way that racist literature serves as an incitement to racial hate, it acts as an incitement to sexual hate and violence against women. The effect of cyber pornography on women's lives cannot be entirely overlooked and properly accounted for as to why the danger of cyber pornography must be curbed. Therefore, this paper carefully discusses the same in brief.</em></strong></p> Ashok Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 832 836 Technological Advancement and its Legal Impact with regards to Cyber Crimes <p><strong><em>The disclosure and creation stage in science is the advancement of technology. In the close to term, a few new advances are probably going to be executed all in all. Mechanically helped culpability includes a wide scope of crimes that posture fluctuating kinds of threat to customers, undertakings and, all the more comprehensively, society all in all. Progress has prompted Nano technology and others being created. In contrast with offenses carried out utilizing PCs, cybercrime has taken the best position. Kids have assumed a critical part in digital crime. To dissuade and indict digital assaults, the enactment has taken a few measures. While there are various laws and enactment encompassing sway issues, legal authority will in general block its fruitful execution, making the instrument and construction of criminal equity ineffectual. The motivation behind this paper is to feature the various issues identified with technology and crime: the Legal System, for example, examination and ID issues, court methods and structures for the organization of equity.</em></strong></p> Navneet Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 837 841 Development of Technology and its Impact on Crime and Legal Response <p><strong><em>The discovery and production phase in science is the development of technology. In the near term, several new technologies are likely to be implemented in general. Technologically assisted criminality involves a wide range of crimes that pose varying types of danger to consumers, enterprises and, more broadly, society as a whole. Progress has led to Nano technology and others being developed. In comparison to offences committed using computers, cybercrime has taken the top spot. Children have played a significant role in cyber-crime. In order to deter and prosecute cyber-attacks, the legislation has taken several measures. While there are numerous laws and legislation surrounding sovereignty issues, judicial authority tends to obstruct its successful execution, making the mechanism and structure of criminal justice ineffective. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the numerous problems related to technology and crime: the Legal System, such as investigation and identification issues, court procedures and frameworks for the administration of justice.</em></strong></p> Neeraj Kaushik Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 842 846 A Study on the Cyber-Crime and Cyber Criminals: A Global Problem <p><strong><em>Cybercrime has caused a great deal of harm to people, organisations and even the government today. In order to deter and defend data from such threats, cybercrime prevention techniques and classification methods have achieved differing degrees of effectiveness. In order to deter cyber crime, many regulations and methods have been enforced and the sentences are laid down on the perpetrators. The report, however, reveals that even today, there are many nations facing this crisis, and over the years, the United States of America is contributing to maximum harm due to cybercrimes. According to the latest survey carried out, it was noted that the monetary damage in 2013 was almost US$ 781.84 million. This paper explains the general environments in which cybercrime typically happens and the various forms of cybercrime currently conducted. The paper also illustrates the research performed on email-related offences, as email is the most popular medium for cybercrimes. In addition, it also sets down some of the case studies relevant to cybercrime.</em></strong></p> Prashant Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 847 852 A Paper on Indus Valley Civilization <p><strong><em>The more critical Indus area was home to the greatest of the four old metropolitan human advancement foundations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, South Asia and China. It was not found until the 1920's. A huge segment of its remnants, indeed, even its huge metropolitan territories, stay to be uncovered. The old Indus Civilization content has not been unraveled. Numerous requests concerning the Indus people who made this significantly mind boggling society stay unanswered, anyway various pieces of their overall population can be answered through various kinds of archeological examinations. Harappa was a city in the Indus human headway that flourished around 2600 to 1700 B.C.E. in the western piece of South Asia.</em></strong></p> Ankur Dev Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 853 856 A Survey on Round Table Conference <p><strong><em>The India Round Table Conference (London, 1930-32) is introduced here as a site of supreme internationalism, at which revolutionary enemy of expansionism was subsumed inside the liberal innovation of the meeting. To start with, the impact of the League of Nations on the gathering is inspected, through investigating its job as model, point of reference, likely authority and preparing ground. Second the paper investigates the impact of other (Pan-Islamic, work and profound) types of internationalism at the London gathering. New theorizations of the global are applied as a powerful influence for huge new chronicled and prosopographical material, making a unique commitment through returning to an establishing crossroads in Indian political history.</em></strong></p> Pravesh Chandra Verma Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 857 860 A Review Paper on using NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for Laryngitis <p><strong><em>Laryngitis is an aggravation of your voice box (larynx) from abuse, disturbance or disease. Inside the larynx are your vocal strings — two folds of mucous film covering muscle and ligament. Ordinarily, your vocal lines open and close easily, shaping sounds through their development and vibration. Yet, with laryngitis, your vocal strings become kindled or disturbed. This makes the vocal lines swell, which mutilates the sounds delivered via air disregarding them. Accordingly, your voice sounds dry. Now and again of laryngitis, your voice can turn out to be practically imperceptible.</em></strong></p> Shyamoli Dutta Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 861 864 A Research Paper on Treating Alzheimer’s Disease by NSAID <p><strong><em>Nonsteroidal calming drugs (NSAIDs) have been proposed for the potential treatment of neurodegenerative illnesses, for example, Alzheimer's infection (AD). Delayed utilization of NSAIDs, be that as it may, produces gastrointestinal (GI) poisonousness. To beat this genuine restriction, the point of this investigation was to create novel NSAID-determined medication forms (Anti-incendiary Lipoyl subordinates, AL4–9) that save the useful impacts of NSAIDS without messing GI up. As such, we formed chosen notable NSAIDs, for example, (S)- naproxen and (R)- flurbiprofen, with (R)- α-lipoic corrosive (LA) through alkylene diamine linkers.</em></strong></p> Gurdeep Singh Jheetay Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 865 868 A Research Paper on Treating Meningitis by Antibiotics <p><strong><em>Meningitis is an intense irritation of the defensive layers covering the mind and spinal string, referred to altogether as the meninges. The most widely recognized indications are fever, migraine, and neck firmness. Different side effects incorporate disarray or changed cognizance, regurgitating, and a powerlessness to endure light or boisterous clamours. Small kids regularly display just vague side effects, for example, crabbiness, tiredness, or helpless taking care of. In the event that a rash is available, it might demonstrate a specific reason for meningitis; for example, meningitis brought about by meningococcal microorganisms might be joined by a trademark rash. </em></strong></p> Mukesh Kumar Prasad Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 869 873 A Research Paper on Treating Tendonitis by NSAID <p><strong><em>A ligament is tissue that appends muscle deep down. It is adaptable, intense and stringy and it can withstand strain. A tendon stretches out from issue that remains to be worked out at a joint, while a ligament reaches out from muscle to bone. Ligaments and muscles cooperate and apply a pulling power. Ligaments and tendons are intense and stringy, however they are known as delicate tissue, since they are delicate contrasted and bone. In the event that the sheath around the ligament gets aroused, instead of the actual ligament, the condition is called tenosynovitis. Tendinitis and tenosynovitis can happen together.</em></strong></p> Md. Shahbaz Alam Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 874 877 A Research Paper on Treating Vasculitis by NSAID <p><strong><em>Vasculitis is a gathering of issues that devastate veins by aggravation. The two corridors and veins are influenced. Lymphangitis (irritation of lymphatic vessels) is now and again thought to be a kind of vasculitis. Vasculitis is essentially brought about by leukocyte movement and resultant harm. Albeit both happen in vasculitis, aggravation of veins (phlebitis) or supply routes (arteritis) all alone are discrete elements.</em></strong></p> Payal Jain Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 878 881 A Research Paper on Treating Bursitis by NSAID <p><strong><em>Bursitis is the aggravation of at least one bursae (liquid filled sacs) of synovial liquid in the body. They are fixed with a synovial layer that secretes a greasing up synovial fluid. There are more than 150 bursae in the human body. The bursae rest at the focuses where inner functionaries, for example, muscles and ligaments, slide across bone. Solid bursae make a smooth, practically frictionless utilitarian skimming surface making typical development easy. At the point when bursitis happens, be that as it may, development depending on the aroused bursa gets troublesome and agonizing. Besides, development of ligaments and muscles over the excited bursa bothers its irritation, propagating the issue. Muscle can likewise be hardened.</em></strong></p> Rohit K. Varshney Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 882 885 A Research Paper on Treating Diverticulitis by Diet and Antibiotics <p><strong><em>Diverticulitis, explicitly colonic diverticulitis, is a gastrointestinal illness portrayed by irritation of irregular pockets—diverticula—which can create in the mass of the digestive organ. Manifestations normally incorporate lower stomach agony of unexpected beginning, however the beginning may likewise happen over a couple of days. There may likewise be sickness; and the runs or obstruction. Fever or blood in the stool proposes an inconvenience. Rehashed assaults may happen.</em></strong></p> Vipin Kumar Varshney Copyright (c) 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 22 1 886 889 An Overview on Networking <p><strong><em>Currently, Networking plays a significant role in the development of automation technologies as it is the backbone of 5G technology is fiber network. Networking is basically defined as two or more devices grouped together throughout a cable and Wi-Fi is an example of networking. &nbsp;Due to take more knowledge to understand the networking, author decides to write this review paper. In this review paper,</em></strong> <strong><em>author have discussed about networking, types of networks, network topologies, various layers in OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) reference model, various network protocols and difference in IPv4 &amp; IPv6.</em></strong> <strong><em>Author believes that this paper will be helpful to understand networking. Also, there are various job opportunities in the department of networking like system engineer, network administrator etc. Networking makes it easier to share resources and documents from one place to another. The future of networking will be bright as the development of automation technology depends on networking.</em></strong></p> Dr. Niraj Singhal, Mr. Rajesh Pandey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 890 898 An Examination of Augmented Reality Applications in The Field of Maintenance. <p><strong><em>For over 50 years, academic research has focused on Augmented Reality (AR) technology for assisting maintenance operations. Major advancements have been achieved in the past decade, and AR technology is coming closer to being used in business. The benefits and drawbacks of AR have been investigated and evaluated in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for industrial maintenance in this study. Unfortunately, there are still certain technological problems that prohibit AR from being used in industrial settings. The goal of this article is to demonstrate the present state of the art of AR in maintenance and the most important technical constraints using the findings of a comprehensive literature review. Filtering a huge number of articles down to 30 primary studies published between 1997 and 2017 was part of the study. The findings reveal a significant level of fragmentation across hardware, software, and AR solutions, resulting in a high level of difficulty in choosing and creating AR systems. The study's findings reveal the areas where AR technology is still in its infancy. Future research areas in industrial maintenance are also suggested, including hardware, tracking, and user-AR interface.</em></strong></p> Dr. Niraj Singhal, Mr. Rajesh Pandey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 899 905 A Literature Review of Cyber-Physical System Applications <p><strong><em>A new generation of digital systems, the Cyber-Real System (CPS), focuses on intricate interdependencies and integration between cyberspace and the physical world. Because of their potentially substantial effect on society, the environment, and the economy, cyber-physical systems (CPS) are presently of interest in academia, business, and government. A CPS is made up of tightly coupled computing, communication, control, and physical components. Academics, business, and government are all interested in CPS right now. However, there is no systematic and comprehensive overview of CPS research. As a result, this article performs an extended literature analysis on CPS applications by analyzing existing literatures in the Scopus database from 2012 to 2017. In particular, 77 articles on CPS applications are categorized and evaluated into ten categories. The contents of each research category's articles are summarized. The difficulties and tendencies of CPS research are also shown.</em></strong></p> Dr. Mamta Bansal, Mr. Anuj Kumar Copyright (c) 2021-11-10 2021-11-10 22 1 906 912 Block chain and Its Current Applications: A Critical Analysis <p><strong><em>&nbsp;Blockchain has the potential to address these key issues. Bitcoin, along with blockchain, was created as the first and most widely used cryptocurrency. Since the advent of Bitcoin, the first and biggest cryptocurrency, block chain technology has been recognized as a digital currency platform. It has previously been used for decentralization of markets in general, rather than just decentralization of money and payments. The block chain's decentralized transaction ledger may be used to register, confirm, and transmit various types of contracts to other network participants. We fully examine state-of-the-art block chain-related applications that have appeared in the literature in this article. A number of previously published publications were carefully considered for inclusion based on their contributions to the block chain body of knowledge. In the last part of the article, many points are examined and debated.</em></strong></p> Dr. Mamta Bansal, Mr. Anuj Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 913 920 A Review of Recent Research On Deep Learning in Robotics <p><strong><em>The science of training large artificial neural networks is known as deep learning. DNNs can have hundreds of millions of parameters, allowing them to model complex functions like nonlinear dynamics. They create compact state representations from raw, high-dimensional, multimodal sensor data found in robotic systems, and unlike many machine learning methods, they don't require a human expert to hand-engineer feature vectors from sensor data at design time. Deep learning advances have sparked a flurry of research in the application of deep artificial neural networks to robotic systems over the last decade, with at least 30 papers published on the topic between 2014 and now. Using current research as examples, this review discusses the applications, benefits, and limitations of deep learning in relation to physical robotic systems. Its goal is to inform the broader robotics community about recent advances and to pique interest in and application of deep learning in robotics.</em></strong></p> Vijay Maheshwari, Mr. Kuldeep Chauhan Copyright (c) 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 22 1 921 927 A Review Paper on Disaster Management <p><strong><em>The term "disaster management" refers to the process of coordinating catastrophe response throughout the nation. Due to its unique geo-climatic characteristics, India has always been susceptible to natural catastrophes. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, and landslides would all have been common occurrences. Floods are the most common source of catastrophe in India. Around 60% of the landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes of different magnitudes, over 40 million hectares are vulnerable to floods, cyclones affect 8% of the entire area, and drought affects 68 percent of the continent. Catastrophe management is the study of how resources and information are managed in the event of a disaster, as well as how effectively and seamlessly these resources are coordinated. Individual and organizational disaster management addresses issues including planning, coordination, communication, and risk mitigation. The world has always been a dangerous place, but India's government has just adopted a paradigm shift in disaster management. The new approach is founded on the idea that growth will not be long-term unless disaster mitigation is included in. Mitigation must be interdisciplinary, including all areas of development, according to another pillar of the approach. In this article, a review of catastrophe causes and mitigation, as well as the impact of disaster on human lives and the required measures needed to mitigate the disaster, is presented.</em></strong></p> Dr. Ashok Gupta, Neha Vashistha, Dr. Abhimanyu Upadhyay Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 928 934 An Overview of the Inverted Polymer Solar Cell Architecture's Development <p><strong><em>The rising cost of producing energy from fossil fuels has prompted a quest for a more cost-effective alternative energy source. Solar energy is one alternative energy source that has piqued my attention. Organic semiconductor polymer solar cells are a potential alternative to inorganic materials because they are cheaper, lighter, more flexible, and can be manufactured into huge regions using roll-to-roll manufacturing. The traditional design for manufacturing solar cells, on the other hand, requires a high vacuum to deposit the top metal electrode, which is not appropriate for roll-to-roll production. Recently, an inverted device design was explored as a possible architecture for creating optimal roll-to-roll polymer-based solar cell manufacturing. The latest developments and methods in the creation of this kind of inverted device design will be discussed in this study. We'll go through some of the work we've done to combine the inverted device architecture platform's materials, device, interface, and manufacturing to create more idealized polymer-based solar cells.</em></strong></p> Mr. Rajkishor Singh, Mr. Shoyab Hussain, Mr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Jadon Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 936 942 Treatment for Opisthorchiasis and its Clinical Manifestations <p><strong><em>Pisthorchiasis is a trematode (illness caused by infection with one of the liver fluke species Opisthorchis, which may be acquired by eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish harboring infected metacercariae. In Laos and Thailand, the cost of medical care and lost revenue due to Opisthorchis viverrini is estimated to be about $120 million per year. Opisthorchis viverrini and other liver flukes infect the lowest and most destitute people in Asia. In the National Accreditation Organizations of neglected tropical diseases, opisthorchiasis is one of four trematode disorders (together with clonorchiasis, fascioliasis, as well as paragonimiasis). In many parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Lao PDR, Vietnam, and Cambodia, opisthorchiasis is still a significant public health issue. This article provides an overview of current advances in the clinical investigation and treatment of opisthorchiasis. Details on opisthorchiasis clinical symptoms, hepatobiliary illnesses or liver function, a community-based ultrasonography investigation, treatment effectiveness, and future research are addressed.</em></strong></p> Bhupendra Singh Chauhan, Dr. Subrata Das, Dr. Sudheesh Shukla Copyright (c) 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 22 1 943 949 A Look at How Solar Energy Is Used in Industry <p><strong><em>Solar energy conversion is now extensively utilized to create heat and power. According to a comparative analysis on global energy consumption published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar array installations will provide approximately 45 percent of global energy demand in 2050. Solar thermal has been discovered to be gaining a lot of traction in industrial applications. Solar thermal energy may be used to produce power, process chemicals, or even heat your home. Food, non-metallic, textile, construction, chemical, and even business-related sectors may all benefit from it. Solar energy, on the other hand, is widely used in the telecommunications, agricultural, water desalination, and construction industries to power lights, pumps, motors, fans, freezers, and water heaters. It is critical to use solar energy for a broad range of applications and to offer energy solutions by changing the energy percentage, increasing energy stability, boosting energy sustainability, reducing conversion, and therefore enhancing system efficiency. The goal of this research was to investigate into how solar energy systems are used in industrial applications and which industrial applications are more compatible with solar energy systems.</em></strong></p> Dr. Jayanta Kumar Mahato, Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Mr. Rajkishor Singh Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 950 955 An Overview of Recent Agricultural Research Advances and Trends <p><strong><em>These advances coupled with the rise in urbanization are significant factors for the evolution of agricultural research. Recent developments in the field of Agricultural Research comprises of Eco-Agro-tourism, Big Data, Climate Smart Agriculture, Subsequent Promotional Linkages, Integrated Agriculture, etc. These developments are significant not only from the study context but also from the policy point of view towards the aim of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. In today’s’ age technology plays a very significant role in enabling farmers to take up entrepreneurial initiatives and Agro-based businesses. Recent study has also talked about integrating Agriculture technology with the Information technology for increasing the agricultural production. Traditional farming method need to be replaced with the contemporary farming techniques as Integrated Farming System, Vertical Farming, or forward Backward integration, etc. With the rise in population and limited resource availability, research connected to Urban Agriculture is being highlighted which encourages the urban people to opt for organic agriculture for healthy and safe products.&nbsp; In summary, it can be said that along with coping with the main problems such as climate change, increasing farmers’ income and feeding the billions, above-described developments in agricultural research are regarded as ray of hope for preserving Indian agriculture.</em></strong></p> Dr. Alpana Joshi, Dr. Saurabh Tyagi, Dr. Shivani Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 956 962 The Application of Carbon Fiber in the Vehicle Market <p><strong><em>: The use of lightweight materials presently produces new and novel production materials in the automobile sector. High strength-to-weight ratios, high fatigue strength, low thermal coefficients, high electrical conductivity, low weight, high modulus elasticity-to-weight ratios, strong corrosion resistance, poor impact resistance, and high carbon fiber damping are all significant characteristics. For characteristics such as energy savings, durable facilities, greater flexibility and better ergonomics, manufacturers need innovative materials. Carbon fiber with excellent material characteristics is the best material with these attributes. That is why there is increasing demand for carbon fiber, particularly among sport vehicle makers and premium automobiles. This article focuses on the structure and applications of carbon fiber in the automobile sector. Although carbon fibers are an excellent material for manufacturers because of their exclusivity they were still utilized in limited terms, other issues were also addressed in the following article. </em></strong></p> Dr. S.S. Chauhan, Dr. Preeti Garg, Dr. Abhimanyu Upadhyay Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 963 970 The Overview of Mobile Cloud Computing and its Applications <p><strong><em>Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a mobile platform providing cloud computing services. MCC blends the features of mobile networks and cloud computing with optimal resources for telephone users. The information and sophisticated processing modules may be stored in databases in mobile cloud computing and equipment like processor speed and processing power, etc. do not require a robust setup. The rapid progression of mobile computing software and modems increases the use of mobile devices considerably. This generates a high mobile app and smartphone user growth rate. MCC provides an extensive overview of the technology to be understood in order to determine all future studies for ever-increasing sectors. It's a fantastic company and analysis tool for mobile cloud computing (MCC). The whole process runs via the web, which makes it susceptible to exploitation since the data are online processing and mobile device access. MCC integrates cloud computing into the digital system and overcomes obstacles to performance (such as battery capacity, room and latency), environment (such as diversity, usability, quality) and security, such as performance and secrecy.</em></strong></p> Dr. Anuj Goel, Dr. Neha Yajurvedi, Mr. Somprabh Dubey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 971 978 Features of the Chaos Theory of Careers Related to Conceptual Mentoring <p><strong><em>A timeline depicting the development and growth of the Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC), as well as the key theoretical ideas of the theory, such as meaning and uncertainty; transition; chance; attractors; emerging patterns; and fractals. The scientific research that is particularly relevant to the CTC formulation as well as its efficacy as a counselling approach are both investigated. Assessments, card sorting, and counselling approaches are all examples of practical tools that may be used in conjunction with a CTC strategy. It is investigated how the CTC technique influences implementation and philosophical approaches. A demonstration of the CTC's potential uses of adaptability and cultural variety is shown. It is discovered that the CTC provides the most succinct and systematic current explanation of career development behaviour, and that it is capable of integrating both modernist and post-modernist perspectives on career growth. The CTC's theoretical and practical utility has been shown over the past decade, but there is still a significant amount of untapped potential to be explored over the course of the next decade.</em></strong></p> Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Mr. Somprabh Dubey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 979 985 An Intelligent Agriculture Prototype for Agricultural Field Monitoring and Management <p><strong><em>India's agricultural output has gradually decreased as a number of natural catastrophes have devastated agriculture and unpredictable climatic patterns have interfered with crop rotation. Furthermore, the elderly farmers are lowering their commitment and attempts to sell their agricultural property that inevitably impacts the production of food crops and dairy products. The agricultural environment and serious development need more robust frameworks with quick progress. The unstructured concept of the outside world creates chances of deception. In addition, the devices are usually operated by low-tech professors. Inherent safety and reliability is therefore an important aspect. Food handling is also a problem that requires mechanised frameworks to be cleansed and reliable against contamination discharge. The agricultural mechanisation frameworks referred to in this study involve field machinery, irrigation frameworks, greenhouse technological advances, animal automation structures and automation frameworks for organic produce. Each section shows numerous frameworks for automation, different applications and current developments in the field.</em></strong></p> Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. Ashok Gupta Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 986 992 Concepts of Leadership and Transformation of Management Systems <p><strong><em>Functionalist studies, which attempt to establish relationships between variables related to leadership, and interpretive studies, which attempt to trace the meaning-making mechanism associated with leadership are the two main approaches that have been used to develop narratives of leadership in the past. These methods are rejected by the academics, who want a new body of literature that takes a critical approach to leadership in its place. It is emphasised in this literature that the dialectics of power and resistance exist, as well as the ideological character of leadership. It does, however, offer a negative evaluation of leadership in the majority of instances. They think that this is valid and essential, but they believe that the agenda should be broadened to include other issues. They offer a performative criticism of leadership that places a focus on cautionary treatment, progressive pragmatism, and the pursuit of present opportunities. It is via the use of these methods that they are able to sketch out a purposeful leadership practise that involves collective attention on where, when, and if leadership is required.</em></strong></p> Dr. Neha Yajurvedi, Dr. Neha Vashistha, Dr. S.S. Chauhan Copyright (c) 2020-01-28 2020-01-28 22 1 993 999 Modern agriculture sector, dynamic trends and potential prospects for Nano-particles <p><strong><em>The concept of nanotechnology has survived almost every kind of life and has swapped its applications in many areas. Despite the rapid growth of nanotechnology, there are indeed sustainable conflicts in agriculture. In the present scenario, agriculture is an interest to provide adequate support to the world's continuous development population. It is estimated that nearly 33% of the world's agricultural production is destroyed annually. The catastrophe was caused by many apprehensions including pesticide invasion, micro-organisms, weeds, regular cataclysms, lack of soil ripeness and much more. Nanomaterials may be of tremendous use in the current scenario of worldwide food shortage. Nanotechnology has the ability to reduce the adverse effects of extensive usage of molecular agrochemicals which are related to the surrounding bio-magnification. This study discusses the significance of nanoparticles via soil maturity, plant treatment and improved production. Because of the paucity of results on agricultural Nano-biotechnology, the present research focuses on the creation of Nano-paper as a theoretical opportunity to update the conceptual model of agriculture.</em></strong></p> Dr. Neha Vashistha, Dr. Neha Yajurvedi, Dr. Anuj Goel Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 1000 1006 Genetically Modified Crops and Their Alternative Situations <p><strong><em>Genetic manipulation of agricultural genes has contributed significantly to the improvement of crops by introducing or restoring native gene functioning amongst crop plants as helpful alien genes. For example, herbicide resilience, abiotic stress resilience, insect resistance, obstruction to infection and nutrition enhancement are at least one benefits of genetically modified crops. Until then, about 525 distinct transgenic possibilities for improvement were suggested in 32 plants in various areas of the globe. The spectrum of transgenic inventions seems to improve agricultural yields, reduce the consumption of chemicals and insect poisons, reduce waste dumping and reduce harvest costs. Anyway, transgenic crops with unfamiliar qualities are being far-reaching received because of concerns over expected toxicity and allergies to individuals, potential natural hazards, for example, quality odds, anatomical consequences for non-target life forms, the growth of weed opposition and bugs. These concerns have led to the selection of different elective advances. This article provides a thorough assessment of the status of the GM crops presently evolving. The author also discusses factors that impact the unrestricted adoption of genetically modified transgenic crops and comments on new tools and strategies to address these concerns</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong></p> Dr. Preeti Garg, Dr. Ashok Gupta, Dr. Abhishek Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-23 2020-01-23 22 1 1007 1013 The Importance of Organic Farming in the Perspective of Indian Agriculture <p><strong><em>The growing awareness of the significance of environment preservation, as well as the health hazards connected with agrochemicals, and the desire of consumers to eat nutritious and safe food are the primary drivers of worldwide interest in other agricultural forms. The average annual growth rate of 20-25% is growing tremendously both in mature and developing countries. Organic farming seems to be one of the fastest growing agricultural sectors. Nevertheless, a number of issues have to be addressed before a large-scale transition towards organic farming can place. This article explores the idea of organic agriculture with the Indian continent. In addition, the breadth and profitability of organic farming in the Indian market are shown. It also covers organic farming outcomes and organic farming pest control. Large areas of rich soil in India, mainly downpour as well as located in North-East, are likely to be used as potentially organic agriculture zones, where fertilizer and chemical uses are limited and output is low. Further study in organic farming will be available in the future to investigate more in this area to explore the full potential.</em></strong></p> Dr. Ashok Gupta, Dr. Preeti Garg, Dr. Neha Yajurvedi Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 1014 1020 The Determining Factors for Indian Students' Overseas Study Experiences <p><strong><em>The number of Indian students at Australian institutions has grown. The number of these students in Australia dropped at the same period. The research attempts to explain why Australia's current student population chooses study in Singapore instead than on campuses in Australia. A comparison method has also been used in focus group interviews and an online poll. There has been a substantial decrease in the number of Indian students seeking for study visas in Australia and an increase in concern about the $180 million global education sector. Recent immigration data indicate that student visa requirements in India decreased by 48 percent from the same period in 2009, during the time period from July to 30 November 2010. The findings include a range of causes and concerns for students from Indian and foreign institutions to influence their participation in educational choices. The study emphasizes possible university recommendations to attract and draw students worldwide and includes an outline of texts.</em></strong></p> Dr. S.S. Chauhan, Dr. Anuj Goel, Dr. Neha Vashistha Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1021 1027 A Review of Agroecology and Sustainability of Agriculture in India <p><strong><em>Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and methodological design for long-term enhancement and management of soil fertility and agriculture productivity. It provides a strategy to increase diversified Agro-ecosystem. So it is benefiting the effect of the incorporation of plant and animal biodiversity, nutrient recycling; biomass creation and growth through the use of natural resource systems based on legumes, trees, and incorporation of livestock. These all make the basis of a sustainable agriculture and aim to improve the food system and societal sustainability. The agroecology supports production of both a huge quantity and diversity of good quality of food, thread and medicinal crops, together with family utilization and the market for economic and nutritionally at risk populations. Sustainable agricultural practices have to tackle the conservation of biodiversity, enhanced ecological functions, social tolerance, self-reliance, fairness, improved quality of life and economic productivity of crops and live- stock. Sustainability of agriculture is viewed critically from the point of food and ecological security at the regional scale. The aim of this article is to give an overview to identify the ideal conditions of best agriculture practices and the implications and future prospects of Agro-ecology for sustainable agriculture in India.</em></strong></p> Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Alpana Joshi, Prof. (Dr.) Divya Prakash Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 1028 1034 An Assessment of Solar Energy for The Future World <p><strong><em>The world's energy consumption is rapidly increasing as a result of population growth and technological advancements. For future energy demand, it is thus critical to choose a dependable, cost-effective, and eternal renewable energy source. Solar energy, like other renewable energy sources, is a cost-effective and readily accessible energy source for dealing with long-term problems in the energy crisis. Because of the increasing need for energy, the solar business is rapidly growing all over the globe, despite the fact that the main energy source, fossil fuel, is finite and alternative sources are costly. It has become an instrument for improving developing nations' economic position and sustaining the lives of many disadvantaged people since it is now cost efficient as a result of years of active research to speed up its growth. In comparison to other renewable energy sources, the solar sector would undoubtedly be the greatest choice for future energy demand since it is better in terms of availability, cost effectiveness, accessibility, capacity, and efficiency. As a result, this paper discusses the importance of the solar industry, as well as its fundamental concepts, the global energy scenario, highlights of research done to upgrade the solar industry, its potential applications, and barriers to a better solar industry in the future in order to resolve the energy crisis.</em></strong></p> Mr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Jadon, Mr. Ravi Kr. Bhatnagar, Dr. Jayanta Kumar Mahato Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1035 1041 A Review of Gujarat's Manufacturing Sector Model <p><strong><em>India is quickly establishing itself as one of the most profitable manufacturing destinations. This research is being done to look at India's present manufacturing methods for industrial development. A study was carried out on the factors that influence the manufacturing industry in various ways across nations. Andhra Pradesh was in charge of enhancing the performance of states like Gujarat, as well as environmental standards, via efficient infrastructure, adherence to tax and labor regulations, and other factors. With this in mind, India's government is pouring money into building a robust network of roads, rail, and transportation to boost output. Because a variety of industrial corridors, including transportation networks, are rapidly being developed, this study focuses on how they are built. The development of this industry is due to these networks. Land and labor, along with ongoing infrastructural improvements, are assisting India in making progress. As a result of this study, we have discovered how to create new laws. It seems to be the center of contemporary manufacturing.</em></strong></p> Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Mr. Shamshad Husain, Dr. Anil Kumar Nishad Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1042 1049 Text Mining for a Systematic Literature Review of Sexual Harassment Studies <p><strong><em>Thousands of research papers have been written on sexual harassment in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. To summarize the literature on sexual harassment, many review articles have been written. Traditional literature review studies have several disadvantages, such as examining a limited number of articles, being time-consuming and labour-intensive, concentrating on a few subjects, and missing temporal trend analysis. To overcome these constraints, this article uses a combination of computational and qualitative methods to identify key research issues, examine temporal patterns in sexual harassment themes over the last several decades, and suggest future research paths in the field. We gathered 5320 research articles from 1977 to 2020, identified and evaluated sexual harassment issues, and looked at the historical pattern of subjects. According to our results, sexual harassment in the workplace was the most popular study topic, and it was studied in a broad variety of contexts, from schools to military bases. According to our findings, 62.5 percent of the subjects with a significant trend had a rising (hot) temporal trend that would be investigated more in the future years. With text mining, qualitative, and temporal trend analysis techniques, this research provides a bird's eye perspective to better comprehend sexual harassment literature. Researchers, educators, publishers, and legislators may benefit from this study since it provides a comprehensive review of the sexual harassment area.</em></strong></p> Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Naveen Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1050 1057 An Overview on Higher Education In India <p><strong><em>Education is a country's strength, and it has long been known that educational institutions have a direct impact on a country's economic performance. A well-educated populace is expected in a developing nation. India has the world's third largest higher education sector, behind the United States and China. Since independence, India has made tremendous educational progress as a developed country. Despite the fact that India's higher education sector has encountered many difficulties, there are numerous options for overcoming these obstacles and improving the higher education system. It advocates for more openness and accountability, as well as a debate of the role of universities and colleges in the twenty-first century and the significance of scientific study into how people learn. India needs people who are well-qualified and well-trained in order to advance our economy. As a consequence, India provides highly qualified people to other countries, enabling India's transition from a developing to a developed country relatively simple. The goal of this research is to find problems and possibilities in India's higher education sector.</em></strong></p> Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Mr. Shamshad Husain, Dr. Anil Kumar Nishad Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1058 1064 A Study of GDP And other Indicators to Measure Human Welfare and To Regulate Eco-System Functioning <p><strong><em>The assumption that economic development is always synonymous with improved quality of life leads to the misapplication of GDP as a measure of public well-being, ignoring the reality that the economy benefits from natural, social, or human resources. Governments collaborated with scientists to create new measures that go beyond income and material riches to track progress toward sustainability and improved well-being. The Gross Domestic Product may be revised in a number of ways. This study suggested many potential indicators to modify, augment, or replace Gross Domestic Product based on a thorough literature analysis. There are two major methods that have been discovered. The first proposes greening Gross Domestic Product, socializing indices, and integrating it in a more comprehensive index by using it as a basis for building a full index. The second strategy involves attempts to re-define indicators via the use of ecologically and socially focused indicators and metrics. It was recognized that advice for the creation of governance systems intended to shift from short-term decision-making processes to those that enable multidecade planning or implementation processes is critical for guiding the transition to post-fossil-carbon societies was urgently required. This in-depth examination covers a broad variety of subjects, from GDP issues to difficulties and views on indicators. The analysis reveals that if humanity is concerned about the long-term growth of the world as a whole, progress indicators evaluated only in monetary or social terms are confined to the weak or medium sustainability model, and must be supplemented with biophysical indicator. It's past time to shift the global understanding of what progress is, shifting the conversation away from growth and toward sustainable development as well as human well-being.</em></strong></p> Dr. Anuj Goel, Dr. S.S. Chauhan, Dr. Abhimanyu Upadhyay Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1065 1071 Developing methods for mRNA vaccines: A Review <p><strong><em>&nbsp;mRNA vaccines have a good immunological profile, a good safety profile, and the flexibility that genetic vaccines lack. Based on in situ protein production, mRNA vaccines may induce a balanced immune response that includes both cellular and humoral immunity while not being limited by MHC haplotypes. Furthermore, since it is a minimum and only temporary carrier of information that does not interact with the genome, mRNA is an inherently safe vector. Because any protein may be produced from mRNA without changing the manufacturing method, mRNA vaccines provide the most development flexibility. When taken as a whole, mRNA seems to be a viable vector that has the potential to provide the foundation for a game-changing vaccine technology platform. The present state of knowledge about several issues that should be addressed while creating an mRNA-based vaccination technology is outlined below. Because RNA is notoriously fragile, using it for medicinal purposes is a risky proposition. Despite the molecule's susceptibility to the almost ubiquitous ribonucleases (RNases),1 mRNA was initially pushed as a therapy in 1989, after the discovery of a widely applicable in vitro transfection method.</em></strong></p> Dr. Alpana Joshi, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Mr. Priyank Bharati Copyright (c) 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 22 1 1072 1080 Deep Learning Research: An Overview <p><strong><em>Deep learning technology has been a significant study area in the field of machine learning with the advent of big data, and it has been extensively used in image processing, natural language processing, voice recognition, and online advertising, among other applications. This article covers many elements of deep learning techniques, such as typical deep learning models and optimization approaches, widely used open-source frameworks, current issues, and future research prospects. First, we'll go over some of the most common deep learning models and optimization techniques; second, we'll go over some of the most common deep learning models and optimization methods; and third, we'll go over some of the most common deep learning models and optimization methods. Finally, we go through several popular deep learning frameworks and platforms. Finally, we discuss deep learning's most recent acceleration technologies as well as its future research.</em></strong></p> Vijay Maheshwari, Mr. Kuldeep Chauhan Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1081 1086 A Study on the Influences of Entrepreneurship Education on Students <p><strong><em>Requirement through entrepreneurial education also for growth of entrepreneurship. Culture/values with&nbsp;education are the most critical aspect of the entrepreneurship climate. Education must be embraced in such a manner it is necessary not just for young people, but also for greatly&nbsp;educated adults. Here, we addressed the importance of education for startup an entrepreneurship throughout India. The purpose of this study&nbsp;is to illustrate current developments throughout entrepreneurship education through presenting some avenues for future studies that provide an anthropological approach to education. These will help more students to accept the distinctive essence of entrepreneurship through connecting it to evolving developments in jobs, including the contract economy as well as the entrepreneurship innovation of the workforce. Recommendations for the needs of entrepreneurship education yet more development is being made as a means of influencing the future growth of the industry.</em></strong></p> Uma Sharma, Dr. Prashant Kumar, Mr. Rahul Tomer Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1087 1093 A Review on the Sustainable Development and Ethics of the Environment <p><strong><em>The natural resources are badly exploited by humans due to scientific and technological development. So there arises the need of the conservation of the natural resources. The conservation of environmental resources refers to management of human use of biosphere so that it yields maximum sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the requirements of the future generations. This newer concept of development has come to be known as “Sustainable Development”, </em></strong><strong><em>Sustainable development means' addressing today's needs without undermining future generations' capacity to fulfill their own needs. It is a very complicated and broad definition that combines the following concepts. Principles to which development practices are explicitly or indirectly applicable: (a) economic sustainability; (b) environmental sustainability; (c) social sustainability; and (d) cultural sustainability. There are intra-generational as well as inter-generational equities and many approaches to sustainable growth. It also has some major steps that will be presented here.</em></strong></p> Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Jasvir Singh Rana Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1094 1100 An Analytical Study of the Influences of Fashion Trends on the Community <p><strong><em>India is indeed a multidimensional nation through&nbsp;a population overall&nbsp;1.27 trillion, expanded across varying areas with high traditions. Specific outfits and clothing have a longer&nbsp;history to analyses. They are committed to the adopting of such popular traditional Indians, who have a longer&nbsp;enriching cultural continuity all over the globe. Technologies &amp; Refurbishments seems to be the giant surge that is currently on the trends. This can start with everything from Bell Bottoms, Vintage Fashion, Bobby Print, Smart Textiles, Sadhana, 0&nbsp;size modulations as well as body modulations such as tattoos, piercing, etc. They always recognize that "This is a dress that determines the social character of the individual in society" Consequently, our inner Indian civilization is distorting, and everyone&nbsp;should be worried now, because that's on the verge&nbsp;to be diminished in a minute. But, because they realize, our Indian structures will still remain same. &nbsp;Our ancestors see only remnants of the Indians in galleries.&nbsp; Our cultural heritage required&nbsp;to be supported in such a way where these larger particles of other cultures vanish and render our Indian cultures&nbsp;and growth a global forum for holding this nation's&nbsp;cultural treasure intact.</em></strong></p> Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Jasvir Singh Rana Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1101 1107 An Endless Debate on Nature, Nurture, and Human Behavior <p><strong><em>The goal of this paper is to settle the never-ending argument over whether such behavioral traits are a consequence of nature (i.e., genetic inheritance), diet (i.e., acquired learning), or a combination of both. Despite the philosophical conflict between nativists, who hold an outlandish innate position such as attributing everything to sustainably grown variables (nature), as well as preservationists, who believe that the way humans are raised absolutely administrates the mental aspects of our youth's development through learning, it's indeed difficult to accept both of these extraordinary positions today. There are basically too many "realities" on both sides of the debate that clash with a "all or none" perspective. So, rather of determining whether the child's progress is due to nature or nurture, the question has been rephrased to "How much?" Which is more important, given how both genetics and environment influence who we become as individuals? This is the one-on-one question that has to be answered. In conclusion, but in no way, shape, or form least, determining the cause and effect is not a straightforward academic problem. If we really want to make a difference in people's lives, it's critical that we strike the nail on the head.</em></strong></p> Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Vishvas Chand Copyright (c) 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 22 1 1108 1114 A Review of Ontological Approach toward Cybersecurity in Cloud Computing <p><strong><em>The widespread deployment of the Internet allowed for the construction of cloud computing is an emerging IT delivery paradigm. Despite the fact that cloud computing-based services have grown quickly, their security features are in the early stages of development. In order to maintain cloud computing's security, information about cybersecurity that will be shared inside it. It's important to figure out what's going on and talk about it. We are doing so for this reason. Suggest an ontological approach to cloud-based cybersecurity computing. Based on real cybersecurity activities, we provide an ontology for cybersecurity operational information. Mostly concerned with non-cloud computing to talk about it, we have all of the essential cybersecurity knowledge in cloud computing. Use ontologies in cloud computing. We highlight important developments in cloud computing via the debate, such as well as separating data and assets, and clarifying the cybersecurity information needed by changes such as data provenance and encryption information on energy dependencies</em></strong></p> Rajiv kumar, Prof. (Dr.) Tarun Kr. Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 22 1 1115 1121 Review Paper on Blockchain and Its Current Applications <p><strong><em>Since the advent of Bitcoin, the first and biggest cryptocurrency, blockchain technology has been recognized as a digital currency platform. It has previously been used for decentralization of markets in general, rather than just independence of currency and transactions. The blockchains distributed transactional ledger may be used to register, confirm, and transmit various types of contracts to other network participants. We fully examine state-of-the-art blockchain-related applications that have appeared in the literature in this article. A software application may be categorized as either centralized or distributed, depending on its architectural approach. A centralized software system's nodes are dispersed and connected to a single central coordinating node. A distributed system, on the other hand, is made up of numerous linked nodes that are controlled by a single point. A distributed system offers a number of benefits, including increased processing power by pooling the computing capability of all linked nodes, better dependability due to the absence of a single point of failure, and so on. A number of previously published publications were carefully considered for inclusion based on their addition to the blockchain body of knowledge. In the last part of the article, many points are examined and debated.</em></strong></p> Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. S.S. Chauhan, Mr. Somprabh Dubey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1129 1135 Using Network-Aware Task Assignment to Boost Map Reduce <p><strong><em>Running Map Reduce in a shared cluster to handle large-scale data analytical applications while increasing cluster utilization has been a current trend. However, network sharing across different apps may limit and heterogeneously distribute network capacity for Map Reduce workloads. As a result, network hotspots in racks become even more severe, rendering current task assignment rules that prioritize data location ineffective. This article provides a model to evaluate the connection between job completion time and the assignment of both map and reduce jobs across racks to address this problem. We also devise a network-aware task assignment method to reduce Map Reduce job completion times in shared clusters. It combines two basic but efficient greedy heuristics to decrease the time it takes to complete the map and reduce phases, respectively. We show that, when compared to state-of-the-art task assignment methods, the network-aware approach may reduce the average completion time of MapReduce tasks while maintaining an acceptable computing cost using large-scale simulations powered by Face book job traces.</em></strong></p> Mr. Rajesh Pandey, Rajiv kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1137 1144 Clustering Strategy Performance Analysis of Cloud DVR for Energy Efficiency <p><strong><em>Comcast's cloud digital video recorder (cDVR) is a new service available to its customers. In the Cablevision judgment, the main current legal interpretation allowing cloud DVR is based on a single copy. As a result, the cDVR data center's operating costs are very expensive. To save energy, an asynchronous service system with user classification based on cDVR use is used. CDVRs with comparable use schedules are built in one cluster in this system. If there have been no cDVR requests for a period of time, the cloud recording service on this cluster goes to sleep. When one or more cDVR requests arrive, they are delayed in queues until the cDVR service comes up. To evaluate the performance of this system, a 2-class Markov Geo vacation model is given in this article. In simulations and experiments, different scheduling strategies are compared.</em></strong> <strong><em>Distributed networking may help in situations where resource sharing is a problem or when greater fault tolerance is required. Higher degrees of anonymity are also well supported by distributed networking. Cloud computing is a kind of computing that uses thunder the conventional client/server computing paradigm, enterprises with fast growth and scalability requirements may find it difficult to manage their own distributed network</em></strong></p> Mr. Rajesh Pandey, Vijay Maheshwari Copyright (c) 2020-01-14 2020-01-14 22 1 1145 1151 An Overview Of Cyber Security In Smart Grid <p><strong><em>A smart grid harnesses the power of information technology to intelligently provide energy to consumers through two-way communication while also meeting environmental standards via the integration of green technologies. Despite the fact that smart grid solves many issues with conventional grids, it faces a number of security issues. Because communication has been integrated with electrical power, which has inherent flaws, the system has been exposed to many dangers. These issues have been addressed in a number of academic publications. However, the majority of them categorized attacks based on confidentiality, integrity, and availability, while excluding assaults that jeopardized other security criteria like accountability. Furthermore, existing security countermeasures are focused on preventing particular attacks or safeguarding certain components, but there is no comprehensive strategy that brings these solutions together to defend the whole system. The goal of this article is to provide a thorough review of the relevant published studies. We start by going through the security needs. Then, to identify possible weaknesses and their effect, we look at a number of major cyber-attacks in the smart grid in detail. We also suggested a cyber security plan as a method for dealing with breaches, preventing attacks, and deploying suitable remedies. Finally, we suggest some study topics for the future.</em></strong></p> Prof. (Dr.) Tarun Kr. Sharma, Dr. Mamta Bansal Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1152 1158 Delegated Legislation: A Review <p><strong><em>The act of empowering or allowing a person to act on behalf of the person who has given him that authority, or to function as that person's agent or delegate, is known as delegated legislation. Delegated law refers to the vast quantity of laws enacted by government agencies under the authority of Acts of Parliaments and the Governor-General, who delegated this power to agencies. Since 2005, this kind of legislation has also been known as Subordinate Legislation or Statutory Instruments. Delegated law refers to legislative power held by an official lower in the legislative hierarchy or who is subservient to the Legislature. A delegated law, also known as an auxiliary statute, is a piece of legislation enacted by someone other than Parliament. By an Act of Parliament, Parliament may authorize someone else or another entity to enforce it. An Act of Parliament establishes a distinctive or unique rule structure that seems to contain a statement of the Act's purpose.</em></strong></p> Sunil Kumar Gupta, Mr. Rahul Tomer, Uma Sharma Copyright (c) 2020-01-09 2020-01-09 22 1 1159 1165 The Use of Blockchain Technology in E-Healthcare Systems <p><strong><em>The healthcare sector has been embracing cutting-edge technology that allows for the digitization of medical data and the automation of clinical procedures. The requirement for interoperability across various departments in healthcare necessitates a system that allows for smooth data exchange. However, when exchanging data with many authorized parties, data confidentiality and integrity are important concerns. In 2016, hundreds of millions of medical records were hacked, and the number continues to rise. The new blockchain technology is a groundbreaking technique that guarantees data integrity and secrecy inside any system. Blockchain technology has piqued the interest of certain healthcare professionals because it offers a decentralized and encrypted method of storing and exchanging data. This new technology holds a lot of promise for improving the security and integrity of electronic health records. We performed a comprehensive literature analysis in order to identify research gaps and future research directions in blockchain technology in healthcare research in this article. The literature is examined to determine the benefits, drawbacks, and difficulties of using blockchain technology in healthcare from the viewpoints of people and process technology.</em></strong></p> Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. Abhimanyu Upadhyay Copyright (c) 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 22 1 1166 1172 The Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Review <p><strong><em>The use of different technologies, such as information technology, to complement and improve current healthcare services has always been the subject of much study. The Internet of Things, in particular, has been extensively used to link existing medical resources and offer dependable, effective, and smart healthcare to the elderly and chronically sick patients. The purpose of this article is to review Internet of things in the healthcare sector, as well as to evaluate the intelligentization movement and future research prospects in this area. The advancement of IoT in healthcare systems has been explored from the points of view of enabling technologies and methodologies, Internet - of - things smart devices and systems, and wide range of applications of Technology in the health industries, begins with a comprehensive literature review and discussion of the researchers' achievements. Finally, the difficulties and opportunities of developing Internet - of - things healthcare systems are thoroughly addressed.</em></strong></p> Mr. Rahul Tomer, Dr. Prashant Kumar, Sunil Kumar Gupta Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1173 1180 Women's Empowerment in India: A Survey <p><strong><em>The purpose of this study is to examine the state of women's empowerment in India employing different metrics based on secondary data. Despite the government's efforts, women in India remain generally disempowered and have a lesser status than males, according to the research. In terms of education and employment, there is a gender divide. Women's decision-making authority in the home and freedom of mobility differ significantly depending on their age, education, and job position. It has been shown that women continue to accept uneven gender standards in society. For one reason or another, more than half of women think that wife abuse is acceptable. Women have less control over how their money is spent. With age, education, and where you live, you have more control over your monetary earnings. Women are also less exposed to the media than males. Domestic abuse is more common among rural women than among metropolitan women. In terms of political involvement, there is also a significant gender divide. The research continues by stating that access to education and work are merely enabling elements for empowerment; nevertheless, progress toward the objective is mainly dependent on people's attitudes toward gender equality.</em></strong></p> Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Naveen Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1181 1187 A Review Paper on Air Pollution Engineering <p><strong><em>Air pollution is an environmental and societal issue that has a wide range of negative consequences for human health and quality of life, ecosystem health, and climate change. Air pollutants are produced from a variety of natural and human sources, and they may travel great distances. Some air pollutants are highly persistent in the atmosphere and may build up in the environment and food chain, posing a threat to humans, animals, and natural biodiversity. Clearly, air pollution is a complicated issue that presents a number of difficulties in terms of management and pollution reduction. An effective response to the issues of air pollution requires a thorough understanding of the causes of pollution, as well as knowledge of current and future trends in air quality, as well as the effects on people and ecosystems. This chapter examines the complexity of air pollution and provides an overview of various technological procedures and equipment for air pollution management, as well as the fundamental principles that govern their operation. Only a combined effort of different scientific and technical disciplines, such as chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, chemical engineering, and social sciences, can address the issues of air pollution and other ecosystem protection. The majority of the engineering contribution is focused on the creation, design, and operation of equipment to reduce hazardous emissions into the environment.</em></strong></p> Dr. Neha Vashistha, Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Mr. Somprabh Dubey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1188 1194 An Overview of Electric Vehicles <p><strong><em>Electrifying transportation is a potential strategy for addressing climate change. The introduction of electric vehicles to the market has had a major effect on a variety of sectors, particularly the power grid. Various regulations have been adopted to encourage the deployment of electric vehicles, and the upward trend in electric car adoption in recent years has been encouraging. Electric car powertrain, battery, and charger technology have all advanced in recent years, allowing for a broader use of electric vehicles. Despite the environmental and financial advantages, charging electric cars has a detrimental effect on current network operations. To address this problem, appropriate charge management methods may be used. Furthermore, integrating electric vehicles with the smart grid may open up a slew of possibilities, particularly in terms of vehicle-to-grid technology and as a solution to the renewable energy intermittency problem. This paper examines the most recent advancements in electric car technology, as well as the implications of electric vehicle adoption and prospects.</em></strong></p> Dr. Aniket Kumar, Dr. Niraj Singhal Copyright (c) 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 22 1 1195 1201 Study on a Cloud Computing-Based Sports Teaching Resource Platform <p><strong><em>The sports teaching resource platform, which is based on cloud computing, was created to enhance sports education. The structure of Cloud Computing and its functions are the first topics covered in this article. The framework and modules of this platform are then described. We explain how this platform is organized in Cloud Computing based on the benefits of Cloud Computing. As a result, this platform can effectively store multimedia content. Teachers may also use this site to exchange sports multimedia content and create dynamic courseware. The platform's GUI allows students to see this changing courseware. As a result, pupils will find it more convenient to study on their own.</em></strong> <strong><em>A kernel for Linux that works on actual hardware. Linux cgroups and namespaces are the core Linux a kernel technology used to separate, secures, and manage the containers. Containerization outperforms virtualization because it does not have the overhead of a hypervisor. IaaS clouds often include significant funds as in a virtual hard librarian, raw frame flash memory, file or object data transfer, cameras, application servers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks (VLANs), and software packages.</em></strong></p> Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mr. Rajesh Pandey Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1202 1208 A Heuristic Markova Approach to Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Cloud Computing <p><strong><em>Cloud computing differs from previous distributed computer paradigms in that it offers more dependable and flexible access to IT resources. The issue of providing and distributing resources on demand in response to changing workloads drives the challenge of managing applications effectively in cloud computing. The majority of studies have focused on controlling this demand at the physical layer, with just a handful at the application layer. This article focuses on an application-level resource allocation approach that assigns a sui. number of virtual machines to an application that exhibits dynamic resource needs. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first completely estimation-based study in this area. The suggested method provides a more cost-effective resource provisioning approach when addressing cloud user needs, according to the findings of the experiments.</em></strong> <strong><em>One of the major distinctions from the DTMC is that global transition updates offer a short memory for the system. The goal of this research is to reduce the number of virtual machines leased from the provider the customer while taking into account application needs. We want to reduce the number of virtual machine instances for a certain incoming workload (W) while providing enough resources for the application</em></strong></p> Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mr. Rajesh Pandey Copyright (c) 2020-01-29 2020-01-29 22 1 1209 1214 In Cloud Computing, Towards a Trusted Launch Mechanism for Virtual Machines <p><strong><em>Although cloud computing allows us to dynamically provide servers with the flexibility to meet a broad variety of requirements, it also introduces a slew of new security concerns. One of the most pressing concerns for cloud computing is the security of virtual machines (VM). Existing VM security methods, such as Terra, toot, and TXT, however, are primarily concerned with the security of the VM operating environment. In clouds, there is no protective mechanism for virtual machines (VMs). We present a trusted launch solution for virtual machines (TLVM) in this article, which includes four systematic methods for safeguarding VMs in clouds: image encryption, measurement, attestation, and security-enhanced authentication. A proof-of-concept implementation of our method is also discussed. The results of our tests show that our technology can secure the whole launch process of a virtual machine.</em></strong> <strong><em>The measurement module will then take measurements on the virtual machine picture. The measurement outcome, including the measurement value and a signed report data from the host is transmitted to a remote attestation server for verification. The image's integrity the user will use the Usbkey to log into the VM. The virtual machine will connect to the host and get the migrated key.</em></strong></p> Mr. Kuldeep Chauhan, Dr. Mamta Bansal Copyright (c) 2020-01-15 2020-01-15 22 1 1215 1221 Delay-Optimized Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing Services in Heterogeneous Networks <p><strong><em>By executing remotely on mobile cloud computing (MCC) networks, offloading is an effective technique for extending the lifespan and speeding up the execution rate of mobile devices. Meanwhile, a heterogeneous network (HetNet), which includes a variety of radio access nodes, is generally seen as a viable method to meet the increasing traffic demand. First, we present two delay-optimized offloading control methods for LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks in this article. Setting a threshold to limit the number of unloading users is one of them. Another method is to estimate the execution latency to see whether the users are suitable for offloading. Both take into consideration the traffic load of the serving cell and neighboring cells. Simulations in both heterogeneous and macro-only networks are used to assess the delay performance of various methods for comparative purposes.</em></strong></p> Mr. Anuj Kumar, Dr. Niraj Singhal Copyright (c) 2020-01-08 2020-01-08 22 1 1222 1228 A Study on Cashless Economy of India <p><strong><em>The digital economy takes shape and undermines conventional concepts of how enterprises arrange themselves; how businesses interact and how customers get services, information and commodities India's population is so big and diverse in terms of demographics, socio-cultural factors, and economic variables that any change in basic economic policy would require time. As a result, India's "cashless economy" is becoming a reality, because of factors like high-speed internet, a vast mobile network, expanded digital infrastructure, government policies and initiatives as well as the public awareness and acceptance. Every day, billions of internet connections between individuals, corporations, devices, data, and processes generate economic activity. Hypo connection, or the rising interconnectivity of people, corporations, and machines via the Internet, mobile technologies, and the Internet, is the backbone of the digital economy. This paper is a review on how the digital economy is evolving, testing long-held assumptions about how companies organise themselves, communicate with other companies, and receive services, information, and commodities from customers.</em></strong></p> Sh Sachin Gupta Copyright (c) 22 1 1229 1236 Benefits and Risks of Social Networking: A Review <p>The use of social media in education is a heated subject in school districts around the country. Educators are lagging behind the public in embracing social networking for educational reasons because they are afraid that children may be exposed to inappropriate online content, unwanted adult connections, and peer bullying. Proponents of social networking in the classroom, on the other hand, claim that limiting students access to these sites denies them the opportunity to study, create, and learn utilising modern communication tools. Current study is about the benefits and risks associated with the Social Networking. It was reported that Facebook is now the most popular social networking site, with an estimated 750 million monthly users. Twitter, a microblogging social networking site, with over 250 million monthly users. Myspace was once the world’s most popular social network, but it could not keep up with Facebook. The site has 70.5 million monthly visits, according to estimates. As seen by the limited experience of a few top businesses, the future of social media networking holds great promise.</p> Madhav Singh Solanki Copyright (c) 22 1 1237 1243 Water Pollution and Its Effect On Lifeforms <p>Water pollution is becoming a global concern as due to this the amount of drinking water is getting decreased day by day. The huge amount of water loss is experienced by metro cities worldwide. During the dumping of hazardous effluent by major civilizations into water a worldwide problem and danger has arisen. Factory waste product, chemical substances dangerous by the industry, dumping of household trash and disposing medical and other toxic waste straight into waterways lead to water quality deteriorations, finally causing drinking water losses and even fatalities in different forms of life. In this study a review is done on the source and impact of water pollution and the kinds of water contamination. It was reported that aquatic life largely suffers from water pollution through the lack of adequate soluble oxygen in freshwater bodies owing to increased water toxicity. The Clean Waters Rule, clarifying the scope of Clean Water and protecting one in three citizens' drinking water, is among the most efficient methods of standing up for water.</p> Dr. Durgesh Wadhwa Copyright (c) 22 1 1244 1251 Global Warming and Its Potential Impact on Indian Agriculture <p>The greenhouse effect is predicted to produce substantial climatic changes in some places as a result of global warming. Climate change is anticipated to have a significant impact on the hydrological cycle, including precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and so on. The primary component of evapotranspiration (ET) is Crop water requirements, as well as future water planning and management, will be influenced by the hydrological cycle. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to global warming in Rajasthan's desert areas (India). Various studies used the Penman–Monteith equation to calculate reference evapotranspiration, and the sensitivity of ET in terms of temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and vapor pressure changes within a 20% range from typical long-term climatic conditions during 32 years (1971–2002). The current study did not take into account changes in precipitation or stomatal resistance to increasing CO2 concentrations. According to the reviewed literatures, increasing the temperature by 20 % degrees Celsius (maximum 8 degrees Celsius) increases overall ET consumption by 14.8 percent.</p> Dr Prafull Kumar Copyright (c) 22 1 1252 1259 An Overview of Indian Research in Depression <p>Researchers in India have long been interested in depression as a disease. A vast number of research from India have been published in the previous 50-60 years, covering various facets of this widely widespread disease. Epidemiology, demographic and psychosocial risk factors, neurobiology, symptomatology, comorbidity, evaluation and diagnosis, effect of depression, treatment-related difficulties, and depression prevention, as well as the efficacy and tolerability of various antidepressants, were all investigated. Depression is a prevalent and treatable illness that is nevertheless under-diagnosed in primary care settings. There is a need to mobilise additional resources to deal with depressive illnesses in India, which has a national shortfall of 77% for psychiatrists. The present subtyping of depression is based on the categorical classification of bipolar and depressive disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). However, current research supports a dimensional approach to depression, which is defined as a continuum/spectrum of overlapping illnesses that range from bipolar I depression to severe depressive disorder. In this article, we look at statistics from India on several elements of depression.</p> Dr. Gopal Arora Copyright (c) 22 1 1260 1266 Pharmacological Enzymes Produced By Microorganisms: A Viable Arena for Anti-inflammation <p>Biopharmaceuticals is a new area that studies and uses biological organisms and their products for medicinal purposes. Enzymes are extraordinary biocatalysts that dramatically increase the pace of biological processes. They have a lot of unique characteristics, such a lot of catalytic potential, a lot of substrate specificity, and pH &amp; temperature optima. They have a wide range of therapeutic uses because to these exceptional characteristics. They're progressively being used to address a wide range of illnesses, whether alone or in conjunction with other treatments. Plants, animals, and microbes may all produce useful enzymes. Easy separation, higher uniformity, better productivity, financial viability, better resistance, or candid manufacturing by recombinant DNA technology utilising microorganisms as parent cells are all benefits of enzymes separated from microorganisms. In addition, microbial enzyme are easier to modify and optimise than those derived from plants and animals. As a result, microbial enzymes have enticing properties and potential, and they are a significant subclass of advanced biopharma. Our focus on the therapeutic possibilities of microbial enzymes, as anti-inflammatory in this study. This data will assist in highlighting &amp; further exploring their medicinal potential, which is rapidly spreading and improving wellness.</p> Arminder Kaur Copyright (c) 22 1 1267 1273 An Overview on Pavement Distresses and their Measurements <p>Pavement distress is an indicator of poor pavement efficiency and a sign of a failure of the pavement. The comfort and safety of the user is affected by road surface irregularities. This paper tackles all the difficulties of paving and its measures, starting with the fundamental principles of paving distress such as paving distress. Through data from 85 distresses observed and depicted in the Tada UA segment and the number of distresses and pavement stresses percentages of the planned road, 545 distresses have been observed in the PaleikTada U road segment. Therefore, the figure for the proposed highway is examined. Furthermore, this piece discusses the present approach for monitoring pavement degradation. This investigation reveals the most accurate cause of pavement deterioration or trouble, which facilitates restoration. In addition, we can build more effective and high-performance paving in the future, via understanding of pavement distress.</p> Vinit Jadaun Copyright (c) 22 1 1274 1280 Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizers as Excellent Way to Reduce Nitrogen Losses: A Review <p>Around one-fourth to one-third of applied fertilizer nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere as ammonium and nitrous oxide gases, or as nitrates in surface and ground waters, causing a slew of environmental and health issues. With a worldwide nitrogen use of about 102 million tonnes (mt) in 2009, the loss of applied nitrogen may vary from 25 to 34 mt, or $12.5 to $17 billion USD; India's N loss estimates could be 3-4 mt, or 1.5-2.0 billion USD. Globally, projections for 2050 range from 27.5 to 36.6 billion US dollars, with India accounting for 3.25 to 4.35 billion US dollars. This is a massive waste of natural resources, energy, and money that must be minimized, if not eliminated entirely. Controlled release fertilizers (CRF), slow release fertilizers (SRF), and bio-supplemented fertilizers (fertilizers amended with nitrification/urease inhibitors) are all options for increasing production and reducing nitrogen losses. International financing, similar to that available for carbon bonds, is needed to support the use of such N fertilizers in South, Southeast, and East Asia, the area that consumes approximately 60% of the world's total N fertilizer use and is home to the majority of the world's poor. This study focused on the many kinds of delayed release fertilizers that are widely used, their worldwide consumption, and their impact on crop growth and nitrogen losses.</p> Namrata Arya Copyright (c) 22 1 1281 1289 An Overview of the Agroecosystem and their ManagementAgroecosystems are natural habitats that have been transformed for the processing of food and fiber, and agroecosystem management combines economic, ecological, and social principles to address problems <p>Agroecosystems are natural habitats that have been transformed for the processing of food and fiber, and agroecosystem management combines economic, ecological, and social principles to address problems and identify opportunities. This paper gives all details about agroecosystem and it’s Management like meaning of agro ecosystem, meaning of management and primary function of management process. This paper gives also focuses on agroecosystems management and challenges to agroecosystems management. By using sustainable agroecosystems management: Economics, Society emphasizes Integrating Ecology, and the continue centrality of ecosystems perspectives, and need for integrates social considerations ecological, and economic in agroecosystems science and managements. Truly Inter -disciplinary in Scopes with contribution from distinguish leader in field of sustainable agricultures.</p> Narendra Nath Saxena Copyright (c) 22 1 1290 1297 An Overview on Blockchain Tool to Manage IoT Devices <p>Blockchain technology has emerged as the next breakthrough technology since the beginning of Bitcoin in 2008. Though blockchain began as a Bitcoin core technology, it is now being applied to a wide range of fields, including banking, the Internet of Things (IoT), security, and other areas. Many business and public organisations are currently investing in technology. Aside from that, we'll see the beginnings of IoT as software and hardware develop. Those IoT devices must also be able to communicate and synchronize with one another. However, we predict that in cases where there are millions of IoT devices linked, the existing server-client approach will have some restrictions and challenges during synchronization. We can control and customize IoT devices via blockchain. Even virtually other blockchain platforms enable account as a key management system, we chose Ethereum because it allows us to administer the system in a more fine-grained manner. We employ a few IoT devices to prove an idea rather than a whole IoT system with thousands of IoT devices for the proof of concept. However, in a later study, we'd like to use blockchain to develop a fully scaled IoT system.</p> Swapnil Raj Copyright (c) 22 1 1298 1304 Organic Agriculture and Its Effects on Development <p>Organic agriculture is a method of agriculture, which increases soil quality by maximizing local productivity while minimizing agrochemicals, GMOs and the numerous cytotoxic compounds used as food additives. The harmful health consequences of traditional products are all contributed to by pesticide residues, nitrates, toxic metals, hormones, antibiotic residues and genetically engineered plants. In recent decades, demand for organically grown food has increased in the quest for nutritious food due to possible positive benefits and food safety issues. The commercialization of organic agricultural practices is a means of reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture. The present study examined all pro and con elements of organic agriculture and found that, although organic production has several benefits, it is currently not regarded an adequate agriculture method to meet world food demand. The scope of organic farming for the future appears very feasible if it increases production volumes and is cost-efficient, since organic products are expensive, reducing their demand and thus small-scale production.</p> Dr Mohd Awais Copyright (c) 22 1 1305 1312 Challenges of Teaching English in Indian Classrooms <p>n India's fight for independence, growth and change into a country with diverse identities, English has played an essential part. English has been utilized by diplomacy, the government, literacy, courts and IT. Its role has been broadened to address contemporary opportunity creation demands. The English language instruction in India is in a horrible state since English is changing. The insanity of policymakers on poverty and the population is the fault of India's teaching English difficulties. There was a lack of a coherent agenda, an insufficient exposure, an insufficient substance, insufficient instructor skills, an inefficient technique and a lack of motivation. The goal of this article is to explore the difficulties arising from the teaching of English in Indian schools. The study examined important concerns relating to the language instruction in India, the English characteristics and the function of English as a partner official language in India and the corrective measures that might be implemented to address the problem in the educational system. The teacher-student proportion and defective evaluation in order to overcome the problems of English learning in India must be given attention. To overcome the English and Learning problems in India the teacher and student ratio and the faulty evaluation system must be taken into account.</p> Prof. Meenakshi Sharma Copyright (c) 22 1 1313 1319 Effects of 5G Technology on People's Lives: An Overview <p>In this article, an effort is made to compare and contrast different generations of mobile wireless technology in terms of portals, performance, benefits, and drawbacks. The article discusses the history and development of several generations of mobile wireless technology, as well as its importance and advantages over one another. Mobile wireless technologies have gone through four or five stages of technological revolution and development in the last several decades, from 1G to 4G. The current focus of mobile wireless technology research is on the advanced deployment of 4G and 5G technologies. Currently, the word "5G" is not in use. World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless Networks (DAWN), and Real Wireless World are all being researched in 5G. We propose a new network design for next-generation 5G mobile networks in this article. The mobile terminal in the proposed design has the ability to alter the Radio Access Technology (RAT) depending on user requirements.</p> Rishi Sikka Copyright (c) 22 1 1320 1333 Role of Stem Cells in Health Sciences and Regenerative Medicine <p>Stem cells are cell types capable of developing into a range of cell kinds. It acts as the self-healing mechanism of the body. Stem cells help the body expand through the creation of new cells and the substitution of damaged or destroyed cells. You can do this because it has two distinctive properties: you can divide to produce new units forever and you can proliferate to build new cells. As cells grow, they might become the numerous cell types producing the organism. In the realm of medicine, stem cells provide a wide range of treatments for severe ailments. Stem cells are already used in a number of current treatments including transplant bone marrow, and their capacity to repair tissue. This study covers stem cell kinds, development of embryonic stem cells, stem cell properties, preservation and isolation of stem cells and several medical uses. Stem cells have been of considerable concern as they have the potential to extend the number and kind of patients who can benefit from transplantation significantly. For an examination in the near vicinity of the likely stem cell mechanism to improve cardiac function restoration, other approaches such as genetic pedigree tracking should be combined with biological instruments in evaluating the destiny of transplanted cells.</p> Dr Mohd Irfan Dr Mohd Irfan Copyright (c) 22 1 1334 1340 An Overview on Green Technology <p>Human civilization develops and employs a variety of technologies to assist day-to-day activities. Green technology is environmental and eco-friendly technology that is produced and used in such a manner that it does not harm the environment and conserves natural resources, resulting in long-term development. However, some individuals refer to green technology as environmental technology or clean technology, both of which are designed to safeguard the environment and, in particular, natural resources. This paper discusses several types of green technology along with numerous green technology products. It also discusses several applications of green technology including solar panels, solar array, reusable water bottles, solar water heater, wind generator, house insulation, etc. This also explain several goals of green technology. As green technology is completely eco-friendly and is helpful in solving several real-life problems, it has higher chances of getting implemented in future thereby increasing its future scope.</p> Dr Prafull Kumar Copyright (c) 22 1 1341 1347 A Review Paper on Marketing of the Agriculture <p>Marking is a system of organizations, activities and processes through which consumers, society and partners communicate, generate, exchange and deliver products of exceptional value. Agriculture Marketing is a marketing system that facilitates the marketing of multifarious farmers around the world. The bulk of the population of India still lives in rural areas and the main source of income are agriculture and associated professions. Despite the efforts of the government, the difference between the investment by a farmer and the return on the investment still remains. This article provides specifics on the marketing of agriculture products, such as marketing definitions, 4 (Ps) marketing, marketing subsystem, and marketing systems subsystems further. This article also provides data on agricultural marketing in India, benefits of excellent government policy systems, and farm marketing tools. Agriculture consultancy is a services that enables fresh entry on the market either online or offline. In future, there can be done extensive research in this sector to explore more in a pragmatic manner.</p> Dr Sarbananda Sahu Copyright (c) 22 1 1348 1355 A Brief Description on Agriculture <p>Agriculture has played a crucial role in the rise of human civilization. For decades, agriculture has been the most popular activity among people. Agriculture employs a large number of people, making it the most widely employed sector. Soil erosion, insufficient storage facilities, and irrigation are some of the problems of agriculture. Agriculture is the science and practise of growing plants and raising livestock. Pastoral farming, shifting agriculture, mixed farming, nomadic agriculture, commercial agriculture, intensive and extended farming, and many more techniques or activities are all part of agriculture. This review discusses the introduction of agriculture, types of agriculture, role of agriculture in development, as well as new agricultural technologies in modern farming such as indoor vertical farming, farm automation, and blockchain. This study is helpful for people who have interest in agriculture. In the future, new technology will be brought into the agricultural sector, allowing for the cultivation of higher-quality products while also addressing the problems that come with it.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1356 1362 Analysis of Several Technology used in Medical FieldAnalysis of Several Technology used in Medical Field <p>Humans' primary priority has always been their health. As the saying goes, "Health is Wealth" which indicates that nothing is more essential than staying well. But, in today's world, individuals have grown so reckless with their health that many people's lives have become entirely reliant on medications and diagnostic devices. Every day, a slew of new ailments emerge, some of which physicians are still working to treat. Some illnesses, such as cancer, are treatable yet decrease the patient's life expectancy. Many technical breakthroughs have been made in the medical profession to solve many of these difficulties. Many different equipment and gadgets have been developed to combat various illnesses in different ways. This paper has covered all of these achievements and inventions. This article describes how different technologies are utilised in the medical sector, how they operate, and how they have radically revolutionised the medical industry. It describes how, in the future, technology such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things will strengthen the medical sector and make it more broad and advanced than it is now. All of these technologies, together with their applications, are predicted to transform the medical sector's future and make it more successful.</p> Dr Kamala Kant Parashar Copyright (c) 22 1 1363 1369 An Overview on Homocysteine And Bone Diseases <p>This article contains brief information about Homocysteine and factors that are responsible for bone diseases and fractures due to high and low levels of Homocysteine in our body. Homocysteine is a common amino acid in our blood. A raised homocysteine level might be a hazardous factor for building up specific infections and conditions. Homocysteine isn't acquired from the diet. Instead, it is biosynthesized from methionine by means of a multi-step process. High levels of Homocysteine are related to early development of many diseases like Heart diseases and Fractures. Any changes in homocysteine level can cause many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, complication in pregnancy or it can also be responsible for fractures. Symptoms of high level of homocysteine are Pale skin, fractures, and weakness. An increased homocysteine level appears to be a strong and independent risk factor for osteoporotic fractures in older men and women. There might be a connection between raised homocysteine levels and broken bones, particularly in the older. Homocysteine levels are regularly higher in men than ladies. People with abnormal levels of homocysteine show reduced Bone mineral thickness modification in micro architecture and extended bone delicacy, it has been estimated that the assimilation of homocysteine is related with osteoporosis. Homocysteine levels may be identified with age-related osteoporotic cracks. Homocysteine works as obsessive biomarkers for bone diseases.</p> Namrata Arya Copyright (c) 22 1 1370 1378 A New Technique of Automatic Power Factor Correction <p>Efficient generation of power at present is crucial as wastage of power is a global concern. Power factor measures the power efficiency of a system and is an important feature in improving the quality of supply. The increasing use of inductive load in most of the power systems results in poor power factors. A power factor correction unit would allow the system to regain its power factor close to unity for efficient operation. By correcting the power factor reduces the power system losses, increased load carrying capabilities, improved voltages, and much more. The project aim is to build an Automatic Power Factor Control (APFC) unit which is capable to monitor the energy consumption of a system and improving the power factor automatically. The APFC device measures the reactive power consumed by a system’s inductive load balances the lagging power factor using capacitance from the capacitor bank. For the efficient use of energy, it is important to use automatic power factor correction in industries. Although there has been much research in automatic power factor correction there is huge potential for more research in this field in the future.</p> MANOJ OJHA Copyright (c) 22 1 1379 1386 Homocysteine and Its Effects in Alzheimer’s and Epilepsy <p>This report covers the basis and a brief study related to homocysteine and neurological disorders caused by homocysteine. Homocysteine is basically a type of amino acid found in the human blood. An abnormal state of homocysteine in blood causes endothelial cell damage in humans, which causes several issues in the body such as irritation in veins and atherogenesis which ultimately cause ischemic diseases. Hyperhomocysteinemia is subsequently a conceivable hazard factor for coronary supply route ailment. This report also includes the information related to various neurological disorders related to homocysteine, such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. There are various treatments and diagnosis also related to such disease caused by homocysteinemia. Stroke and Alzheimer's disease (AD) frequently occur together. Hyperhomocysteinaemia was linked to both histologically proven AD and disease progression in epidemiological investigations, and dementia in AD was linked to postmortem evidence of brain infarctions. Hyperhomocysteinemia and Alzheimer's disease may thus be connected via stroke or microvascular illness. Direct causative pathways are also possible, given the established links between B-group vitamin insufficiency and both hyperhomocysteinaemia and neurological impairment.</p> KRISHAN RAJ SINGH Copyright (c) 22 1 1387 1395 Recent Progress in Agriculture Biotechnology In The Light Of Climate Change <p>Climate change is the major concern of the 21st century and can affect many parts of the world in particular agricultural ecosystems. Tropical regions, or poor nations, are more affected than temperate ones by higher temperature variations and regime transitions. Addition, although mild warming improves crops in mid and high latitudes, even moderate warming reduces the yields in the low latitudes in the seasonally dry areas. There are so many problems that remain a difficult issue with how to avoid and fight climate change. In developing countries which are densely populated and prone to droughts, food insecurity may be particularly widespread. Total global food production capacity is anticipated to increase if the average region's temperature increases from 1 to 3°C (however it will drop with a rise in temperature), but the world's food safety is under threat from harsh weather and socioeconomic challenges. It is noteworthy that thorough national study and does not take potential adaption techniques into consideration the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's grim forecasts of low latitude agricultural production. On the other hand, the impact on food safety is important. Food safety in all four dimensions is affected (production, food commerce, food supply stability, food access, and food usage). In future study focus upon climate change will increase and exacerbate the burden for impoverished countries already struggling with severe food shortages.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1396 1402 Multifunctional Landscapes for Better Living Conditions and Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests <p>The scientific community is concerned about contemporary challenges affecting millions of people in food production and tropical forest conservation. In many parts of Asia, food insecurity is an issue owing to population and urbanisation, soil degradation, land salinization and global warming. An assessment of the literature on harvesting, forest use and landscape management for ecosystem services was carried out to see how Bangladeshi forest livelihoods and sustainability impact. A method of agricultural production that includes perennial timber species minimises land deterioration, improves local productivity and, if not all, reduces the level of degradation through interactions with trees, land, crops and livestock. The damaged territory might be recovered. It is possible. Bangladesh has a deforestation rate of 0.3% a year, which means that there will be little or no forestry in 20 years, endangering millions of lives. Will tougher forestry laws now assist to reduce deforestation and improve landscape management? In particular, agroforestry systems may supply food, nutrition, financial stability, environmental services and sustainable protection of biodiversity. In future studies agroforestry will demonstrate the requirement for the financial and institutional support of the State to become a successful self-sustaining company that integrates all such advantages instead of market orientation and evidence-based project interventions.</p> Dr Prafull Kumar Copyright (c) 22 1 1403 1409 A Review Paper on Operational Learning <p>ABSTRACT: Operational learning is about gaining deeper operational intelligence about how work actually is completed. Goal-oriented approaches are becoming increasingly popular as a means of gathering, developing, analysing, and defining software requirements. The development of a proper and comprehensive set of operational criteria, in the form of pre- and trigger-conditions that ensure the system goals is a fundamental task in these methods. Few existing techniques assist this critical activity and rely mostly on the engineer's considerable effort and skill. An operational definition offered in this paper posits learning as a multi-dimensional and multi-phase phenomenon occurring when individuals attempt to solve what they view as a problem. To model someone is learning accordingly to the definition, it suffices to characterize a particular sequence of that person's disequilibrium–equilibrium phases in terms of products of a particular mental act, the characteristics of the mental act inferred from the products, and intellectual and psychological needs that instigate or result from these phases.</p> Sh Sachin Gupta Copyright (c) 22 1 1410 1416 Control Solutions for Wind Energy Conversion Systems <p>Due to rising demand and the threat of zero carbon footprints, renewable energy techniques are gaining popularity. Wind energy has a lot of potential as a source of energy. Wind energy's rising popularity tends to produce high-quality output power in terms of grid integration. Controlling the electricity generated by wind energy necessitates the use of a suitable controller. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), grid side controller (GSC), and machine side controller (MSC) connected with wind energy conversion systems have been evaluated in a number of research papers reports (WECS). A survey on pitch angle-based control, on the other hand, has not been the only subject of any such assessments. This study examines pitch angle controllers, maximum power extraction controllers, and grid synchronization controllers in detail. As a result, this study provides a thorough examination of overall control measures for Control of wind energy conversion. The goal of this review study is to serve as a useful resource for future wind energy research.</p> Dr. Durgesh Wadhwa Copyright (c) 22 1 1417 1423 An analysis of Gucchi Mushroom <p>Mushrooms have recently emerged as the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. Gucchi Mushrooms are an edible fungus with the scientific name Morchella esculenta. It is one of the most economically important and noteworthy wild mushroom species. In India, it is the costliest vegetable in the world, costing between Rs 20000 and Rs. 30000 per kilogramme. It flourishes in a cold environment and on a steep slope. It may be found at elevations of 2500-3500 meters in a forest habitat. It is primarily found in India in the districts of Doda in Jammu and Kashmir (J&amp;K) and Kullu in Himachal Pradesh (HP). As a result, J&amp;K's production of Gucchi Mushrooms has been granted the Geographical Indications (GI) label. Due to its high price, it plays a vital role in the economy of the country. This research summarizes the introduction, function, and medical nomenclature of the Gucchi Mushroom, as well as a brief explanation of its related species. More study in this sector has a lot of promise, and we need to develop our Gucchi Mushroom production technology. In the future, the Gucchi mushroom will transform the Indian mushroom business, assisting farmers in their economic development.</p> Dr Prafull Kumar Copyright (c) 22 1 1424 1430 Advanced System for Solar Tracking <p>Solar energy is a highly effective way to boost renewable energy supply. This article discusses the design and development of a microcontroller-based Solar Panel Tracking System. Given that the author has installed solar panels to satisfy our electrical demands, sunlight is a non-conventional energy source. However, because of the earth's rotation, the solar source, i.e. the sun, does not always face the plate, resulting in less power being produced. The energy panel will face the SUN until it is present, which should be within a day. The device design is depicted in the block diagram below, which includes a light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor that supplies maximum solar power to the microcontroller through an ADC that digitizes the LDR's performance. The controller then makes a choice based on the algorithm and tilts the panel with the help of a DC Motor in the direction of the LDR's highest energy. Two relays manage the system as a DC geared motor driver, and a microcontroller controls the system as the primary processor. This project is protected by a single axis and is intended for low-power and domestic uses. Regardless of motor speed, the system can track and follow the Sunlight intensity from the hardware test to acquire maximum solar power at the output. In future, this solar tracker system may be modified by adapting new technologies like Internet of things (IOT) and can be used for home purposes.</p> MANOJ OJHA Copyright (c) 22 1 1431 1437 A Study on Bioinformatics and Its Applications <p>The genetic foundation of phenotypes has made significant progress in recent years thanks to technological developments, genomics has shifted the paradigm of biological issues on a whole genome-wide scale (genome-wide), unveiling an avalanche of data and bringing up a slew of new options. On the other hand, the massive volume of data created highlights the problems that must be solved in terms of biological data storage and processing. Bioinformatics tools aid in the comparison of genetic and genomic data and more generally in the understanding of evolutionary aspects of molecular biology. At a more integrative level, it helps analyze and catalogue the biological pathways and networks that are an important part of systems biology. Bioinformatics and computational biology have attempted to address these issues in this setting. This study explores methods, new methodologies, and technologies that might give biological significance to data collected, as well as bioinformatics and its usage in the analysis of biological data. In the future, bioinformatics can help in order to extract the accurate data associated with the genome.</p> Dr Mohd Irfan Copyright (c) 22 1 1438 1444 Study of Application of several Bio sensors in Agriculture <p>Biosensors are analytical instruments that transform biological reactions into electrical signals. They include tissue-based enzyme-based, DNA biosensors, immune sensors, piezoelectric, thermal, and biosensors, among others. Biosensors may be utilised in a number of agricultural applications, such as assessing toxins in soils and crops, detecting and diagnosing infectious illness in crops and animals, on-line monitoring of critical food process parameters, measuring animal reproduction, and screening for veterinary drugs. This study investigates biosensors, their kinds, and their applications. Agriculture and the application of biosensors in agriculture are also discussed in this article. To make cell and tissue-based biosensors, genetically engineered proteins are injected into cells ex vivo or in vivo. They enable the researcher to continually and noninvasively measure levels of hormones, medicines, or poisons using bio photonics or other physical principles. In this regard, the spectrum might be useful in the field of ageing research in the future.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1445 1452 The Brief Review on the Agriculture in the India <p>Living in the city by generating surpluses of food from home species was a major component in the evolution of sedentary human civilization. India's farming industry is through a dynamic process in the recent period of prosperity. It offers work possibilities for 65% of India's workforce. This review article provides data on agriculture, farming benefits, farming inconvenience in India and agriculture. This evaluation also includes other statistics (for example, the production of large crops this year, the distribution of holding numbers and areas established in Indian economic value by trillions in various crops worldwide), and changes there. It outlines the key disadvantages of India's agriculture industry. In India, agriculture represents 13.7% of GDP and 57% of employment. The vast bulk of the raw materials are provided by agriculture to industries including sugar, paper, textiles, handloom, food and dairy products.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1453 1460 A Study of the Indian Agriculture Crop: Wheat <p>India's largest major industries include agriculture. It is considered the backbone of the Indian economy. Agriculture represents around 18% of the country's GDP (Gross domestic product). In terms of agricultural production, India is the main maker of maize, rice pulses, spice oils and spices. Agriculture provides roughly 55% of the population with food. This article covers all specifics on indigenous agriculture, including information on wheat crops as an agricultural matter for the Indian economy, statistics on wheat output in other countries, Indian wheat production and changes in value, etc. This document also contains data concerning the export of wheat to India of agro-food items and changes in values for various years and also contains detailed data on the key export’s nations, such China, India, USA, etc. For planners and all other stakeholders, the future of agriculture is a critical concern. Government and other organizations, such as small-size farmers, primary and secondary processing, supply chain, facilities to encourage the use and marketing of productive resources, as well as eliminating market middlemen in India, are trying to address the fundamental challenges of agriculture.</p> Dr Mohd Awais Copyright (c) 22 1 1461 1468 An Overview on Production of Rice in Water Deficient Regions <p>Rice output in Asia must expand to feed the population constantly growing. Whilst a thorough assessment of the water deficit in Asian rice production continues, there are signs that the sustainability of the rice irrigated system will be threatened by deteriorating water quality and water supply. Drought is one of the primary constraints on large yields of rain-fed rice. Asia must find ways to cultivate more rice with less water, in order to ensure food safety and environmental health. This study explores the entire approach of the International Rice Research Institute to increase rice output and to reduce consumption for rice production, including genetics, breeding and coordinated resource management. The saving of water irrigation techniques such as saturated soil cultivation and alternate wetting and drying will substantially lower unproductive water drains and continue to increase water production. Additional contemporary technologies are being explored to improve water productivity without losing output. The C4 pathway in rice is included to enhance output per unit of water transpired, to improve drought resistance by utilizing genetic biotechnology and to produce 'aerobic rice' for good and safe outputs of unflooded land.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1469 1475 The Investigation of the Agriculture Growth in the India <p>Agriculture involves the preparation for human consumption and transportation to markets of animal and plant products. Wool, leather and cotton are all farm products which provide much of the world's manufacturing and foods. Agriculture is also supplied with wood for building paper and goods. These commodities might change from area to region, together with the agricultural practices used. The research examines a variety of statistics, including patterns in food consumption spending per capita in India and an annual average per capita growth rate between 1983 and 1988. Better institutionally-supported states such as Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, and Maharashtra, water supply and investment and non-farm employment have a greater average size, whereas Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra have a smaller average size. For planners and other stakeholders, the future of agriculture is a vital issue. Government and other organizations, such as small farmers, prime and secondary processes and supply chains are striving to address the major challenges faced by India's agriculture, as well as infrastructure for promoting an effective use of resources and marketing. Cost-efficient alternatives that protect the environment and conserve our natural resources must be explored.</p> Dr Mohd Awais Copyright (c) 22 1 1476 1483 An Overview on Pavement Distresses at Intersections <p>Roads are critical to the growth of any city, state, or country because they allow people to travel from one location to another. Their strategy is to cross the concrete pavements, where traffic should halt and start owing to the numerous problems that exist today. While investigating the places, it was discovered that many of the pavements had failed. Because traffic is rising fast these days, there should be a sufficient number of cash for allocations that are spent on the well-being of the roads to check if the roads are in excellent condition or have fractures, etc. Because traffic is increasing rapidly, we must take care of ourselves. For maintaining the operations there should be good amount of funds for allocations which is spend on the wellbeing of the roads to check whether the roads age is fine of not fractures etc. because nowadays traffic are increasing rapidly so this is to be taken care for ourselves. This report consider many innovations and the ideas of the techniques which is being used to check the high distress, which includes Portland cement, concrete (PCC) and white toppings and many more. In future, the author predicts to improve the holes named as pothole, fractured, disintegration of the road so that the roads will be fine to drive.</p> Khushboo Dushyant Singh Copyright (c) 22 1 1484 1491 Agricultural Science Facing Climate Change Along With the Challenges of Food Production <p>In recent decades the major concerns that the world's environment, people and economy have been affected by climate change have been considered. As a consequence of rising global food supply while managing with limited land and water resources and growing climate-change concerns, agricultural activity will confront substantial challenges in the 21st century. However, such problems provide greater ecologically, economically, and socially risk-resistant possibilities to design and maintain food and subsistence systems. In order to deal with these difficulties, it is certainly necessary to apply current interdisciplinary knowledge and various technical and institutional advancements. The shifting climate is challenging agriculture and agricultural policy-making. Agriculture must address both greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and climate change adaptation. The aim of this article is to examine some of the main results concerning several of these concerns, with a focus on climate change and to offer an overview of the major challenges faced by the world's food and farming environment in the 21st century and its impacts. Specific problems and their influence on agriculture will be the subject of future study.</p> Dr Ashok Yadav Copyright (c) 22 1 1492 1499 Green Technology Innovation Efficiency Research for the Indian High-End Manufacturing Industry <p>The study aims to solve defects in traditional techniques that do not enhance the performance of multi-outputs. Engineering is the foundation for the paradigm presented here. The performance geographical variation in the high-end manufacturing industry in India is explored and contrasted using panel data of 2010-2015 variables such as environmental policy, government subsidies and maturity of customer. In the research, the high-end manufacturing industry in India is showing low performance in green technology innovation. But a developing trend reveals that India has brought significant development in outcomes. Innovation in green technology typically has been weaker than traditional regions. Both productivity types have been characterised by a "mid-south, low west" tendency. The east is characterised by great efficiency and marked by significant differences amongst nations, which show a similar speed of development. Incentives from government and corporate size have a significant detrimental impact on the success of regional industries during industry. Environmental policy and access to minor positions are based on the conclusions of the report.</p> Dr Mohd Awais Copyright (c) 22 1 1500 1508 An Overview on Several Classification of Regression Algorithm in Machine Learning <p>The algorithms for supervised machine learning include regression algorithms and are part of the algorithm for the learning of machines. The model connections and dependencies between input and output functionality in order to predict new data values are once the main elements of the supervised learning Algorithm. This study examines the fundamental aspects of machine learning, such as machine learning idea or description, followed by an explanation of the many kinds of Machine Learning (ML), such as supervising ML, unsurprising ML and enhancing ML. This review, in conclusion, examines the usage of machine learning algorithms in various applications. This article then discusses the many types of regression algorithms used in ML. In the 21st century ML is the most promising career. They have several excellent possibilities for paid jobs. In addition, there are dramatically altering the automation industry with the possible range of machine learning. There is much promise for machine learning in India as well. Machine learning therefore has a successful life or scope in the ML area and helps to the growth of the digital world.</p> Dr Vipin Solanki Copyright (c) 22 1 1509 1517 Grey Wolf Optimization for Data Mining <p>In the last several decades, the development of innovative optimization techniques that were successfully utilized to handle such stochastic mining challenges sparked a lot of interest in data mining optimization. Data mining is the method of identifying data trends with the help of specialized systems. Many research has already demonstrated a range of data mining techniques, but none has indicated which optimization strategy delivers superior data mining results. Researchers offer the grey wolf optimization approach for data mining in this study. The flowchart and mathematical equation for the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm with training Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network are presented in this study. This study also explains why GWO is the best optimization approach for data mining jobs, using factors like as run time, Mean Square Error (MSE), and classification rate to support its claim. Hybrid algorithms, which integrate two distinct optimization techniques, can help Data mining jobs in the future.</p> Dr Umesh Sharma Copyright (c) 22 1 1518 1524 Impact of Low Calorie Diet on Health <p>With the aim to determine the impact of dieting on the long term health of an individual, a study was conducted. The study involved candidates of various age group like kids, adolesance, young adults, adults, young senior citizens, old age group. The candidates for the study belonging to various age group were selected from the clinic of a dietician. With the change in lifestyle and eating pattern, obesity is seen in almost all age group of people. To overcome the problem of obesity, various diets are followed. The diet plans include different type of food to reduce the weight of the person following the diet. Diet plan mainly includes reducing the quantity/calorie or limiting the consumption of a particular type of food. During following a particular diet plan body gets deprived from essential nutrients. Thus results in health ailments in the person following the diet plan. Current study focuses on finding the impact of following the diet plan on the health of people. Thus, opens future prospects to conduct more research on health effects after following various diets.</p> Dr. Vishal P Balaramnavar Copyright (c) 22 1 1525 1532 An Overview on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture <p>Agriculture is the most systematic word used to describe many types of feeding and other commodities by plants and domestic animals for human beings in the globe. In the field of agriculture, artificial intelligence just appeared. Inappropriate land management, illnesses and infestations of pests, the high demands of data, low productivity, and knowledge gap between farmers and technology are only a few of the problems facing the industry to boost its production. This document contains all information concerning artificial intelligence and farming. The document also includes artificial intelligence techniques, artificial intelligence robotics, artificial neural network architecture, and artificial intelligence agriculture. Factors including such demographic growth, past disasters, changes in food resources, as well as regional major food patterns can indeed be utilized for predicting and researching Artificial Intelligence. This know-how may be used to modify harvesting practices successfully and decrease crop production waste and enhance farmers' revenue.</p> Durgesh Nandan Copyright (c) 22 1 1533 1541 India's Online Banking Adoption: A Critical Analysis of Rural and Urban Scenarios <p>In India, online banking has completely changed the retail banking landscape. Banks are responding to the technological shift by launching online and mobile banking services. With the rise in internet and smartphone penetration, Internet banking is becoming more popular. However, whether this flexibility varies between banking clients in urban and rural regions is a major issue, and the goal of this research was to see whether there is a variation in patterns of Internet banking use between the two groups. The research also looks at consumer perceptions of digital banking and highlights the important variables influencing internet banking usage and uptake. The research is carried out on a selected sample of 200 consumers in Jaipur and Meerut, as well as surrounding rural regions, using a predetermined set of questions. The study's findings show that there is a disparity in internet banking use between rural and urban regions, with reasons such as language hurdles, education level, and a lack of technological expertise to blame. However, the research shows that consumers in both regions have a favourable view of online banking services, implying that banks may boost use in both areas by raising awareness and providing better service to clients.</p> Pooran Singh Copyright (c) 22 1 1542 1549 Snake Venom Antidote Using Plants: The Review <p>Death &amp; morbidity due to snake bite is due to the improper storage, usage and lack of specificity of the snake antidote. The snake venom is composed of serine proteases (SVSP), phospholipase A2 (PLA2), metallo-proteases (SVMP) &amp; L-amino acid oxidases. Snake envenomation treatments involves intravenous administration of snake anti-venoms or snake venom anti-dote which are antibodies isolated from the plasma of a large mammal like horse that had been previously immunised with non-lethal doses of snake venom. These antibodies then bind to and neutralized the snake venom. However, being foreign proteins they can cause fatal hypersensitivity reactions. In view of these disadvantages, this review has tried to show case information about the anti-snake venom activity of plants. Various phytomolecules of plants exhibit snake anti-venom properties by directly binding with the proteins present in the snake venom, inhibiting the enzymatic activity of metallo-protease, PLA. However, to make it a viable mode of treatment, pharma industry must isolate, characterize and check the efficacy of such phyto-molecules in a clinical setting.</p> Dr Mohd Irfan Copyright (c) 22 1 1550 1560 Ageratum Conyzoides Caused Toxicity in Normal Liver Cell Lines <p>Intoxicated with Ageratum conyzoides, liver damage is a common clinical development. Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been used in various traditional medicinal systems which makes it very important to evaluate the toxicity of such plants. The hepatotoxic Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) have been considered as an important therapeutic extract that can be obtained from the medicinal plant Ageratum conyzoides. In this regard butanolic extract of the flowers of this plant were evaluated for its toxicity on a panel of normal mouse &amp; human liver cell lines. Firstly, the flowers were extracted in n-Butanol for 24 h &amp; the extract was treated to the normal mouse liver cells; AML 12 cells &amp; the normal human liver cells THLE-3 cells in an amount dependent manner for 24 h. Both the normal liver cells showed a decrease in cell viability upon increase in the amount of the extract indicating that caution must be exercised while utilizing this plant for medicinal purposes.</p> Dr Mohd Irfan Copyright (c) 22 1 1561 1567 Eating Disorder in India: A Review Paper <p>In India, there has been intermittent study on eating disorders, but no attempt has been made to compile and analyse the literary landscape. As a result, the current narrative review attempts to synthesise Indian work on eating disorders, identify current trends, and identify research needs that will guide future work in the field. In October 2018, an electronic search was conducted using the Medline, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO databases to find relevant peer-reviewed English language articles using combinations of the following medical subject headings or free text terms: "eating disorders", "anorexia nervosa", "bulimia", "treatment", "epidemiology", "co-morbidity", "management", "medications", "behavioural intervention", Author names, year, the state in India the work originated in, kind of intervention (for interventional studies), comparator (if any), and key outcomes were among the details retrieved from research. Over the recent decade, there has been an increase in research focusing on eating disorders from India, although it remains an under-researched subject, as demonstrated by the scarcity of original studies. The cultural distinctions between east and west have contributed to disparities in presentation and diagnostic difficulties. As a result, there is a need for culturally appropriate diagnostic tools as well as the collection of regionally relevant epidemiological data on eating disorders from community and hospital settings.</p> RINKA JUNEJA Copyright (c) 22 1 1568 1574 A Review on Improvement of Agriculture System and Current Scenario in India <p>Following a 20-year period of neglect by foreign donors, agriculture is once again on the front lines, as food insecurity and hunger rise in tandem with rising food prices. In the next years, food supply and production in emerging nations, particularly India and smallholders, will become critical. However, this necessitates a number of challenging technological, institutional, and political challenges, such as ground markets, seed and input research, agricultural expansion, credit, rural infrastructure, customer connections, non-farm occupations in rural areas, commerce, and food price stabilization. The economic literature in this field is examined in this study. It will also focus on the role and interaction of farmers, which was a key component of the Green Revolution and the foundation for agricultural growth, as well as issues such as farmer income diversification, rural development approaches, global trade challenges, and sustainable development policies.</p> Narendra Nath Saxena Copyright (c) 22 1 1575 1581 A Study on Several Aspects of Alzheimer ’s disease <p>Alzheimer's disease is one of the most frequent types of dementia that affects nerve cells throughout the brain. Pathologically, it is caused by intracellular neurofibrillary tangles and extracellular amyloidal protein, which leads to plaque formation and obstructs nerve cell transmission, resulting in this neurodegenerative illness. Alzheimer's disease need early detection in order to get successful treatment. Because the number of Alzheimer's disease patients is increasing at an alarming rate, new technology must be used to battle the condition. This paper discusses several concepts related to Alzheimer’s disease. It discusses several risk factors in Alzheimer’s such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. It also discusses several reasons which might be the cause behind this disease. It also discusses several prevention methods for this disease. Several other important concepts have been discussed. Many studies on biomarkers, proteomics, and genomes have been done in recent years and continue to be conducted. Despite these studies, there are still a number of obstacles that must be addressed. Technology alone will not be enough to combat the disease; standardisation of procedures and approaches is critical for preserving consistency and achieving a high level of reliability.</p> Dr Kamala Kant Parashar Copyright (c) 22 1 1582 1587 An Overview on Hybrid Photovoltaic Solar Energy <p>Worldwide environmental concerns or rising energy demand, along with continuous advancements in renewable energy technology, are creating new possibilities for renewable energy usage. Solar energy is the most plentiful, unlimited, and clean renewable energy supply currently available. The amount of energy intercepted by the planet from the sun is about 1.9 1011 MW, which is several times more than the current pace of total energy use. Photovoltaic technology is one of the most effective methods for harnessing solar energy. This article examines photovoltaic technology, its capacity to generate electricity, the many light-absorbing materials now in use, as well as its environmental impact and a range of uses. The many current performance and reliability assessment methods, size and control, grid connection and distribution, and grid connection and distribution have all been addressed.</p> Dr. Arminder Kaur Copyright (c) 22 1 1588 1595 A Review on Medicinal Benefits of Turmeric <p>Turmeric is a Zingiberaceae (ginger) family herbaceous evergreen plant. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is widely used in India, China, and Southeast Asia as a spice, food preservative, and coloring agent. Turmeric powder is well recognized as one of the primary components in curry spice; it also contributes to the vivid yellow color of ballpark mustard. Turmeric has long been utilized in traditional medicine throughout the globe, in addition to its culinary applications. The primary yellow bioactive component of turmeric, curcumin (diferuloylmethane), has been demonstrated to have a broad range of biological effects. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, anticoagulant, antifertility, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antifibrotic, antivenom, antiulcer, hypotensive, and hypocholesteremia properties are only a few of them. Turmeric was a great natural antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and painkiller for ancient Ayurveda’s, and it was also often used to assist digestion, enhance intestinal flora, and cure skin irritations.</p> Dr. Vishal P Balaramnavar Copyright (c) 22 1 1596 1602 A Review on Medicinal Benefit of Green Tea <p>White, green, and black teas are all produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Tea is one of the world's most popular drinks, second only to water in terms of pleasure and health. In terms of health advantages, green tea has been shown to be superior to black tea. The polyphenols, which are responsible for green tea's antioxidant and other health advantages, are the main components of interest. Flavonoids are the most abundant polyphenols in green tea. Epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGG) are the four main flavonoids found in green tea (EGCG). The most important active ingredient is epigallocatechin gallate. The methods used to make black tea are known to reduce monometric catechin levels to a far higher degree than the less harsh conditions used to make other teas. There is a lot of evidence showing the health advantages of green tea for a range of conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, liver illness, and so on. Green tea may also help with diabetes, exercise, inflammatory bowel disease, skin problems, hair loss, weight reduction, and iron overload, among other things. The main health advantages of green tea will be reviewed in this article, with an emphasis on catechins.</p> RINKA JUNEJA Copyright (c) 22 1 1603 1609 Papaya Leaf Having Anti-Snake Venom Property: A Review <p>Traditional systems of medicines are being utilized by a large number of rural people for several ailments. Among the major cause of concern for them are the occurrences of snake bites leading to tissue injury or even death. The recommended mode of treatment for snake bites is the World Health Organization’s recommended anti-snake venom serum, commonly known as the anti-dote. The anti-dote or anti-snake venom serum though is freely available at government health care centres yet is marred by lack of specificity, inept handling and storage due to which anti-dotes which are universal for all types of snake venom and can be stored at room temperature are most required. In India, most of the venomous snakes belong to the Viperidae &amp; Elapidae families. In this paper, venom of the Flavanoids has been reported to have anti-snake venom activity due to which the leaf of papaya (Carica papya) was selected for its high flavonoid content. In the present study, the effective concentration 50 (EC50) of the Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) was determined on sheep’s plasma at 5.45 𝜇g/mL and the aqueous extract of papaya leaf was found efficient to prevent proteolysis. Next, the minimum coagulant dose (MCD) was calculated at 5.54 μg/ml for sheep’s plasma and the aqueous extract of papaya leaf was seen to delay venom induced plasma clotting. An analysis of these results indicate that papaya leaf can be used as a source of anti-snake venom.</p> Dr. Vishal P Balaramnavar Copyright (c) 22 1 1610 1618 Examining Solar Energy's Potential for Use in Water Processes <p><strong><em>Water shortages are anticipated to increase significantly as a result of an impending energy crisis brought on by the end of the oil era. Water difficulties are also anticipated to lead to increasing energy concerns, owing to the tight connection between water and energy issues. Environmental concerns, such as global warming, will almost certainly add to the pressure. In this scenario, renewable energies are rapidly increasing their contribution to the global mix, with solar energy clearly having the greatest potential, and given the worldwide coincidence that where there is water stress and/or scarcity, there is also good solar radiation levels, it seems clear that appropriate technologies must be developed to allow the use of solar energy to simulate water stress and/or scarcity. Solar desalination, solar detoxification, and solar disinfection are the three major solar energy applications for water processes described in this article.</em></strong></p> Mr. Rajkishor Singh, Mr. Anil Kumar Joshi, Mr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Jadon Copyright (c) 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 22 1 1619 1625 Implementation of ICT in Education <p><strong><em>Digital Technology and Connectivity (ICT) within such a short period of time, has been one of the main buildings new society Blocks. Most countries are now looking to recognizing ICT and perfecting core competencies and concepts in addition to reading, using ICT as part of the heart of education reading and numbering. Educational ICT implementations, be they in education management, administration, teaching, learning, measurement of curriculum results, curriculum design, counseling, distance education, testing, etc. fall into the framework of instructional computer science. Having computers or multimedia in schools became more of a fashion piece, the result becoming that its integration is often nothing more than cosmetic despite its potential for making learning liberative. It is also frequently celebrated as a magic bullet for teacher shortages. These are damaging to the child's learning. Professor and education system needs to orient and make the teacher aware of differentiate between developmentally sufficient and prejudicial use of ICT. This also needs to supply the teacher’s competence in using ICT for professional advancement on their own.</em></strong></p> Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Jain, Dr. Naveen Kumar Copyright (c) 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 22 1 1626 1632 A Review on Evolution of Plant Breeding Systems <p><strong><em>Breeding systems are important, and often neglected, aspects of the natural biology of organisms, affecting homozygosity and thus many aspects of their biology, including levels and patterns of genetic diversity and genome evolution. Among the different plant mating systems, it is useful to distinguish two types of systems: ‘sex systems’, hermaphroditic versus male/female and other situations; and the ‘mating systems’ of hermaphroditic populations, inbreeding, outcrossing or intermediate. Evolutionary changes in breeding systems occur between closely related species, and some changes occur more often than others. Understanding why such changes occur requires combined genetical and ecological approaches. I review the ideas of some of the most important theoretical models, showing how these are based on individual selection using genetic principles to ask whether alleles affecting plants’ outcrossing rates or sex morphs will spread in populations. After discussing how the conclusions are affected by some of the many relevant ecological factors, I relate these theoretical ideas to empirical data from some of the many recent breeding system studies in plant populations.</em></strong></p> Dr. Alpana Joshi, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Mr. Ayush Madan Copyright (c) 2021 2020-01-11 2020-01-11 22 1 1633 1638 Machine Learning Methods for Big Data Processing Research <p>Machine learning has been widely used and applied in a variety of fields in our lives. However, as the big data era approaches, certain traditional machine learning algorithms will be unable to meet the demands of real-time data processing for massive datasets. As a result, machine learning must reinvent itself for the age of big data. In this paper, we examine recent research on machine learning for big data processing. First, a description of big data is offered, followed by an examination of novel machine learning properties in the context of large data. Then, using machine learning approaches, we present a workable reference framework for dealing with massive data. Finally, a number of research obstacles and unanswered questions are discussed.</p> Dr. Kulvinder Singh, Ms. Nivedita Copyright (c) 2020-01-31 2020-01-31 22 1 1639 1647 A Study on Payroll Management At Heritage <p><strong><em>The sum of all financial records, including employee salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions, is known as payroll in a firm. In accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid to employees for the services they performed during a certain time period. A firm has to handle payroll for a variety of reasons. Payroll is crucial from an accounting standpoint since it is subject to laws and regulations and has a considerable influence on the net income of most firms (for example, payroll in the United States is subject to both federal and state restrictions). From an ethical business standpoint, payroll is an essential department as employees respond negatively to errors and anomalies in payroll; timely and accurate payroll payments are required to preserve a good work environment. The primary objectives of the payroll department are to ensure that all employees get timely and correct remuneration, as well as the appropriate withholdings and deductions, and that these withholdings and deductions are punctually filed. Payroll deductions, tax withholdings, and payouts are all covered under this.</em></strong></p> B Bharathi, T Md Inthiyaz, Md Riaz Khan Copyright (c) 2024 2020-01-10 2020-01-10 22 1 1648 1654 Measurement of the half-life of 95mTc and the 96Ru (n, x) 95mTc reaction cross-section induced by D–T neutron with covariance analysis <p><strong><em>Using off-line γ-ray spectroscopy in conjunction with the neutron activation approach, the half-life of 95mTc and the cross-section of the 96Ru (n, x) 95mTc reaction generated by D-T neutrons were determined. The Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics' (CAEP) K-400 neutron generator was used to create the neutron beam from the T (d, n) 4He reaction. The observed half-life of 95mTc was found to be 61.88 ± 0.22 days by the use of exponential function fitting and a thorough description of the uncertainty evaluation. This is a significant reduction in uncertainty when compared to the currently recommended value. The cross-sections of the 96Ru (n, x) 95mTc reaction at the 13.85 ± 0.2, 14.30 ± 0.2, and 14.72 ± 0.2 MeV neutron energies were measured in relation to the 93Nb (n, 2n) 92mNb monitor reaction based on the measurement of the 95mTc half-life. Covariance analysis was used to carry out a complete uncertainty propagation process taking into account the correlations between various parameters. The cross-sections were then given together with their uncertainties and correlation matrix. Next, theoretically derived values utilizing the TALYS-1.95 and EMPIRE-3.2.3 programs were used to compare the experimentally determined cross-sections with the literature data found in the EXFOR database. Current experimental results are much more accurate with detailed uncertainties and covariance information, which is essential for enhancing the quality of the nuclear database and confirming the theoretical model's dependability. </em></strong></p> N. Dattathreya, Dr. Arun balaji R, Dr. V.Balaji Copyright (c) 2020-01-10 2020-01-10 22 1 1655 1670 Image-Guided Synthesis Reveals Potent Blood-Brain Barrier Permeable Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors <p><strong><em>The blood-brain barrier (BBB) penetration of numerous histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, which are employed to investigate and treat brain illnesses, has been found to be low in recent research. The high doses required to achieve therapeutic efficacy may be explained by inadequate brain penetrance in addition to the observed low HDAC potency and selectivity. We present here the synthesis and assessment of a new class of highly potent, bloodbrain barrier permeable HDAC inhibitors for central nervous system (CNS) applications, based on an image-guided methodology that involves radiolabeling and parallel synthesis of several compounds based on the benzamide HDAC inhibitor MS-275 as a template. Rapid carbon-11 tagging and PET imaging in the baboon model were used to optimize BBB penetration. The imaging-derived data on BBB penetration from each chemical was then fed back into the design process. After analyzing 17 different compounds, it was discovered that some of them had high binding affinities and BBB permeabilities. A basic benzylic amine was a crucial component in this benzamide series that conferred BBB penetration. The compounds demonstrated an inhibitory effect of 1−100 nM on recombinant human HDAC1 and HDAC2. In the brain, three of the carbon-11 labeled aminomethyl benzamide derivatives demonstrated considerable regional binding heterogeneity (high in the thalamus and cerebellum) and high BBB penetration (</em></strong><strong><em>∼</em></strong><strong><em>0.015%ID/cc). When combined, these methods have produced a plan and a forecasting model for creating very strong and BBB-permeable HDAC inhibitors for use in the central nervous system as well as new candidate chemicals for small molecule probes and medications.</em></strong></p> Dr. P. Gopala krishna, Dr. V. Balaji, T.Vedavathi Copyright (c) 2020-01-27 2020-01-27 22 1 1671 1686 Delivering The Undeliverable: Teaching English In A University Today <p><strong><em>In UK universities, English has seen a steep fall in admissions, in the context of a general decline in humanities enrolments and changes to the school curriculum which have turned students away from the subject. This article explores what teaching English in a university means in these difficult times. It asks: what actually happens in an English class? What do students learn? And why is it so hard to make the case for English, to find a form of words in today’s educational vocabulary that will convince sceptics of its value? The subject’s declining status is part of a more general sense that technological change and the free market have answered all the key questions about what skills we need to learn and how we should live our lives. We frame the delivery of teaching in terms suggested by technology and the market – as a frictionless process with a predictable and measurable outcome. This does not sit well with the untidily human, stochastic, accretive nature of humanities teaching. And yet the skills of close reading cultivated in literary study can teach students to plot a course through contemporary life. They can help them to navigate a digitized, online, data-driven world whose meanings and values are filtered through unexamined words and unacknowledged stories.</em></strong></p> G AnasuyA, M. MD. Iqbal, G. Padmavathi Copyright (c) 2020-01-27 2020-01-27 22 1 1687 1702 High Resolution Metabolite Imaging in the Hippocampus Following Neonatal Exposure to the Environmental Toxin BMAA Using ToFSIMS <p><strong><em>It has been proposed that neurodegenerative diseases are associated with the environmental neurotoxin β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA). In a rat model, exposure to BMAA from infancy resulted in preferential absorption in the hippocampus, which led to cell death, mineralization, and astrogliosis in addition to impairments in learning and memory in maturity. Furthermore, in the adult hippocampal region's cornus ammonis 1 (CA1) region, exposure to neonates enhanced protein ubiquitination, suggesting that BMAA may cause protein aggregation. With excellent chemical selectivity and great spatial resolution, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) based imaging is a potent tool for the spatial profiling of tiny molecular weight molecules in biological tissues. This study sought to characterize the neurochemical alterations in the hippocampal regions of six-month-old rats that had received neonatal (postnatal days 9–10) BMAA treatment. Anatomical regions of interest were identified by performing multivariate data analysis of whole section ToF-SIMS images, taking into account the patterns of chemical distribution. Long-term alterations brought on by BMAA were discovered by additional examination of spectral data collected from the indicated anatomical locations, such as the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1. Phospholipid depletion in the DG and elevated amounts of protein fragments and phospholipids in the histopathologically damaged CA1 area were noted. Furthermore, in the histopathologically changed CA1, high resolution SIMS imaging showed a particular localization of potassium, protein signals, and phosphatidylcholine lipids. These results show that ToF-SIMS based imaging is a potent method for examining biochemical alterations in situ and could be a useful tool for examining brain disease caused by neurotoxins. </em></strong></p> T. Vedavathi, Dr. P. Gopala Krishna, Dr. V. Balaji Copyright (c) 2020-01-28 2020-01-28 22 1 1703 1717 Vishakha Kavita Sangrahatil Premkavitachan Chikitsak Abhyas <p>Vishakha Kavita Sangrahatil Premkavitachan Chikitsak Abhyas</p> Abhay Subhas Joshi Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1718 1724 To Examine the Perspectives of Yoga Practitioners, Coaches, and Lay People on Yoga's Prospective Inclusion as a Medal Sport in the Olympics. <p>The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word for "to join, to unite." Yoga poses have a holistic effect, bringing the body, mind, consciousness, and spirit into harmony. The main goals of "Yoga in Daily Life" are to promote physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being (Kumar, 2017). Presently, yoga is practiced in a variety of ways all over the world and is growing in popularity. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise public awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga. and already On December 11, 2014, the United Nations established the International Day of Yoga in honor of the practice's appeal to individuals from all walks of life. A record 175 member nations approved the nonbinding resolution that India sponsored, declaring June 21 to be the International Day of Yoga (Nations, 2022).</p> Bhaskar Mahadeorao Sawarkar Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1725 1729 Dalit Autobiographies:The Expression of Experiences <p>conditions surrounding it. Dalit literature is a unique entity in itself. It is the creation of specific historical period and social conditions. It rejects the mainstream literary tradition and comes forth with new literary canons of its own. With the change in life and society, it has also changed with regard to its form, content and style.</p> <p>This kind of literature is an expression of the newly awakened sensibilities of its author and so naturally, it takes quite a new form, making it difficult for the critics to apply the traditional critical canons to it.</p> <p>Dalit writers have handled almost all the traditional literary genres like poetry, novel, short stories, drama and autobiography. But while handling these genres, they have given them new dimensions as the subjects they treat of and the experiences they write about are peculiar only to the communities in which they are born. The experiences and feelings expressed in Dalit autobiographies are so unique and strange that it is very difficult for these life-stories to accept the traditional form of autobiography. That is why dalit critics like Gangadhar Pantawane prefers the word “Atmakathan” (self-narrative) to that of “Atmacharitra” (autobiography) and thus refers to the life-story of a Dalit writer. These critics have rightly pointed out that generally an autobiography is written when the author has lived most of his life and reached such a point of his life that there is a very little possibility of happening something substantial and dramatic in his life. On the contrary, Dalit self-narratives are being written at the middle or early middle-age of the author. At this point, his life is not like a pond but an over-pouring stream that flows on and on and goes on affecting his present in the context of his past and future.</p> Kuntal D. Bompilwar Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1730 1735 Business and Management in Current Era: A Review <ol> <li>Andrea Cambalikova (2020) Modern Trends in Business Management in the Light of Globalization, SHS Web of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Conferences, Globalization and its Socio-Economic&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol start="2"> <li>Borade B.L (2012) Agricultural land use Pattern of Ashti Tahsil in Beed Dist. of Maharashtra, Shodhankan International Journal, Pp41-45.</li> <li>S. Ranjitha (2016) Trends, Issues and Challenges in Management Education in India, International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education, 1(1) 269- 272.</li> <li>Gadekar Deepak J (2017) Regional Disparities of Socio- Economic Development in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra (India) , International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies 4 (5), 30-36</li> <li>Gadekar Deepak Janardhan (2016) <a href=";volume=6&amp;issue=8&amp;article=030">Regional Disparities</a> <a href=";volume=6&amp;issue=8&amp;article=030">of Agricultural Development in Ahmednagar District,</a> <a href=";volume=6&amp;issue=8&amp;article=030">MS, India,</a> International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 6(8), 389-403.</li> <li>M .E. Shejul (2020)Temporal Analysis of Human Resources Development (HRD) in Pathardi Tehsil of Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra State, India, International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(8) Pp 36-45</li> <li>Matteo Golfarelli , New Trends in Business</li> <li>H Mhaske (2009) Analysis of roads network connectivity in Ahmednagar district, International Referred Research Journal, 2(18) 26-27</li> <li>H Mhaske (2001) Land Use &amp; Economic Activity in Shirdi. Rahata Taluka, District Ahemadnagar MH, International Refereed Research Journal, Research Analysis and Evaluation, 2(18) Pp 75-76.</li> <li>Shashidhara D. and Usha Poojary (2021) Emerging Trends in Business and Management: Issues and Challenges (Volume – 2) Pp 1-341.</li> <li>Shejul M. E et al., (2020) A Geographical Study of Human Resources Development in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, vol., 6(3) Pp 86-93. <a href="">https:/</a><a href="">/ 3671 3/ epra4116</a></li> <li>Shejul Meena Eknath (2020)Level of Human Resources Development - A Conceptual and Review Exposition, International Journal for Research in Applied Science &amp; Engineering Technology. 8(3) Pp 687-691.</li> <li>Shejul Meena Eknath (2021)A Disquisition on Forest Resources in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review (IJHSSR), 1(2) 105-113.</li> <li>Sonawane V. R. et.,al.( 2020), A Geographical Study of Crop Combination in Tribal Area of Nashik District, Maharashtra, India, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(3), Pp.3915-3940.</li> <li>Soniya Sonkar (2021) Using Kendall’s Co-Efficient Index Method for Agricultural Development in Ahmednagar District, MS, India, International Journal</li> </ol> M. B. Kadam Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1736 1739 Rashtra Sant Tukdomaharaj Yanche Rashtranirmitit Yogdan <p>Rashtra Sant Tukdomaharaj Yanche Rashtranirmitit Yogdan</p> K. B. Shise Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1740 1744 The Impact of MSMEs and COVID-19– An Empirical Study <p>The study aims to make an assessment of COVID-19 on Indian economy by analysing its impact on growth, manufacturing, trade and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector, and highlights key policy measures to control the possible fallout in the economy. The impact of the pandemic across sectors and in different scenarios of complete, extended and partial lockdown, and at different levels of capacity utilization is massive on the Indian economy. India’s economy may barely manage to have a positive growth of 0.5 per cent in an optimistic scenario but also faces the possibility of a 3–7 per cent negative growth in worst case scenarios for the calendar year 2020. The impact is severe on trade, manufacturing and MSME sectors. The likely impact (deceleration) of COVID-19 from best case scenario to worst scenario are as follows: manufacturing sector may shrink from 5.5 to 20 per cent, exports from 13.7 to 20.8 per cent, imports from 17.3 to 25 per cent and MSME net value added (NVA) from 2.1 to 5.7 per cent in 2020 over previous year. The economy is heading towards a recession and the situation demands systematic, well targeted and aggressive fiscal-monetary stimulus measures.</p> Kishor S. Nawasagare Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1745 1747 Maharashtra Laghu Udhyogacha Vikas <p>Maharashtra Laghu Udhyogacha Vikas</p> P. D. Jadhav Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1748 1752 A Critical Study of Women Protagonist in Sudha Murty’s Novels <p>&nbsp;This paper focuses on Feministic approach in the novels by Sudha Murty, taking in account the complexity of life, different histories, culture and different structure of values, the women’s question, greed for money and working abroad as status symbol in Indian society. The article mirrors that Indian mentality which is fascinated by the foreign currency which is valued more than sentiments, morals and relationship. Murthy is considered to be one of the most realistic authors, for she is able to bring the true picture of psyche of the women changing with the times. Her concern for the women who are caught in the dilemma of liberty and individuality or stability and protection is understandable. Literature is a mirror of human society. Over centuries it has been more powerful medium of provoking human feelings and emotions. Sudha Murty’s novel Mahasweta and Gently falls the Bakula picturize the mental and physical agonies of the female protagonists. Mahasweta tells about the superstitious beliefs and sufferings of Anupama and later how she created a new happy life for herself. Gently falls the Bakula portrait who was trapped into a loveless and sophisticated life finally she goes beyond her dream.&nbsp; It discusses the suffering of women in society and their incarnation into a brave and strong mind to face the tribulations in India. The protagonist in her novels is ordinary woman who effectively handle extraordinary responsibilities, problems and emerge as new beings with the western education and culture.&nbsp;</p> S. S. Pachkudke Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1753 1755 Marketing of LIS Services <p>The paper defines the concept of marketing, marketing information product and services in the global era. In future day's librarians and information manages to challenge of this profession. The foundation for a great marketing plan of library and information services is to examine the mission, values and philosophy of services. Then analyze library capabilities' and research user needs to find out what work or what needs improvement. And then it is essential to use the analysis and research to establish to goals, select strategies for promotion, develop the marketing plan of action, &nbsp;implement, and evaluate how well the libraries meet their goals... marketing is not exclusively for businessmen. It is the "science of strategy," and its main objective is to make user satisfaction, so it is necessary that the librarians are welcome to act enthusiastically on marketing applications.</p> <p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>As a result of the radical changes in the last decade information revolution, globalization, marketization, privatization, and using information for development the clientele interested in information services and products has been on the increase. Till now, librarians and information managers have been happy in catering to the limited clientele of the school, college, university, research organization, government department, or public organization that has sponsored them. Increasingly, clients outside these limited groups are equally interested in information, for instance, practitioners of any profession and planners at national and organizational levels. Business and commercial organizations have become conscious of information as a resource. The information age has truly arrived.&nbsp; So far, libraries and librarians existed in islands. Whatever little networking existed was through the exchange of books and periodicals that too at the minimum level. ,But today's computer and information technology allows for, not only, a huge possibility for networking among information centers, but also for making information available to a larger clientele than the existing one. Moreover, the new technology will allow creation of never information products and services, and make them available quickly. Constraints of the print medium no longer exist.</p> Sarla P. Nimbhorkar Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1756 1760 The Changing Nature of Indian Industry: An Analysis <p>India's economy is the 12th largest economy in the world in terms of US dollar exchange rate. According to the Economic Survey-2020-21, India's real GDP will grow by 11 percent in 2021-22 and nominal GDP will grow by 15.4 percent, which will be the highest GDP growth rate since the country's independence. According to the International Monetary Fund, India's GDP is the third largest in 2021. According to the economic survey report, the economy of the country is likely to grow at the rate of eight to eight and a half percent in the coming financial year. But according to the World Bank, China's economy will be second only to India. The Chinese economy is expected to grow by eight percent in the current fiscal year and 5.1 percent in the next fiscal year. America's economy will remain third after China. The US economy is projected to grow by 5.6 percent in the current fiscal year and 3.7 percent in the next fiscal year. But still, India has not progressed as much as it should in industrialization. In the 6th Plan, the annual average growth rate of the industrial sector was 3.5%. It increased by 8.5% in the 7th plan. He remained the same in the 10th Five Year Plan. The Five Year Plan has now come to a standstill with the coming of the Niti Aayog. In the previous Economic Survey, the industrial growth rate declined to 5.2% from 7.4%. The present paper discusses the changing nature of Indian industry. Various types of secondary materials have been used for this purpose</p> Usha N. Patil Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1761 1765 Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Yanche Shakshnik Yogdaan <p>Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Yanche Shakshnik Yogdaan</p> Vitthal Ram Jiwtode Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1766 1774 Human Rights are Values of Democracy <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The rights which are incorporated in the chapter third of the constitution of India are therefore called fundamental rights. The rights are also fundamental because without the rights all round development of personality of an individual is not possible. The fundamental rights were included in the constitution because they were considered essential for the development of the personality of every individual and preserve human dignity. The writers of the constitution regarded democracy of no avail of civil liberties, like freedom of speech and religion were not recognised and protected by the state. According to them, democracy is in essence a government by opinion and therefore the means of formulating public opinion should be secured to the people of democratic nation for this purpose the constitution guaranteed to all the citizens of India. The freedom of speech and expression and various other freedoms in the form of fundamental rights.</p> V. S. Ingle Copyright (c) 2021-07-07 2021-07-07 22 1 1775 1778